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Show IIIHTKUI I'tlllllNtL Ul-iMMl. iNlhi death of Cardinal Manning, Archbiihop of Wcstmlnsler, which Is announce! In the dUpatebc, tl u ltn man Calhollo Church haa lost one of the ablest and most tnloitrloue txio. units uf Us faith In Its history. He was son of Ihu late William Mantling, M. I., merchant of Iondon, and was born at Totlorldfr, Hertfordshire, July 18, lno" He was educated at Harrow and lltlllol College, Otford, wlure he graluated It. A. In first-class honora In 1580, anJ btramo ftllow of Mtrlou College. He was for some time ouu of tho (elicit, reach! rs lu the University of Oxford, was appointed Hector of f.atliigtou and (Jratlhatn, Hussex, In 183), and Archdeacon of Chichester lu IS II. riitso prefermenta ho resigned In 151 ou Joining the Itomtn Catholic Church, In which he entered the priesthood, ami In l founded an eccleslatllcnl nongregatloti at Ita)s water, rntltlol the Oblate of HI. Charles llorromi-o. rhedrgrteof I). 1). waaconfened upon lihn at Itutiie, and theortlceof I'rovoit ol thu Catholto Arihdlocisuof Wtstmlntor, Trothon-otary Trothon-otary Apostolic, and Domesllo l'rtlslu to the 1'oic On the diath of Ills r.mtneuce Cardlml Wltemati, Moil slgnore Mannii.: becamu rch bishop of WsslmlntUr, June 8, lBOo. Dr. Manning wrote four volumes vol-umes of term ins and nthir works before 1M0; since that dato "The (Jroundaof ralth," UK; "Temporal Hovertlgmly of the l'ope," three kcturis, 18M; "Thu Lait (Ilnrlis tf the Holy Hie Orealer thvi the 1 Irtt," three lectures, 1 i'l I ; "The rtesiit CrlilaoflbeHoly Heetrsttsl by 1'ro. llncy," four Kcturis, 1801; "lhe remjioral Tower of the Vicar of Jesui Christ," 2nd edit., lSll', "riernionson Ecclesiastical Subjttti, with an Introduction Intro-duction ou the nlatlous of Kngliud to Chrltllsnlty," 1803; "The Crown In In Council on Ihu 'Lsstya and Ite-vkwa,' Ite-vkwa,' a lttttr to au Anglican Krlnd,"ISOI, "Hie Convocation and Oriwn In Council a neon J lotter to an Anglican Friend," I8'H, "The Tuniorat Mltslou of tho Holy (iliosl, or, Iteason and Itowlatlon," 1S0-5. "The Itouulon uf Uhrlttetidom; a l'as. torlal letter to the Clorgt ,' I HO I, " The Temporal Tower of the Tope and lta olltlcal Asprt," 181), "The Canton, ary ot Kt, Peter and tho UonersI Count II," ISO"; "England an I ClirlitenJoni," 1SG7, " Ireland, a Letter Let-ter to Hsrl Orey," 18t)3, 'The i:ou. im nlcal Council and the Infallblllty of thu Itotnau Tolutltli n TaNtoral Let. ler tu the Clergy," li(. I, "The Vatican Council and Its Ootlnltlonst a Tastorlal Letter," 1870, "Tetrl Trlvl-liglurn' Trlvl-liglurn' Thren Tastotlal I.sltin to thu Clergy of tho Diocese of Westmluls tcr," 1871, "Thu Tourfol 1 Hovorelgnlty of Uod,"ntcrltsuf lectures, Ie7l. Cardinal Manning was In Id lu high publlo tstteui, by i rot hi of nil thades ofololon. This regard did not rest iioii thecrtattiersand fertility of Ida brain, but thu ixcellentiualllles of his heatt. He was not onlj adlstlngulshed occlettatt, 1 ut a great phllilithropltt. Thlsuaslndltatrd by the Interest he took lu Inaugurating and assisting measures for the relief of tho poor aid distress d. On this nt count he had Itrtatlnlluenruwlth the mawea of tho Luglish teopH, who In tlnuaof trouble apjllej to him to Intervene In thilr bihatf. Ho w as nppealcd to no longer ago lu this connection thati Isst winter, win-ter, nt the tlmu of the mammoth lal-or duinonttrallous In London, with which thomlllttry InttrftreJ. A filtud Informs ut that he llttined tortdlacourte dtlltired by theCardlnal In 1ST t. On thatoccAilon he revlcttt 1 Ihu 'lollllcil and gencril situation of Kiirci, which Ihennppiariddnik and threatening. He attribute 1 the r-I r-I lextd tiindltlon to thu "aposttc) from the npostolle chunh" mi inlug, of course, tho Uomati chtirih. He asserted as-serted that hu could see no nthir result than a futuru war which, for ttteiit and destructive i duels, would icllpta any tdher conflict lu th aim lis of hill irlomtn A short time after this tin re was dlstuibtucu In llulgirla tt lilth brought aliout the autl Chrlttlau atrocities whlih lesuiud lu llussla making thu situation tin re a irelextfor goln to war with lurki) At that time It was strongl) hints J that the Toe had lucllml the llul-garlsn llul-garlsn Chrlstlaus Ion volt against the Mohammedan autht rlties, but tbtre waano j roof cf tliu alii vntloti. It ttas ulto thought at thu lime that ( ordinal Manning and nthir lloniau tcclitlaitlcal dlgiltarlis tttru uti venlint with the tttual'on, anJ tha c4 ttulrpulilln utterance according!) Tla dinaatd cardinal waa one of lhe few 1 ngllth chrgymen wholnvi renounced Trutestantlsm nud adoj id the Jtoman ( alhollo faith |