Show HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA Slxponco Doosnt Dollovo In Tcarlns His Clothos so Discards Thorn Tho Uushbok Sprlngbok and Buffalo The desire to kill rind destroy seems 10 be Implanted In the average human ireast from early Infancy and U I one of reconnecting links between man nml rule as disciple ol Darwin will doubt leilly Inform one The toddllnR young Ier will leave lib cherished bye to mash the file on the window pane let I HIM tit on the Id rat and otherwise maul longsunerlng animal around and he It I divinely happy As he grows 10 yean ol discretion perchance tome ucklew strange gay plumagcd bird my light on the branches of a neighbor ng tree toei the average man band 11I1 lot he should frighten the beautiful beauti-ful bin drink In the beauties of natuie and go Into rhapsodies of poetic thought i On the contrary he generally sneaks away and falls all over himself In Ills haste to get a gun While scions of noble hones globe Inciters and others annually make the Cape their happy hunting ground attIre at-tIre tame time threefourths of the looting done In South Africa Is I for ommlMary only Among the small rniers around the coast where muttons is I n thing they read about and roast beer gitieratly assumes a resemblance 10 wellseasoned sole leather from the fact that mostly senile truck oxen era laughlered hunting Is I a necessity To he ni bad shot means simply roast mllel for dinner While on the subject of beef Cape Colony furnishes a cut unknown to utchers ol America and the old world viI the scnol or hump on the back ol he neck This generally urtakes l of a c011 oil flat or as the scoot Is I apt to get galled against the yoke In wet weather whereupon It ls anointed ulth that odoriferous fluid to scare oil files At daybreak every Saturday morning ipccially In the Lower Albany dlitrlci ono may see the red hlanketeil Kallirs converging along I cattle I track and piths fu rat 10 a common center I each boy with two or three knob keriiea Ills hand alto a most aworted lot of mongrels at his leels tIp 7 oclock the neighboring aims have each sent their represent alives In I the shape of white folks who ata big enough lo carry or borrow Eon line Invariable cup of black cohen I Hitiimed the scene of operations elccti and away starts the cavalcade for a dsyo sport Jacob Oomta Sue > cncc rrror ilk Co jabbering II and i grinning as only Nellie can trotting In fi f he rear two or three bottles r of villainous I villain-ous Cape Smoke and share In Ihe meat amply repaying them for beating he bush tIme balanco of the day South Africa seems to be mapped taInt or the spoiunun the face of the com twit being cut up into densely wooded Idooli miniature canyons all that the hunter has to do Is to take up a position behind bush and await ents As the guns are IHasled along the tides and terminus of the blot a hapless buck skips out ol cover to rid hlmseli from the dogs only to find a warm reception awaiting him In the ehll Itangl bang i goes a gun left barrel rifle H t t gb kf ll bullet rlsht buckshot for close quarters quar-ters This Is I very Inhospitable 1 muses the grand creature as ho clears I ten feet back to shelter only to be welcomed I wel-comed by two score of elping doin oIIJ I i igl b lf nn oor w Ith a bowl si triumph Once more he breaks cover and runs the gauntlet with hall a dozen breechloaders throw log up the dust around him amIdst a yell of poinbellc I moos the Invisible l tons lam I In the bush Hes hit no he Un1 l and away goes the beaut fid animal racing like I a whirlwind I his bUck 1 glassy hldo gleaming rl In the sun with white mane down the cenler of his back distended head thrown back until his lilll like spiral horns lay alone his neck little white tall erect Over a bush ha bounds III his mad career What n grand sight Is a buthbok ram when racing for his life I What care wo poetry of motion a tint Inc Moot and ilotructlon Is I In our liearls Me stumbles sorely wounded the dogs close In on him and with an exultant jell the nearest hunter rushes lo give him his tout diftnet With n stimp or rage he charges Ion his mortal enemy man dragging Iho dogs along will him himthe the colonial Is a man of scram He I awaits his opening and when at close