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Show M lilKUa'l-JNAXT LAKE. HV It tru known nil orcr Iho pout wltlilu B InU ftti hour nflcrlho tvctirrcDC. C1 HH ccn, r-oMlcra, clTilUni, mrrnnt, troop HH lanmlrcuei, otcu tlio Aiwcbdj In llio H camp down tli9 Hrer, I funr, lmw nit H aliunt It, tho cncral TcrJIct Mru that H Hiromfhamo Hint thu coloiifl nngbt H to let Mm ulT, nnl that ho mu tho .Inwt H fellow In tbo wo rM, anyway. It was n H ttngnlor thlnj that two Hitch popular H m n n Jack Inko of ilvar ol 1 lit car- H alrr&niltlio Jioulrnant colmiol of thnt H muio rogiiccut, fatnillatly kumni (b4- B hi ml lila hack) fti tho "oM inan," Imt H drnvrln hW pay unJer tho ntm an 1 tltld of Ufa tern nt Cobml Thcotloro If Urom, fthoull not ho aUo to Ktt along H together. U lloth of them wcro tvlorett by tltm ouV M cere and men nf tho rrgitui nt, ami (shall K I nay 110 W n good many of tho v. omen. BK Tl" ouo WM a rollicking ) ouni lleiiten H wit tall, hnni1aotn( talentnl Ati'l brtvo Sf to rockleMncM, jnst aa a utralry lteu Ml tenant ahonM In. T1k otlitr wMone'i HB beau Ideal of n flchl oillcvr of carnlry, B itlU n etrons, hearty man, although ho H Ititl toon much hard airlct ilnrin tho Hr var and on tho phliu, u man who now r HH hlrkfrl n daty aixl what wa moro, R norcr irmltUl any ouo clso to, n Imnl Bi vrorkoranil u JuBt, though nccrrtpfMt BB coinmandcr. In won), tho klml of n B inin the authorttlc ninally Kent tu dan- B , Rcroa posts and auch joat vm BB Aicl.t IH Ithndullcome about noma )oar lo- B foro at Vtit lofnt Lako had U- n n HH cadot at tlo Milltur ncaduny hilo HR Colonel llronn w a tho rommauder of Qflf cailtti. and tlui ( 1 Icr mm had, to mn n BB littlo Went Tolnf flanjt, "got thu iua fllBl tlnnnf th ounrtr man 'down 11iip.h BB Iiiotliirwerdn, ho had "atzed hitu up Hfif and concluded, ratlur rahl It inut bo Hl udiuittod, that L J-o w at utlt rly v, orth Bw Iph.1 except for thu pnrOMjf ruiilni tho Hf duiOMhf never ho o dt aired. Thin, it BB imit tw ndmittetl, ho ran do tojorfeo BB) tiou. It wilt not Lako'i fault, Jiowo ert B1 that they could not jt along toRtther Hh Ob, not Lako could get nlontf with any Hffll one, and ho could net eo fur llio W( of BJR him why tho colonel did not enjoy hH BrB prnuka J nit ca much m ho and appar 9B ently CMry ouo rlto did. lltu tho rob B onol did not, nnl tho result wot that IBE Lukowaitiudcrgoiiiff punishment most BB of the timo ho win a tudct at thoncad- iBss rm?p B Well, when n superior ofllcer In tbo M9 army dUliles un inferior oilier r it Is BS tiKuatly t u-y dUacrw alio for tho iufi rior BB offltcr. And it is probablo that Lako (HB suffered n koo1 deal moro than tbo com ,BB maudant. Itut ho luur complalnod and ' HB) nevtr tried to reform. KHJ Tcrhaps ho rtl'.M on entirely dlfferont Hw tactics. Ituassaldthat Lako waan ally WttW inloowitli tbo rolomls damchtcr. H BmF, was not Improktblo. Mtwtof tbocadets BL were. Indeed, Kw who had our imt wW iliss Hyacinth Unmn wcro not lu loo flBJK with htr lint sho was a (inotr girl. I HH (I'oornlrlt sho had Win a half irpbau ' HRfrt from her early girlhotHl and irha)i , nH r.ho inherited nomo of tho oUtinacy of nHgfi her futher ) htrango as it ma aeem, 9HhS sho lovid this same icapefracr Lake. IBbJ It Is moro than probablo that tbo dU BHS ropery of this fact, cout led ith hat HB ha know of tho youngster's tlnracter (or Wff thought ho Lnuw), was but added fuel IBwJt to tho firo. It was liard to tell, thoiMb, jEil for the tolouel had ulwaj s bwn hard on Bn Laki and romalntil so llo did but BWB ouo thing In trgnrd to it, Ho foiluido IkIh Lake's calling on his daughter, and ho Hinj , lasintcd that sho leao him cut Inly itflffin ulotio, Well, oeryono knows monger JM6 Km about human nature. Tbo iMer- Btagfj ferenco of tho father inercl mado tho IsnsM ?0"tr wan morn determined to mako 'JmKB lvo t tn0 daughter mid tho )ouu iflnfl lady but tho moro anxious to nielvo iBV tbatdoo. jHff I Thoyonn nontenant ma'lo nntttrs iWH RU tho worao when ho graduated and AHH received his lommisslon by voluntarily