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Show Ull'OP.TAM IIIASHKS. (Iconre M. Cannon Korrcdi 1. " llilihir a Uihirr of lon'a .SAIhisa llalik, Heveral ImpnrlanlchanreahavelKien made lu the olUolal dlietlory of Zlen'a Havluita Hank and Tru.t Company. TIiohum U. Webber, who haa ao on laeiiaaaoclated with that liialltutlon ai Ciahler, haa beiliwoceededliy Heoro Jl. Cannon. Hio Utter will heitafter Hive hla pettonal attention tothorlullea of Ihla reipohilt lo cilice. Mr. Wib ler will, howevir, remiln on the directory. Let Irande Vouii.wlio haa linir been a director of the cunipany,taaucceeded b HelierJ.llraiit. 11 II. Hiheltler, theaeaietant taihlir, retlrea lo ifolnto a Ketieral loan and brokaraiju lurlneaa for hiuneir. .lon'a Having Hank li one of Iho alrouiieat financial ooooerm of Ita kind In thu Territory, riiefillowlinj Male-m-nt male at the clowof Ihe jear ISO! bvi-jovldencool llila: aEaooacai lianaaail ill.reaau I eraCI Kul eil'tla. '.V"T".".'..'" ! 1 W lijafnonaw Yerkearre-l-iadeBU ,aaa la liuelruiaeaa rraociee-eaerreiiiea- Ca.uVo ci Jj','.'.'...'.'.'.'.".'.'".'.'.7: l in al ToUl ..II,V,K1 U LUniLillBa Maek 9e,'io Hurilai , aoiouoef ro lit ilea ir li.,,. e I l l eon,,, win,, tli aul j Lall ,l. nl. oai u I eriid atua ol iliM) I Mosul laitncr'e ctaaaa oulitaedlai ft I 1 II Teial ..... t ,-? ,1-n f A epecial meetlnc of the atoekhold. era will he hcl I lu Ihe near future for theii'irpneeof Inereaaluit He number of dfrectori from nlnu to thltleeii, A preliminary ineetlna; waa hill j liter-uayatwhhh liter-uayatwhhh a inalirlty oftheatock waa reoreeented. I rancia M. Lyman, John Henry Hmllnaiid LoteotiHnow were name I aa three of the four dlreo tola. Their eldtloule doubtliaily In. Hired. I itoi-uiixri CMANurur J.0CAT10r. TheHtate Hank of Utah will on or about the Jith lint, removo from lla quartira In the Ammuaaeii block, on Mainline), to Zion'a Havlnsa Hank bulldlna:, al Hie corner ol Kail and Mouth Temple atlueta. Tho removal la uccailoned ly Iho rapid Ktowth of Iho omi'einy'a tnul- lleae. It will lake aeea!oil of tho north hair or the upiitmeut occujled by theHavlni'a bank. |