Show S. S Du Pont Releases Earnings Report WILMINGTON Del Del July 18 13 P I- I Earnings of the E. E I. I du Pont de Nemours Nemours Ne Ne- Nc mours Co for the second quarter of 1932 according to t preliminary figures released today show 27 cents cent a share on shares of ot common stock the average number outstanding during dur du In ing the period The figure includes dividends from general Motors investment amounting amounting amount amount- ing to 23 cents a share on Du Pont common For the te half hal year ear earnings were vere a share on shares of common stock which includes dividends divi from General Motors investment investment invest invest-I ment amounting to 69 cents a share shae on Du Pont common Earnings in the corresponding periods pe PC- pe nods rods of or 1931 were 12 a share on shares for the second quarter quarter ter and I 22 a share on shares for the halt half year ear The h figures for Cor the second quarter of 1931 include dividends from rom General Motors Investment investment in In- vestment amounting to 08 68 cents cent a 8 ashare ashare share on Du Pont common and for forthe forthe forthe the half haI year include a share B Belding Ie was I announced n company g en today and al th the or of r com COrti- COrti the Silk Bik company compan The new company will willbe willbe Te be company COmpall called cAled the tho B Belding Cort el |