Show HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS I Short Ilrcath Palpitation Mr 0 Vf McKlnscy poitnuitfrot Kukuino 1mlnml n bnno cxnuldlor M I linl j lxui i KMTcly I troubUil 1 with lirnrt diviso cur alnca lua Ini Iho I army nl tho close of tho lato war I astrouhlcil with lalnititlun ami ehnrtncMi 1 of limit IL 1 coulil not 5hp on my loll Ma ana had naln I aruuml my licnrt Itocntno no III tint I wn much 11111 rill anlilor I tunaUly my uttcntlaii ascjllcdtu Dr Allies Heart Cure I Orcldcd to try It Tho flrnt bottln nuilo ii ilcclilwl linpnncaitntlniiiy omlltlon Dtulll Uo huttlot hao com plctcly cured inc 0 V HcrtlNfCV 1 U KoVomo Ind Pr IIIWllHtt Oiiro I l 1 on a runltlTe ljuM nl i HiI Iliu Brut Imllla of IMIHII AlldnrtUUMllUaill 1 t tnttle rWir II vllllMtMfnl tinpfild < m nw I IT irlo tjr tLe lir Ullw MiJlcul iu Ukhart lud SolJ by all Uiuicliu tall r I onlluu A nonventlou ol tho Republlrnni ol Halt Lake county It I heuby ctlled lo meet at Ibo old federal court room Watalch building Hilt Lake Ully Utah on Thuridar September II IbO at X oclock p I in tor Ihe purtoie of nounluitlnt U2 dele t gilei lo the lltiubllcan Terrlloilal convention In be held In 1uvo Sep tember 11 1601 luriuant lo call t > f the reriltoilai 1 1 Republican J I cotnnilltieHild OOUDIY contention will conilit i > l V87 ileilri I apportioned among the va > iloua preclncli I of Hill hike county at lollowit Halt lake City Ilril pruolnct 4 Sooond preilml l Third 1 proclncf I 2l 1 onnh I irwlnci sn nnli rwlni li I IlliiKbim 11 II Iltaiant i llruou it llun I lor lr1 North 1nlnt I h Voi JiuUn I It Houlh Jordin I 3 Noiih Jnrdnn Her rlinn J I Ulverltn i Itluir Dalo II I lir i > er6 1 llrlublon it llraiiBor J far ueri il Milt trwltf huur llouo li i l Mill I 1 Creek J Muiiuuln 1 Hell A ti 1t Unluii a huntb I Cotlonwiioil 71 7i lllKOot tonwood 81 llitlaCntonwooill llmler 3i Mainly 0 Iranlte U I silver 1 1lea aut View I total I isf I 1rlmarlui for the elncllon ol dole Kalen to laU county convention will ba held under Iho direction ol Ilia chairmen ol the rarloui preolncti at 1 the uiunl placet lor holding prlmiirle onTntilay Heptfinber 4th 1601 at 1 8 oclock p I m In oaia In any precinct no plica IH iteuerally undertlood al which I prlmarloi I ibill ba rlo rJJ the chalrtnin ol luch precinct It hereby reUeted tudeilKiiitei I tome placo I and to publUli nullca llielucf lu couuuotloii wlllilhlicil lly order of Coo Diy lUrubllcin Committee VV JAJUJ Cbtlrman J Jtoiiuu M OANNUN Hecrlry i ANOTliRaD FFERENCE Bllvmn the GtnDlc 1 Cocscltclloas and Skllfnl SpzclallJl who Treats hIs PiilenU Cartfolly iad Cures Then And Hint Cltit ol U torllonate Fir Doctort urho Talte the loney ot I Iha Poor and Anllcteil I mil Illtc Nolhlnii In Iteturn tint Abnilute Injury Note the Uinertnctlltloiv I II ii Xallln I M Aniliron Ibe Fa hlon able llre nuker of MO Iiil Tblrd Mnulh Srft In her itatemer1 oIL ber CMiar 1 Ion lo liMllh by Urn hhorei ft < bnrt Sew Trrtmrnt Rive a typical rait In lliiKtrallon of the rarliblnit oiiinl to lilcli linplo nul caurrhniom tie ntiitly mlinaqiM aooMIn Iliebrail jilt BO II UFnlectnl or luUUile nl badllferenco Ivtwren Ibalruapavlllil id HiI cia ol duolon who like money IIollllho r a unlortunatM who go to Lon and give nothing In return jinn MLIIH M Nr > rOl Wbon but a child iar > Ml i Anlt n my troubla b < oorln wllh ctiifb i ctybody lallwl it l juita colI In lb < iead ror an I I kn thl I abboUKh all a limo I h n lootolnll all1 w reated byininr promli < > nt phylcliu and eiHTUlU a liolh In Ihl rn country and Canada li wa