HHfli ' jUnini; tbocaalry nglmeutcif which iHH ll)acluth's fathir was the lUuteuaiit PHH I colonel. Most ounitcrs would hao iflH ht sitatid at ouch n btcp It Is no a.Tt- fffiR nblo thing to luno n snpcrUr cfllcirof 'FyVal ono'fl own regiment down on one, but it .2 waa prcclstly Lako's style. If howiro ( 3 to join another regtmeut ho min'ht tw 9 "Will cay goodhy to tho girl, and ho 1 1 hadn't the slightest iutmtlou of doiu. -I that Ho loved her honestlr, and that wan all there war- about Ho Intended to inurry her if she int ndM to marry him and, bleai her mul. sho did. Itwa Just Lako s lurk to to asafirned to n comjviQy thst was rtttloned at a Int commandsl by the father of hh aneelheart. O-whllnck he thought it, b-r-Hi-oltWrthlMlnthenower nf Ml tmreoaonlnp; cne?my Fnrbld len her father's fa-ther's hem, coiwtanlly ttwler or fa-tber's fa-tber's eye, what eould Ire oeo tf her, anyway Did he ever see her, miyv-ij? Well, he una rake, you know. And hiw put-in arrest for v. lint? Tor ft iry Knve ofTeiiae H&elnths father viosn manwhowould not liavn fConeutit of his way to do Lako an Injury In-jury On tin1 contrary. If Lake had not Always offered the ocenfiou the colonel would have left him alone. 1'vcn tho colonel recognised tho oungttvs goal ii untitle. There was thaat time In the Oeronlmo campaVn whtn lie mads nride on duty, titiareoinpantcd, t f eighty tidies through iutttllo country in em than twenty hours. And (here wae the occasion when he risked his own llfu to sae that rf a wonnded oorjiral tn the fight down in tho Hit) Bamoane talley. His generit tflldency In tho field, his vrlllliiynr to perform duty no matter how hant it was, ucroall lit his f4irr. Hut whoa there was no prions duty to perform, .when it wm ft mere matter of jiost duty or company discipline. Lake and tho colonel could never agree. He wasab vriyt. break his regulatljns and iot orders himself, and always trlng to fhfel 1 mn hi his rotnnnny f n ni jut punishment for doing the samo thing, lo bo sure, there waau't n man in hie . company who nmld not have beii trutel, when it was a matter of necessity, neces-sity, around the world If ne-n W, but dlaclpllno Is disci pi ine ftnl jioor I.ako could not (rot it Uirouph his head. Ho was pnt in nmt Uvanw. with Ms nual impudence, ho had cntrredtho irew neo of t he colonel otie tnnmlngai irt marrhed oit duty as oft,er of the day fidrr'rtllhat hohid not lnocted thounard tho preceding night In tw ten m)lnlibtnhd broad daylight Dolt It noun that every officer of tho day Is required to perform this duty during tint o hoTiro, un 1 If he does not he la, as they say In the army, "c n honor to re- ort himself for hh failure to do so. Ho m did nothing mom thin as miulred ofbltnj but ho c iffered abiht'ntly no explanation ex-planation nf hUrundut-t, ovin after he woe qtieallonM by the oulonel. Arrest meant, with the colonel, charges and a court martial. They meant moro than that. They ) neurit suro pnnUh-mtnt pnnUh-mtnt (f a severe description. And so even one on th Tt but the colond himself was sotercly trieM but who knows but that tho colond hlmstlf was a trtile son II) At Inth s lovn for Lake was the only thing that had cvtr thruatenM tho perfect per-fect lovo of father an 1 daughter In tho colotuXit small houwbold. I In ha 1 nev r apuken to her nlwut It, Ho merely gueaaed It hho had ntver toll him. When ho 1ml forbidden Ltko's calling on her ho had Informed hli daiiifhti r of tho fact, that was alt Ho did not bo llevo sho woul l tver see him again, but he did not warn her not to How serf ous it all was to her ho did not know. Bho was not the kind cf girl to inopo and cr. Indeed, sho was too proud a girl to j rot ci t. Tho tnttter had simply bV-n druj itsl by them during tho runt ru-nt lining years at tho academy an 1 Ihn fewjeiars at Atiaiho, and whither even LskohiuuM If still held on to tho oil Attachment At-tachment the colouel did not know. Ho ruppoaediiot. T)i-o things nro cosily forgottt n by mot men The tobtnel merely considered It tin-fortnuatv tin-fortnuatv that Lako had joined his regiment regi-ment an had Ut n awUnetl to his ioat He nover dnnined that Lako had had pii) t Mn to do with getting tin ro nnl that the cause was Hyacinth an 1 Lake's hnforgotteii lovofor Ler. Tho colonel jiresumiHl that tho yonng pooj lo had If-ten If-ten met lu tho small society of the puat. Never ha I they mot hi hli iVrmio though, for lako alwa)s cure fully nvoidetl tho coliuel. It was n cut bo tween tlum. Of course tho onngtir was too high strung to l refuneil ad-1 mlttauro to n man's hottso and still keep I tip a leaking nctjt. 