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Show 111(1 DAJIAdi: bUlTS JB llromlit .l(,-ahn IU. i'ulou I'ar lite and II lU.lmi Union. IH l.v.ui A Uoger. haofllid ndam.ge j ailtfor $15,000 In the Firtt Dl.trlrt (.'milt r.K.lmt the Oregon Hhort Uno and Utah oi Northern Hallway lu Iho li.lne of Johu Vedemeyer, who.e a in, J 1'.. YVedimejcr, waa hlll.-l In a I'Oll.ou at l-orlnelif, Iil.ho, Hritim- term, 1601, M.'e UC,. ,,'r . parity t,r ,ll rldk, .riie C.e of Ibilitrt M. ilalrd vi. IB the Uidrrn Uninii coin), up for trial In the l'lril Diilrlrt Couit wlllilu few eeVl. The lull wn. plautid Airllollito nroM'r f.o.dtkl uamiu. alleged to ha Irrli lau.ed Ihrtugh the neglloiiro of lhe employe, ot the telegraph om-paily. om-paily. The eonulalut ill. forth tint mi March 9, U9., Ililnl wa. ,tlvlnB down Twenty.fouilbniietand whin mar Ilia Uulun faelllo freight ilii,t, lanl under a Wi.tr rn Union wire which had receullj hi en cut and nog. Ilfeutlyallnnid In nmalii uiinialieU. At I Im Ilniu Iho plalutll!'. wacoli Hood directly behw Iho weak )it tl. wir patted, one end utrlking llnlr I. the elictrlo current provm .ir n en unli tu ktiwik turn frnm the wagon. bjr nofw Ichhel. alleged I he .ii.taliud .erlou. Iljutli. tu lilt iplne aud bralu, ' |