Show v v v Alleged Plead Not Guilty Daniel J J. J Atherly and James Goldie Goldic who were arrested near Stockton Utah Tuesday by federal prohibition agents pleaded not guilty to the charge of ot liquor manufacture when arraigned Wednesday before United States Commissioner Gould B. B Blakel Blake Blake- l ly Ir Bond was fixed at 1000 and ond preliminary pre pre- hearings were set for April 18 Federal agents reported that the defendants have allegedly been operating operating oper oper- a still in a dugout directly west of ot the town of Stockton They assert that Atherly and nd Goldie tapped a awater awater awater water pipe line of ot the Union Pacific to obtain the needed water supply for forthe forthe forthe the operation of the still When the thc men were apprehended the agents found a gallon still seven gallons of whisky and gallons gal gal- Ions lons of ot mash |