'ntaticowlth that I man, fen tRongh ho were his commanding com-manding officer. Thero wero thoso in I tho regiment who said that If Lako woull effer thootp)rtuiiIty tboroUmel wonldboglvl toreuowtbeomleablere-htious toreuowtbeomleablere-htious that ha I oneo cxIstMUtween them, alwa)i, hov ever, with the understanding under-standing that Lako was to consider his rtitt for HyaUuth's bund n thing of tho past, AN hen tbo matter was Iroaehod to. Lake hegao Abnortof disgust aud refused to irply. On tho morning of tbo arrest Miss Hyacinth Hy-acinth had a v Ul tor of a clasashodul not often mett. Ho lamo to tho burk door nud naked permlasion to sco In r In thokitcheu. It was Btrgeant Connor, of Lakos troop. Ho wus ono of tho braent and best noncommissioned oflb cers in tho regiment and was ono of Lake's ppeclat favorites. He was a jonng Iridiman, nud liko aim out nil Jrlthinen a splen 11 1 soldier Irt the field and a hard one tohandle in tho garrison. Lako had pulled him out of tbo firo many nud liany a time. Ho hod leu Fergeantof tho guard tho prelousdij imlhad just had tlmo to mareh off, ns they say when the old guard is Telle Te-lle ed by tire new guard, got o tr to his barrtcks, chaiigo his clothe an I fix hlmstlf up n Ut. HowaltM nt tho door of thoMtrhcu for Miss Hjaclntb toap-Har, toap-Har, bhe knew nt once that something was wrung when notllletl of herttutiMuil vhltor. Thnt It was foim, thing aUuit Lako she ill I not doubt bho trlod to 1ocalmliouM.r. It dens not do to let tbo men know too much about the prl-atealfilrsof prl-atealfilrsof tbo fa mil led of tbo otll-rers otll-rers Iheynatully kuow It nil, how-ter, how-ter, so it might mo a good dealo trouble to notify thorn ut oiutt. "Yon with tu si mor" said lljaclutli, trvlug (o look tint one ernod "Vis, mias," nnswtrtxl tho joung sergeant, ser-geant, ltKklug paitifnlly itnbarrusacd. i ' liut It U j em aro bereaut Connor, 1 1 think." I ' Yes, nils an 1 U's about Lloutcnant Lake." Uhe Unshed sho couldn't help it bite wanted to reproach tho man for hid Intrnalon, bat she iuuM not. It was an tItir of Lake's." He watrdubl tn I tremtdo ukhui, una site must Know what I tbo trouble was ,,Vell,'8ho tontlnuM, "what U tho matter) Ilemi n tittlo btratuo tome t tbtt joushonlicomd to s o mo alntit an attair of l.lni i nt Lak I "Itum Ik m i I thou ht )onlor4 i hiia," said tho hot blooded jounj Irish man, tumble to nppree late tho gin at it mpl at lit ( ti rti bho did ni t answer, and ho was almt totunoawnr, angry tn ennu-st, when she nld almost under her brwvtbi "ttliatlsit, Mrictimtr "He's In arrest, tals.1 "In ttrmtr she repeated. "What fort And who imt him In arreslf "Tim cnlotel, in las, put hi in tn arrest this morning. Ho didn't Inspect the guard lust night, nnl It was all iny !' fault, luls ah 1 1 want to help hint nut, anl the only wny I coulddoit wm tc como and givo you this ntid ask ou tc ren I it an 1 get the colmiol to read It. 1 know It was all ry fault, mlt, and I I supimwd vein would docverythlnjf you coul 1 for Lieutenant Lake. Most of n. would." He handed her n paper nn which were written n fw words tu ihHl Hhe rtcognlzol the sergeant's handwriting ami sho rend it i in mediately. There was a Uttlo tear In her eyo when she looked tip to thank the tergmut, Imt ho had gone. No cno has a filter appreciation appre-ciation o. delicacy than r.n Irish ser getnt. The colonel knew that the Lake affair had rent-he 1 bis daughter's ears tho moment mo-ment he tntrml tho houso that