quarters sends a shot home that either kills I outrightor 1 brings the animal ilowi in a heap I II With kicks and curses the dogs are beaten oIl the now pitifully bleating buck which turns its llmpli great e > es entreatln ly upon the liunte with no dIed struggles leebly as a cruel 1 knife ls drawn across Its throat I Inj1 then expires and In three minutes oh that Is led of fine of the loveliest crea lures In creation Is am many pounds ore or-e dangling from some shady tree to be picked up un the r home j reee 1 never shall IOTJCI rny first hunt We suited l out In the early morning as dctcrlbed I hadnt quite made up my mind how many boks 1 was going lo hag oil > how 1 bad my mln diet nl a lint rack made of horns and l I was gulng to furnish the rciuUlte amount or pegs Ih it day On reaching the firs klool tome of the trigger commence to disiobe much 1 lo I my astonishment I enquired of a toy w 1m I I knew could speak a hltle Knrjil unit who moos busily engaged dUesting himself of an old military red 1 coat and striped l con Iliiualioin why this thuinessr Oh Ilju replied he I dont want to tea my clothes I subsequently Icarnei from peisonil acquaintance that In the i bush there grows a very healthy shrub t fdI the nachteen belle wait a bit I liuih from lIme fait Hut when one is I moo hurry vacuole that Immediate pot 01 nu > he I wishes to push ahead the lish hook like thorns of this particular I bust gtnlly haul yuu back the thorns are 01 at moit I distressing I angles and an Impatient Im-patient nun generally gels most In extrinlily mined up I with them It wa my lui k to be in Hut fix one day when I H h Mauled by a warning blow of n pull adder whoso afternoon siesta I Inc ahrupil disturbed My pants were strung 1 diin want tIme bush particu Urlylul nevrrlhelett I took the balance of it along with me To riturn to the hunt in question the Oral Llool with lit spurt and angles proved to ul In exceptlonably dry lb I there was anytmnn In 1ol It the animas I a s bound tu ehroo Itsell as the beaters mini < ut ipi I irly norma making day liictcou mm rim then shoutings The second sec-ond mu si me better Hardly had lIre h > e i 11 place when a dog gahrr CI i I a perfcc caolue h cI nim Lo i loan lhmrmewuairuI r 11 h > tanl cvery guo wna on nbnamni I Lulk colonial e > e o my naarell comrade CluChl sJmr ef n moo buck noaklnll along In Ille rrlnlt tog hushes on tlme orher i obiot 10 ards nuisuanl In n aoud the nhnnal I woo making over the rune < u r te rnh heller with n few long hots alter him an pace makers I Uy down ori my back with the gun between my knees In the approved colonial 1111 Wted joo yard and pulled Toll 0mat t surprise buck prise at the same Initanl mo Iroppcd In the Innoceme ufmy heart drored I Imagined he WJ < m > miat rind tailed al n breakneck pace to force my way through the bush to the other wile I got through n clump ol thorny bluer aloes tafely nnd 1 then my iroulles began be-gan limo bush was to dense that in ome placet I had lo irsol I on my bands and knees for twenty or thirty yards I would must assuredly ham lust my way Jlit not been a simple case oldoun I one tide and up the other The bush wasjutt high enough lo obscure the sun and sky At the bottom ran a tmal tream with big trees growing arouml In profusion from the branches of which hung long yellow Uh green tearlly room also Interlacing crecpcn and monkey ropes llo ever I reached he I other I shIn panting only i five hun lied yards out In my calculation and proceeded to claim my gamewhere upon there teemed lo be another claimant In tho cast who In tery orclble languige consigned me lo a inly warm place for my gall The buck appeared lo have a young hand loll nf liilrlf uIun In hll 1 I slioutde jnd even with i my explosive bullet theory It I was a nulhe natlcal Impossibility to hit him In that spot from where I fired Dixon added Inult to Injury by saying that If my bullet was not already spent It wouli probably tighten the shore of Madagascar Madagas-car carMy next experience was equally dis sllirer resting Hall an hour later I sass turning over In my mind where the pleasure leI1n I lrn tramping arounc t and squiltmg down In tlcklnfeslei grosa under a broiling sun until I could Iry eggs on my face when from out