Show RI Your 1 Guarantee of Juices Juices' J Root F When Then at the fountain foun tam tain ask for this delicious beverage bc byname Genuine Hires RJ Root Beer r costs you no more t 4 than cheap oil flavored imitations So always ask for Root Beer not for root root beer 1 F FI I HELP e UNEMPLOYED I BUY BY YOUR CLOTHES AND SAVE TAILORS TAl I Ill LO I I I RS ie FROM 1 10 O OTO TO 15 15 on the regular I I I selling price nce or one halt I Made to Measure Meas Meas- ur ure With SUITS an Extra Pali UI u I of FREE Facts J FREE Extra pants ant s l or pants to match your you r rold old coat and j IY Test est wit with h each sul sult rait t I lers town Out erSt tree free FREE write assortment tor or custom custom- la of e BELL B E I I TAILORS TA I I 0 R S I cloth samples and sad andI SOUTH MAIN IAIN I ST ST. 1 I simplified d ssU seif-meni- n I urine charts no lit nt no pa par 0 Open pen E Evenings tn In rs V Until n 7 P P. M. M Saturdays t S a t ur d ars 9 I P. P M. M I EASTER I Excursion APRIL 16 15 I Return Limit April First Class c Per Pei Perv v Round Trip J Mile For Example Round Roun Trip from rom Salt Lake City V 4 SAN FRANCISCO S OAKLAND 1685 r STOCKTON 1670 1610 v. v SACRAMENTO SACRAl 1565 I 1 MARYSVILLE 1 t t 1565 OROVILLE 1565 WINNE WINNEMUCCA ELKO f. f i THROUGH PULLMANS AND COACHES I No Change of CarsI CarsT Cars Oars CITY TICKET TICKEr OFFICE T 24 SO 60 MAIN PHONE WAS I T WEST ESTERN RN PACIFIC FIC The tc Th Feather River Route HIGH HIGH- SCHOOL PIMPLES p M PIES PIES' BELONG High school days days bays b boys boys' ys' ys and are are days of f social contacts Pimples Pim Pim- pIes ples are embarrassing are to both They are unwelcome visitors but they need not stay Apply Icv every ry night and tell them goodbye good Social Social So So- cial popularity and clear cor complexions go hand a in hand Get Po slam at any drug store SOc Convincing ll mg t test test- e s t. t box free Write Desk 8 West St. St N. N Y Adv CAPITOL CA' CA p ITO L. L GLEANERS CLEANERS DYERS I Salt Lakes Lake's Dist Distinctive Cleaners g 10 DISCOUNT DISCOUNT CASH CASH C CARRY RY AT AT ALL OFFICES OFFICES- J 64 E E. So o. o So State Slate 18 So Main Iain Welcome Conference Visitors RENO IZE YOUIt WARDROBE WARDROBE- WHILE IN N SALT LAKE AT LAKE LAKE LAKE-AT AT OUR SPECIAL SECIAL co CONFERENCE PRICES SUPER SERVICE SPECIALS SPECIALS- MENS MEN'S SUITS Cle Cleaned ned OVERCOATS IS Super Service Blocked HAT or extra Only extra CAP x Cleaned Only v and 1 lOc sj- sj WOMEN'S W 0 M E EN N S and Silk Pressed Cleaned eluned DRESSES D R RES E S S E S starting at at- at 4 FOR SPRING DYEING SPEC SPECIALS I WOMEN'S HOUSECLEANING HOUSECLEANING- 3 V GARMENTS Up R Rug II S Specials pee I-I I 11 s- s CI Cleaned cane d by our own I Fast East colors guaranteed Sup Super r Sel vice methods MENS MEN'S SUITS 4 4 l C I TOPCOATS V Up RUGS I Garments retain original 1 RUGS 1 75 shape THROW tUGS HUGS 3 c Up p For your inexpensive g garments call Was 37 for fot THRIFT T pr prices CALLS AND DELIVERIES FREE CALL WAS AVAS AS 37 II I ii- ii f J 4 f DRESE i J For Home Horne Street Sports Vacation r q f I I I I T 1 I P i I f e Each Each I 3 ft for 1 l j 1 ft A Value Event of Outstanding I Importance 30 STALES TO CHOOSE FROM l Beautiful c colorful prints and genuine Cape puff puff sleeves or sleeveless New Silhouettes I New Waistlines 1 New Necklines Cape collars bows bows belts belts ties ruffles ruffles every smart detail is included Z C. C M. M Mt MI I. I HOUSE DRESSES DRESSES SECOND SECOND FLOOR r 00 Easter Hats flats including famous lamous If j g French replicas 1 7 r r and they loo looi as 05 costly and andas if 4 r- r ru c as u individual as their charming 17 i k 1 originals I Weve Ls a marvelous va va- I r f wJ kf J u JY l M here for you the newest new Dew iW t. t i t. t est high o crowns chic brims and iw f i summer colors colors n a variety symbolic sym sym- 1 ti i VV lt i y t I f tm 1 04 bolic boBe of Df the fashion ashl n leadership JE if 1 il our t Sh Shop p has bas alwa alwa'S held 1 M f Z w m Z CM C. C M. M I I. I Millinery 2nd 2nd Floor Q Q They They're re the tall talk of the sea season o r v a and d here nere they ate are re Untrimmed V U t n r i 1 Coats Coat's T Youve You've probably already y been on the lookout for Jor them and them and know 1 too to be common 1 lon I SQ so you'll app appreciate eC ate all J the more our big varieties varie varie t ties es alid and this loic JotO PJ price c I I 75 I For town wear i for country un r I wear for the t t t of I special special occasions occasions and for fo allI allaround all all- I around wear you'll find the tho I untrimmed light Cont I the preferred h ice Because Be I causo cause they dont don't depend on 0 fur or fussiness for tor distinction I I I I tion they lion they go to wonderful I f. f I I 1 extremes in n fine tailoring g I y I s supple lines and I lovely v fab fabrics I I II I Z a C C. M M. f. f I I. I Coats Coats Second Floor or t STORE kU T E- E I f 1 ir |