afier noon He knew her fe mptramect Aery well, and he did not expect. that she i wonid say anything about It. Bho whs a ery brate little girl, and sho had never protested or complained against nntblnghe hid ever done. However, ho, knew that nho had been, crying and ' her ir ulenee ou tho subject, omu . tomed us he ros to her nature and lir I wnjs, made htm nil the moro ttiirnavr llohnd already como to tho coiiclushm that Hyacinth hnl givin Lake tip for cicr Ho km w now tint he was wronj Dinmr piissol liiafleuco. Tlie enhmol j grew moro uncomft rtnble vvery in inent. U done nothing but hi dut in It nil He hail done nothing but his duty when ho ted I Lako to rse calling at his h rase. Lake was n j oung scapegrace nu I woul I ooxiimt or later Cut inUi M-rlons tremble 1 1- wus no man lo innko hh daughter huppy an hrr lMiid. An l)i tho wnafurxeilto a Imlt that there was something nWit Lake that ho himself was coinpilled to admire. ad-mire. And he know that while Lake eoiiietliiiw falhsl In his duty na u soUhr he had nut crboen, known to full in his duty as n man. After supper the colnnel tried to read liW latest lCatuas City pl- r 1 lo foun I I tlmtltwru utterly uninteresting. He tried to tnjoy his neultig cigar. Tho brand had and lenly U-come n worthb a one Ho wirhel that some of tin oOir r would call nil him. It etemid strtnge i that none of them till. Ho wond rod if they wero nil nrottnl at Lieu ti tun t Lake's quart rs trj leg to thcer tin that jonngman, if Indital honewb'diV. His daughter was in tho rtnim. He tnniel to her ulmt iotulantIy npd nkM In r wh) alio wu so alli.t bho roeu fr tin h r seat and wetit to him. Thero is bnl , onothlugadaiubter dttm to father wlin nhe waiita to get him to do some thing for her. Hho put 1 er nrma nrorn 1 his neck and kisaes him. This w as what sho did. i "I was juU going to riy something, i pniu. Iwnnt)oit to rend this." BtiO lid I lefore him n paper 0 o same that had been glviit her by Hergeant Connor. Tlio cedetiifl wiped his c)Ckustt and 1 reid tho follow lugi 1 It I All my fault tbst bUxitenant UkdUlnt tni-e 1 1 limaM latt nliibt 1 am aure It a. 1 la lias kclHd lit out Utura, an 1 1 am aura It I a to ahk.ll luu aualD tbat k statd away f ruci tba truant 1 kd heo drlnkltib.au tka ILlitwtbatl was under tbo lutlurur of Ueitwr lrit 1 marc) Men loclinrTM. I aa drinklntf all day tun. Uv knew that If lie Infptrtcd lb Luantbavroull baivt'i iit mo Innrrvitand . tiiirl martial me rbatoullm mdUrn'ml ' andrltn for mr, while It ka ddu'tln te t tba eriiar I tba tunUhmtnt woul 1 bo n fc 1 deal lltfkler for klm 1 frI aura that tula nea lb ruun k ill lnt lrrct tbi suar 1 f r my seulliivloQ Nu Hold mo that tiawaa at aka anlwalrhtnittbe cuant from 1 1 window all Htflit I watt to stand tbe i inld m it my. sslf. an U w ai t to j nt I J ul imnt 1 . rkjkt vt ltd tk rot invk Jaum Iukxoii, frcwaat Tnp K, tk Unnd bisUs Cav- , sirr. And Krgeant Connor carded his ' iioltit, nlthough ho was not punUl t J htmaelf (It was sat 1 about Ike inut that Bcrgeaut Connor pnnlsi'd all sort of reforms), and singularly enough n great change ttNilc l laco in tho colon I nt tho tuiuo time and tcit ft greater erne in Lieutenant Lake himself, for it wss not mi hour utter his release from arrvat that Lieutenant Lako was making n long call nn tho colmiol The w ifo of tho post adjutant h in nod to bo pawing , Iho colout. s quarters ni tho two men j w era com ersing on tho plizm at tho nl of tbo cnll,niid showai ianttlie, sbonfttrward said, that sho heirdtho following frigment of Lomirsatloubtt twciuthemi llio Colonel Well, my boy, on ltftie waited a longtime', nnl I fupMMothat 30urwila aud Hjadulh's should lw reapectM in tho matter. Wo will set tbo wedding for month after next Tho Lientmiiit Thank on, colonel TJio Colonel And now tbat I haw learned to liko 0U,my lj,)ouin jour turn must learn to liko mo. The Lieutenant Ihao alunjs liked 5ou, fir, Yuu nro tho father of tbo girl love, and tbo characteristics I lure In her mint nisei exlt in ) ou. Winthtvp Hall lu I'rnk Ltvllo's. |