tlmn < jush came a most hideous and comlca baking I animal It was a wild 1 pig If Our eye met simultaneously II I a eletatrd his snout also the bristles 01 hIs back and gave vent to a comlca tark rk half grunt n5a squeak olf surprise I jut squatted there and took In Silo sights and not until he turned tail Inlo shelter once more did I realize what I was there for He was only forty yard distant I fortunately rtUained Irom firing or else there might have been some spoiled hams two or three dog and a nigger or to to my credit In two or three ttcondi pandemon um reigned supreme When I arrive on the scene twigs were snappingplggl was squealing dogs were piling 1 o n rnbnereocrtbuey could get an opening more coming rom all directions and two excited nlggen were getting oC I I their work with their knob kerrles I hould J Imagine the pobe turned out to be U1 tender lo say the l leas of judging from the thorough mau Ing received Inf trudged 1 that t lifelong day alas ror my hit rack and got only a poor panl stricken doe and an unmerciful dialling 1 shot the poor brtto three limes Oiled her r III ol buckshot I and rlem she wen along like a wheel barrow on two legs I t oJf I finally tat on her before l the gut her quietus The above Is 1 the usual 1 way ol 1 hun Inir Cool ol the titling 1 part The bull bok and barton a buck as big as a pony with Immense curly horns are the principal game sought after The less I sportsman like but surer rfJf ceIlIng a meat supply ol Is ti sit up In the branches of tome tree on a moonlight nigh overhanging a path down which tine game comes to drink nt a old If I line can keep perfectly still and Ignore mo lferj njlug lel re qulloes 1 it Is very seldom but what you tune oIl jour gun before coming home A buck It I very keen as regards hb hearing faculties also Is I endowed wit a well developed scenting organ Wit those Initlncts he Invariably irate against the wind nnd on scenting danger dan-ger will I gland concealed and emit a I peculiar barking sound which Is quit startling In the silliness I of the night rl The spring hub nribe and daklr are he principal antelope species to be found In lcI Cape Colony tho former which is gelling qullo scarce being 00 named from the antics It performs by jumping six 1 feet In the air and othcrwls skipping about I had the privilege or watching a troop through a glass thai were being preserved on Mr Collet farm near Cradock Ihey would sin ilenly appear to be seized with a buckIng buck-Ing mania and all 1 go prancing am skipping around In atOm laughab 1 manner their tan colored little bodn with white lacings assuming all torts of contortions Tho daklr Is I small of a dusty brown color with little sharp straight sIn Ihohonllm al lt Inch horns on the males nnd Is to be Iou nil on the grassy plaltes Theie la also a herd of elephants protected pro-tected by the gomnment in the big Alicedale bush but occasionally uhe they get on the rampage they brra bounds and proceed lo pull up wire fences posts ind all by the rod and play old 1 Harry with the mealle I crop lImo 1 I farmers I rlie up In arms and 1 shoo them on nIne sly but they are tlcklls customers lo handle I I I in fact a young Digllsh otliLLT I met isI death while tr y Ing lo bag a rogue a low years ago there Ilhj A jolly thing to run across Is a Cap 0 bullalo They arc treacherous in II in extreme and when wounded will chat a mill and keep him treed for days Unlike the American species they pa tike somewhat of time swIne In I habit hate tough hide tunnountcd will lfaSl nnd ore colored by the mood they last w allow cd In It Itimposslb to shoot them In the bead from nIne front limo skull being guarded by a horny protuberance tram which IIny bullet rebounds They generally average age about 11 u pounds In weight which Icing the dritlng power of a lormidab pair I 01 horns makes them an unpleasant ant enrni in encounter The puitiett ol all I rame is the vIe mlnulito litile bluebok the smallc I buck in the world When full grown It reiclm tin dimensions of a fox terrier In height little two Inch horns the body being supported I by lour little Ienclcr legs terminating I III little black skInny miniature perfect hoofs that would l bra ly cover a live cenl piece IKOKCIK K CAKIUNTER |