Show j BACKSEAT j DRIVING Masculine Masculine Superiority F I. I S S S t J Limit Oil Consumption I Worth Being Loathed t 1 By FRANK K BAKER Sports Edl Editor r Mrs Moody Disputes Miss Orcutts Orcutt's Contentions I Mrs Helen Wills Moody th the worlds world's greatest feminine tennis pay play er cr does not agree with Miss Maureen Or Orcutt American golfing star that tha that top flight women C can ln contend on an 4 equal footing tooting with men In sport Miss was recent recently quoted a as Informing friends in Richmond Va that Bobby Jones Is 15 the thc only man in hi the game I dont don't feel I could meet meeta a on or or equal grounds Appraised of Miss Mss statement statement state state- ment Mrs Mr Moody made plain it-plain that while her opinion was confined to the realms of tennis she felt that men players can usually defeat deleat women players of similar ranking The games are vastly different of course Tennis is a competitive game demanding strength stamina and size which men possess to a greater degree than women Golf is a matter of personal skill and perfection being being be be- being ing competitive only as each others other's scores compare or how well one player play er erean can hue to his best game when the i opponent plays plas in great form torm Rarely Is a woman abel to play r close enough to par to beat the best masculine golfers Men with their greater strength can get more dis dis- distance distance dis- dis tance from their drives and ordinarily can stand the physical strain and ment menS men men- tal tenseness better than the feminine fern femi t S nine line pl players A woman IT must t b be at t her er best best whereas a man could match her stroke for stroke without necessarily being at his peak Commendable as womans womans athletic progress has been S it jt is absurd for tor Miss Orcutt or any r t other feminine champion to contend that she can pIny playas play as well as the masculine masculine mas mas- culine champions in the same sport Mens Men's ns n's physiological makeup is more adapted to sport than True there are many great women stars who can beat the mediocre men playes playe's players play play- ers es but when but when ratings are the thc same the men will win Mrs Moodys Moody's appropriate advice to women women wo- wo men is Ss the sensible slant She said a Practice with men for they will help you But dont don't challenge their supremacy supremacy su su- su p they will beat you Auto Racers Must Economize on Fuel Many safety measures are arc being adopted for the forthcoming 50 mile classic at the Indianapolis speedway May 30 Chief among them is the limitation limO lim of gasoline tanks to 15 gallons gallons gal gal- galS galS' lons Ions the restriction on the amount of motor oil used and the requirement of an ah Inspection every time a car skids around or figures in a a minor I on the track I IRace Race track officials are determined t ato eliminate o as s many many hazards from 1 1 the fi a annual nn n classic as s possible When I Ir r a drivers could equip their ma machines with gasoline tanks as they wished they generally used 40 to 45 gallon tanks so they wouldn't have to tos s stop sop op more than once once or twice Tire defects or mechanical troubles that developed in jolting over the bumpy brick track went unnoticed and often of ten led to serious trouble These Thes de 4 it ft is felt will often otten be detected during the brief stops at the pits be be- they cause accidents Since every pilot must make these stops nobody will lose precious driving driving ing time and each driver r will therefore there ther fore be enforced to look after his own safety S 4 4 Only Six Gallons Callons of Oil to Be Permitted The cars must get along on six gallons gal gal- Ions lons of motor oil ail which officials 0 als say 1 will b be ample if there is no leakage That Will be a a safety factor actor they hold since it will it-will wIll force the drivers to have their mounts proof leak-proof thus keeping the track dry t Cars ars throwing oil il will be ordered from the spots have caused many mahy thrilling seconds to race drivers drivers p ers and spectators rs at past events These requirements plus the aid of ofa a riding mechanic for tor the third sue sue- year arc are expected to make th the big race far sr more safer than Jt it was a ago when these daredevils dare devils rode alone rode alone In ln n the mall machines ma ma- ma chines and sacrificed many precautions precautions' in Ia their efforts to o win S Detroit wrestling fans loathe Jim they loathe him so much that most of toe the customers booed the Greek lord of the pachyderms recently recently re reo re- re as he strode down the aisle at armory to Hans didn't seem to mind the much but who co could ld hate being loathed by a populace pop pop- op ula ulace that paid lor forthe the privilege leg lege o of booing him |