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Show Ktwt 1 in Ik t-u.monr.l Clvltllj. Woiron 1 atlilnk It to tranito thct Kew York men occupy wata in crowded enre, rUvntcd and i tbcrwi while frati Lino mcu;cfa clutch for atra)a khotild dravr the moral fiom ait Incident tlmt hnptetied In n I- iftti aveuuo Ha n few dtiyi ngu. One of there clumiy chUIa woa lumlicriny uptho mcttue wiUi twt jiAwt iigcw, ono u lulllhtaicd mull alt-ting alt-ting bylh door At NMnitwijthitmt the Uso ttoppod, ah 1 an old lady afu UUlu an nircctkuAto fire well to n fricn 1 at the fctrp, cllinlictl lit tit aat down oi polite tho middle aj,i'd paam n Uir llio latur wtvt pii-itf Idly Into the ctrnt, ulim ho felt n touih, and lud Itnly fuuu 1 hluuHlf In jiuurafcloii cl Aiihktl miriitlj Jtfiimo fruin tin nwl enured t uaenger, thouRli lic faored 1 tin with iirUhtr uonl not glance H wit eqailly jlatn that it wa her farp. an 1 tint alio ripcct.'d the middle aged man to dcpoalt It In tht box Aftrr a moment'! hesitation I e nrrate, Kropud hit way to tho forward tndol the etve. drop(d tho i lcklo IntolU rropr resUn il. An I rttuniM, tvlinclnff tnrolunt irily at tho old la 1y fcr aomo word or look of that kit. .None come bho adjusted htr fur wrap ord Pttiui-doLliTlouf of hit iretence. The bu rmnbled on up Htlh AWtme fur fcomo minutra without Incilcnt. whin the oil U ly aud leuly IcaiuhI otcr and aald, Stop tho t iro nt Tldrtj fourth BtretU" Tho mlddlo agttl man llubhed frllhtly uith irldtiit annoyance, and Ml I docUIvclyt "Jia lam, jou rompclled mo to dcjKialt jour faro a few mtfmrnti Affu, aulmulltod tho commoneht clvtJI tlen lu d Ing no. J am ncitlur thodriui nor con luctor of thla atoRe, nu 1 though I ihbul 1 Inttiotly roapoud to n courtvotu rcpeitt, you may atop title atago )her tir jou ilrativ for jouraclft undaho did Now ork Tribune |