Show PARDON FOR DAVIS Governor Wet Appealed to In a Petition IN ntiuii ur rnu 3UWLUI I An Appllrillon lo Hate Srntrnco or Hcalli Comuiulfl lo luiptlion utut for IUe 1 TIles who hate heal acting In be hall ul Kuoili Davit llm Ulntah county mIte murderer appealed to Governor Wet thla aturnoon to have hli Kicelltncy Intorlera lo v ties lIfe ol the ouuJimuoJ man chit 1 und lenience lo b abot al 1rovo ou Hey lemberH L The tietlllon li ilgned 1 entirely by IUIU UllE I IIUI J are ol Hall Like Clly Among them are I J U llawUni Mr Illell Jennlngt Mn W H McCornluk AlI O J Billibury Mn I I > Heuderiin Mri 1 L Wit IImi hilt N W Clayton Mri TIde Mariuall and AIr J C Uoyle thee petition ti brief and leli fotlh 1111011 I Iliat there are clrcuniitancei con necteil wllli the cue which If kuown lu your Knellencywould warrant you In commuting Iho ollluclu tile Im prlioumrnt 1 A letter of Introduction fur tin lady who lea been making the coo a for ilguatureiliilgoedby C W lleuuell Jolt t Cilne C U Joodwiti Iii fowler Alliur Drawn lllihoii Hcan lao iCatldollc J C Coukllii K I Hum and C W lluckholk In the litter III II laid We believe Illll object ob-ject It I a worthy oneand ihould receive the yrpamhy aimd support or lice olll note or Hilt Like Clly |