bocua my trouble a legletleil and Ullitreted lbatln > teail ol Mllilt relhr at any lime I ure UMillly rorto until 1 nacliail tba inlieiabla and rnly erloiK cnndttkm 1 w lOin wben by kind irovldince I wai Induced toE r llIt E < > la lire Hbnree A Sbore I hare Iminbuwu very forcibly I Ibe I inference between the epecillt whole ipi I < rleniT l and Ihitl ol uf drulor tut receive Iba money of tha puorand llllfttod and not only give lh m no value n lelurn but In mny caut a In my 11 own abwlulo Injury tI trmllnit them ou 11011I lIIonlh 0 ononlh nJ 0 I ear all tbe time permitting Iba dlieaia III Rrurf and enrelon Ilia vital part of ba eylein unlll Iha conlltutlou lder ruyed ami tbe poor 10111 > l lufierer M otne a total hrlcal wreck In my longoxpirlenra In the elfort to tnt titllaf fruni aulfoilnir and rnUery if tha latter cl 1 ut dmior I have met nny in my lulforluiio but ol tba 10llno10 nln Inllou n1 kllll1 1 hv kOQu hUI 1 > 101 IIhoro 0 IIhoon1 coniMiuenra of bivlnv known ihem I leou llnl Irom Iho depth I l ol ml n1 mid dMp lr to Iha atalted i < li tal ol porfnlheillh When I llr i ealle < l on JIll Nhorm A jhore and placetl my > ell under tholr ram I w i in a dMiolrlnit comllilnn Iha illoie li il proBfe e < l u rdlly i umly lfO ilia utber iloclor merit ibt I iamlrnota complete wnvketerr vital point in niyytem articledI bail a mere bronebll I roiibir ullcrod fearfully Irom thin nir Iwrlnc and ayeilitbt were liotli a raloilly l linrilwln > ireliny lomcb I r lu I a lerrlula i < uudlilunl > r ih foul nut letld and the rilruo and aavere I irlininl rwulvnl from other dnrlnr I r n n axiy o In my heed I Iht a hola I ita fiirine1 III Iba MI luiu ol my no a if IOI Iba lui ol a ten I rent plera Siiw alter a very etmrl llrne under 1 be klml i I attullun I rf lir Hiiorc V Short und Ihelr mild liiiinifnt I am illnvMl enllrulvot my Iroublo and re ored In lllocl hoaltb I II any wonder till fI lw uratofnlni llirniandoMi t irhnianliei oproni I by i 11 r bey c lnlC cure ami atold brin inllreaieil lor lured lud Injured olbly lur Ilfe7 K You Cannot Cera to Silt Lilt Vrlle fur Ihe mill Iretment Oneot Iht phylrln In rnnal clurca tuixrllf lend Ibu rnlt depurtinoul and by a eyi 011I of cloa ctirreHindenea contruli Iho i ont of Ibe cltv rtulln ai UI Ibna ntnietuthenflioo H nd tor ymp 1 Irun blank W llolnebipudiareully Irylblatreilmeiit Des Shores Shores HllfdlllllNlN Zlijn r1edlcal and Snrlcal Institnte 111 It bcronil South Street CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION EX-AMINATION FREE Frerlillle1 All 1 duiue ol Ibe ffa Kr Ei I t 1L t vita alfMiii4 lor AlJJu 1 r unceliauritlall > < n lt 1104 r 1 IJ Itarrhol 11 IlIrn1O lurouliea dee Irom or u V = 1i O 1 > t 1i 0 y o oJ OO e ft I I nox fiats o Iii r = = = Wo havo Just rocotvod tho rAil Stylo In Knox Hals rtomembor Knox II i tho Hotter took tho nix 1 hlghoftt awardo at tho Worlds Fair for S11K 1111 Hats Soft and Stiff Hate i Straw Hats and Nnppod Ii Hate If J ou aro thlnklnrf i1 of buying a Hat It will I pay you to buy tho boat Ir Hot mado Always buy I Knox Union mado world nonovvnod Halo We aro I Solo Anonts for Salt Lako City 1 = ili ON13 PHIOE J P GARDNER 141 Main Slroot SPOUTING GOOnS WE Hive Ihe Iirgtit Stock and rinest Auorlmcnt ol KUhlng Tackle U n Tennli llato Halt and Cricket huppllci Tenti llmmocki Iocktt Cut kry Sclnort Cum Rlllri Am munlllon lUcyclct and General bnnrllnr Good Rid a Copper Kim Kamblcr II you wanl the IIcl Wheel Made hem for Catalogue of SpOil In Goodi Browning Bros inn Main Ht Hull Iat a City Jllll Muihlniiton Are Ogden EWIS 