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Show The Mo., In.llsiis. V linndreil inlloa north of the Pelrlf.l fore.t an 1 well Into the edgo of tho All-lonadesirt All-lonadesirt irw the setn strange and eldom vll-ed Pm bio cities of MoqnL Tiny nil l.avo wil lly nnpmnonnci able nun s, like Hualpl, A liua lit nud Mifh niigf ji-avi, and all are built on tbo sum imta of almost tuaccesslblo mesas Islands of sblld rmk, whoso gem rally ItrrHiiillvularclilT walls rloi high from the snrrouuding iIaIu. They are sery rcuiarkablo towtu in n iiraiu-e, sst uimjii dluy sites, with quaint ti rraced lionses of adobe, and qui-pr llttlo corrals for the nidiiials In liuokaanl angles of the clliT, and giving far outlook across the browns and ) ellon a anil tho spectral tsaks uf that wilrd plain Hut they louk not half so rimarkall as the) mc Thoiuot remote frbUiciilIXNtlounf nil the I'm l lew, tho Knit alti'Ctcil by tho Hiianlsli iiillui ncv which so wonderfully mini uer tho enormous ant of the southwest, and pmctlcally tinluucliM by tho late r Nixon lulliieucc, tbo Indians of tho Moqui towns nlalu almost entirely their wondirful custimsif Wforo the ionqnit Thtirlauguugisaru dilTrrttit fr uu thoeo of nuyutlitrcf tho l'ueUos, mid IholrmtNleof Ufothuugli tauhast) glance tho same Is In man) wa)sun llkethatof their brethren In .Sew Met i(.o. Charles V Luinmls tn int. lS'IiheloA. |