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Show iij Slio'd Ho It AKdilll ,111. Acliari;a of dliturblnit thercacelu v which an old woman about aerouty mR yeara of age, namel Harali Mooro, l9P tlliurednathe dereudant, wai Invrttl. mtf Kalvd by Commlia.iner Urieumau ttila & morLlng. Mm, Mooru rcaldea at tlio J ' corner of r Int and 0 Btroeuand oo I i culeaal(ixlO lot. A portion of thla J i lncludea an nrchard, In which am f I uullo a number of fruit tree, and K1. i Into Ihla, according to tier ltute J i ment, large atonri, tin cant, TtUV itnd other nbjectlonable niltlllea are KS ?s frciuenllj liutleJ. Mn. Weyer hap. i;), I em to bo the next uoor nelthbor ol ?$ ' frt, Moore, and, havlnir arrived at uir the concluilon lhai aoine oue Ihere Is i( ( re.pimiiblo for Ihla annoyance, Iho ; a . jl laltiraduyortvoalnio, kavo vent lo S ' her feollrgi by throwlni; u lUlitly 'I fi'l roilia uun Mri. Meyera1 well kept ' f CPfi lawn. Mr Meyera and other rutin Jifi beraollhe family wont out und'i ill tl Ilk; reniouitraleJ, to which tin. n;ti! I1 tj ' dame ltionJed In laiiUNtfw ., , ararcely IH for lata polilo, TTfl althousb abu now pave no tuot ! V l I lhatauyof Iho rocki hud ever tome r from nut do r. Mho hi rself lirtj novt r H awm them thrown. Thedeftndantwat H ailjudgeii guilty, and iho will come up I aaln tomorrow to know lhe( Jommls- H ilonvr'a dei.Ulou, Kho appeared lu no B i "ay to regret what aliu had done, but H weutio lir u to ta. ",!,,. j u0 i V-F |