90 l 7 LYE lEWIS ixB rurc u orD llrrwif aid frttt I ft < l LBUlotUr Lllt if fla t > od r 4 t > kri dtB Q ci wllh r mntviit lid ib c f t I III Ik il il04 114 ur I 1010 r 1 I r dl 10 J Wb Ujr ru CoO Co-O L IUJ DISSTOSS CELEBRATED S WS Cioaa Cut Drar Onn Mnn UnrlKht Mill Hand nap Panul leinon Irunlna Compaaa Uutchur Cook Keylioa Ulo u CIRCULAR Ilntb Solid and Cblel Inlnl Toothj 1111 lltlUMrll for felllnu tree re ell In Iwar pleolhon AI IIIII Iocl < ollholr II n1 II bDJ O M I G W PECK Flno Tailoring 51 WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET A Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Cunrantootl The Utcwl and Imeat Stock of Home 1ade and Illlporle Boons Suits ol Home I Made GooiN l Irom jx 01 n 1ainiof Home M Uile OooJj frun Is up Sacra Haarl Aca alllY f D ONIUJCTCl > by ilie Sltttri of the Holy Crow The location of the Academy l unaurnjued l for he Hh and beauty of loca lion The count uf Initrtic rI bnconuiriietalllhereoultlu I thorough mid accompliihed a o r t fc i f rduc4tlon lulull particuUn u odlrr SISTER SUPERIOR Sacred Hurl icadiay Odtn Dltb t tlt IItIUo lolnfuto Lira and Magnetism Into Business In thosu dull times It 1 It I necessary to havo a Macnut of Powerful Attraction In ordor to Draw Tndo The Magnot of Thc Siegel Clothing Co un For FOI tho tho next ne = t T T W W 0 W W E E v K K S VagRKSBy s 01 Will bo nn Immonse Cloarnnno Salo of lJfT1fT1er Suits at 750 A Suit Thosn Suit Imvo boon Solllnr for 1280 1500 I8OO and SCJOO To pur chsao without nooltiK tlioso Onrenlna U Ilko Huyinit a Tlckot In a OORUS Lottery you sot no return for your Investment The Siege Glothihg GO Gunrnntoo Honost Goods Fair Doallna and Lowost Prlcos SAIT TAKI2 OGDEX 31OTTI3 1 I GI1ZEN = 11 IHWHyil all = = = = W Ih Ivory Purolmso of ONE DOLLAR or Moro a Copy or tho Official Photographs of Tlio Mils Fair AND MIDWAY PLAISANCE NEW FALL AND WINTER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Ara nn rrlilni duly tin Chnlreit lii of lonN ever broutiht Iblelty Wa will 1lIhull Inw th UrCi and nii l lUtjnt J Aiorimtni of all tba l Votelilet of linlirlvd anil liinuilln Mmrailnrt 1 Sn prevluui em bn Jj > r bean aucb a IIHilltiii Array nl lUmltomi llurHlilliiia i f 1 Oy l onimr cum t rs lltndxima CainMiir MierUU IKIIVIK lut rl MK > nd Wuul Muiuiei H rito IHiuiiiil W Nulilniii lallor tlu bn > hlioordi Cto do l LruJr rded Alike Uiuoadwl Udell aio i > a Specials I Specials A Line nl n Innh all Wool hon M Rhlilni 1 of l liirh Ohlliiblo Urn MiililiiK 10oloaat JH wurtli Sou > d oiela lirri llooJ wall worth TOO thli eexal lo yl 1 o Onrllna of Notally Iiret duo la I Ineliva ivIJo am Ihn hanilwiu i and A Una il it Inch IIUV aolOold all nobbloil of itylw al Mo and Ml o yL I r 1 Irlcollnei gjod xtlglil vorltt EKra yd ai uoo yd Great Bargains in Boys I Great Reductions in Shoes School Suits I llfavy Drain ftbo nl leather tip Ilor IIluo n1 Whll 1111 CI counter and 1 < IIMII lw 1 3 la r 7M Fiul ror bI olu 176 l flOO Iha i me ti bix > li 1 9 tu S heel o nll I 1 J W I r f3 II iu I tlo lf I 7 IJ I IQIII LSlbor liny llroivn all Wool Ioublo IIIOloll l I sbo HIM lu II at < Kiiltrluell60 t 7 huit b1 Itij and YiHithn laug l nUSnll ouly1 JIW In llronn Check Milue eiOO at i7ij itra lliavy KldUhiiet oU IrMhir Ill ll hiuvy HII In rrlnKliMi oul a A Ilnoof linn rlult odd loll aluo iplenIM IOB lur heavy M r > MI 4 loup lo-up to U IM at tiTi bull at flIIUIH ui at tUi nun GREAT SALE OF lADIES AND CHIUDRCNS FALL WEIGHT CAPES AND JACKtTS STILL CONTINUED CON-TINUED NEVEU BCFOriB HAVE SUCH VALUES DCEN SEEN I p flaepbaeh BPO |