Show ELKilUUS SEKVICES SAlT IMKESFAKK lOSFIIKENCE TniHemlAnmisTo nfrr nci of the Hill hike plush of 7ia will cousins III the AiieuUy Hill Silt lik City on Hiturdsy Met lennbsr 111 it 1 10 i m Meetings will In 1 bola ii ullowi Hslurdiy it IV lii and 2 I i m and Htindiy alto I m up m nhrd IM n I in A goneril I itlindsnce of the Ilnt trued ind the Ifoplr ll dtllloil TIO Silks urtiulsatlons < < of Ihi Ole lIr Hsdfll Hun lay ichooli Mutual miirortnionl end Stan 1rluiry IMOOII It onsir eri rentteieI I t lo have full nd rmnil lo rriurts for Ihn six innlbs indlnzJuai Wlh 1894 rsidy orlhiconrreurr AMIU M AMKOH JDUMI K TAVIXIII tlUiuuU IKMunr rrriliiuryof Stab I Tbi Nails Ii I rsqueilsl Ic I publlih iifollowliil The Twenlynr nnoruin of HId ri I wIlt IIIHI In Um MnMixlh ward mooting oiiii on Mondiy erenlnif nisi at 8 I vlack To i4t it IIUrly Thorn That Ar rulitd will bo lIce Mr Ulwr s lOll morrow u th Tbxtfr hirtlco It glmn 1 it 11 oclock Third quorum of HflrMitlc will 101 e ltniisy enlnll nut 01 tbra Seven recent word 11100111111 hnino oolIIon tug at 1110 Y M U A llolmos bulldlni III AIIoB It Sian I slrool limo I llwpol niMlInK to orrow it I p in will milk the forlllil ponlng rr Um nil work or the ittofll urtor Mr It II ijuiy will enniluct ilo rrlwi end tin rbolr rf tire Woitmln star Irnb Isrlsn churn will atnig M 1iuli ebiH SteIn sIred ant ourlli oiilh tune In I II ItlleHr rU llncL tito Services tnlllnrrOWI 10 in holy rmmnunlonUni in Hun lay icbooli II a in morning prance IIIIIIY aol l lorinoni 8 p in irrnlnK riyor ebnral ind urmon Hilly rvlctiiiutuil |