Show A NICE 1111 SURPRISE I J FOR DICK DR I PRICES PRICE'S BAKING POWDER I IS AS GOOD AS THE I ADS SAy SAy- GUESS ILL I'LL TRY A CAN L' L S 'S 4 id N WONT DICK BE SURPRISED E WHEN I TEU HIM I MADE x THIS DR PRICES PRICES 5 IS T BEST p BAKING BAING POWDER D ivE EVER USED 1 t y AKING with Dr Pric Prices Price's e means meaDS meaDS' BAKING sure sura results That's That why Dr Prices Price's has been beeD a D household favorite for far 80 years yens This famous baking powder can always ay b be de depended on to to give you light and delicious cakes 1 textured fine muffins muffin hi and tender flaky cults Buy acan today to day to to u J ou I bake bk at homeD home i 1 i D PRICES PRICE'S BAKING POWDER J 1 To lo Moth Mothers Mothers' rs' rs 0 4 whose child children wont wont won't eat 4 jY NATURE knows ws bit bd b st Never Niver r f L 6 2 7 coax a a. i child to Remove f I the cause o of a you youngsters youngster's poor poor J I appetite When appetite fails tongue i is is cooled coated white eyes 21 4 are area a bilious yellow dont don't give i 41 46 small children n a d constipating i g. g cathartic t drains the system Ij 4 C California fig syrup is is all the medicine medi they r require quire I. I i r The Child Child's s Appetite p a Will Always Respond nd t Spec Specialists will vill t toil tell u you yo that a 4 sluggish the appetite child h has almost s a sluggish always ys r- r ol n Correct G this cO condition 7 W c called a fand and see how quickly 3 WA 4 1 a listless drooping boy or girl rl fr 4 b begins to ca cat cat and ald and gain The Thet I t 4 only i medicine such children seem to 1 34 t y k 4 need nUd is pure una unadulterated fig g syrup r p 1 Children who get el fig and syrup now Ifo v J then soon have tim the appetite pette and energy 1 J 1 r Ai o of or ou animals They ku well keep and i- i avoid colds f. f and sluggish spells t n never rm made dedi a r for r. r children and and they all aIL love I l sor sonic some e fruity flavor of or the real California i. fig If ll I it syrup s purely vegetable l but every c druggist has with directions Begin with Wat once The very next day child t your will be eating feeling better Keep on wit with 1 Jh fig syrup a few 43 W days and I f I see amazing improvement in 1 ij tr appet appetite appetite- l j color weight md and nd ap spirits t I A single j jiW IF L k 1 f It iW Th promises made mad by l I iy of California ornia fig ig Syrup are If LW 5 and end it ii will wilt do rdo the same for you ROU 4 IF IF ii s genuine n ine w F Don u u 1 i T I ty KRAF t tA I A American Cheese has natural flavor J F COUPON I LADIES LADIE DONT DON'T MISS MIS'S THIS I I I A BEAUTIFUL 10 PIECE SET 1 I 1 I OF DEL RITA COSMETICS I t U S FREE FREE FREE-FREE FREE I I this and sad enl only Sic which h I coupon I 11 II helps Py pay express advertising ing expense and we will give you with without ut uti further cost COlt this thil beautiful set ut of or 10 lull full I i size site Rita s consisting 0 I I's I 1 of ol I 1 SI 1 1 Size sis Size Sio Astringent Face Powder ii I II j Size Siu Perfume II I I 1 Size Siz Cucumber Cream I so 50 Size Turtle Oil Cream II II 1 SI Size Liquid Cleanser I Bottle Boule Nail Polish Ij Bottle BoUIe Polish Remover Remoter Bottle Cuticle Remover RemoTer Money Rick ck I MAIL StAlL ORDERS Bottle BoUle Cuticle Oil FILLED I I 0 ADD I I Think o of or It You get this exquisite I 10 apIece sift gift t set o of lid Del Rita BitS Cosmetics for lor the small Iman s service un charge charre of or on only 1 Ste during durinE this thi I manufacturers manufacturer's Introductory offer I IF PURCHASED SED SEPARATELY WOULD COST YOU SUI s I This Thi offer may never be ho repeated repeated three three days day only 1 I i N t t or t i. i if f. f I i 1 IY J ir i- i rc- rc r Z y c S kiz Ute 11 I. A kr k r k His mother g guessed essed the tt trouble uble krei w i dA 1 MARY MARV DEAR THIS ONE ABOUT IM I'M SO GLAD BOBS BOB'S WEDDING BELLS SOON 1 DONT DON'T B BE PERSPIRATION ODOR f I Avoid 1 offending MOTHER GAVE ME ri MARY MAR I GROW IM I'M AWFULLY o OFFEN OFFENDED DED ED IN THAT HINT ILL HINT ILL I'LL ALWAYS GLAD Odor BOB Boa AND CRAZIER ABOUT Absorb Per Perspiration 1 u ii IF I ASK YOU OH OJ MRS GORDON LUX AFTER Il rA MY SOMETHING YO ou oJ EVERY VERV EVERYDAY l YOU HAVE intine This Thi Wf BEEN Protect D Daintiness TO RE AD D k EACH H WEARING DAY DAY I TELLS ME THIS LUX CARELESS THAT TAT WAY IN r IT ii- TAKES AWAY AWAY l. l YOUR MOTHERS MOTHER'S iu Lux after each ti AD EVERY vRY BIT OF TOO GLAD Lur takes away odor and the harmful harmful- i ODOR KEEPS tb that substances in perspiration G THE COLOR I- I weaken silk Keeps colors and fabrics fabric SO NICE TOO I 37 rot cr Avoid al soap cake soap e-soap rubbing 4 and ordinary soaps containing b harmful harm ful alkali Lux I Safe in water water tall in Lux f F FOR R 1 D E RJ I N |