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Show AHrolIMIlMJ imuitrs. Mr. Bcott A.ilimwd.s delivered a temeranco lecture at Fort Douglaa last night, In the courae of which he I resented to hla audleuco the following astonishing calculstlone. Wo hu not tested them lu detail for the rur-poae rur-poae of ascertaining wbother they are correct, but assume them to be ao, aa Mr. Anderson Is an expert in that linn. These figures not only convey a le-em lu temperance. I ut alao one In social and tlomrrtlc eftuiiomy, "The lon. John 1' St. John, aa a that l,6l)7,i)0",(,il l aont for Inloxlratliig drjnka lu tho United Mates uverr year 1 understand that these ilguros aro ob t-Juo.t from otllolal eourcos aud perfiictly reliable. " 1 he attiu Is ao vast that t cry tew e cu begin lo reallto what tt menua. "Inalllerdollara It ymiuII uolgh I 000 tons, "111 Kill dollars It eiouldwolgh .,400 tons. "If It ore In silver dullara an I placed one on Iho other, ullowlog nloo to au Inch, It woull rtaih ovur .'.TOU mllra In heiiilith, or laid llat If woul 1 go i curly tie Ice around the wort 1 "If It were lu llidolUr -.old pieces and a limn u cro Instructed lo thug one at atlmooiuor a wlnltvr or tlwr ciurj accotij, for ton hours a da ll wimiI 1 take him -ti'caraaud Hie in iiillia to throw them nil out, "If nuexpirtat counting money, ha 1 It hi dolhtr, mid coul 1 count four eler-stHKjiid eler-stHKjiid for leu h iura u day, It w oul I take 81)1 iru.iiooiiillclotheU'k 1 I lie united lopulAtlon nf Hie aeven Western slates, t'alirurnls, u It Ors itjii, Washington, Colundo, Muntinauml Mahu, antlliroa Tcrrllorlsa, tjtnh, Arl aonaaud Sow Moaleo, Is ltHOuo Al Imlng llvu iraoiia to a fiiuillv, lime would amount lo a htlte uvr oTiO,tnio rauilllua. Undo Haul's drink bit miiiiM glioloeauhor lhc-t rrtinllles 9-lne tu bu a I. lm lot and -,lu tu t ulld a Imu I nine toil iro and haor iiutliing uennil but all thla Is await niiliuil t "Ihereuro uuoul ttwuty uullloui u men In the I nil. Males. Iho m mo. waaled In dr nk ill 1 buv each ol thi ul a suit if clothes misting ,andrglvo every one ofhem a witih and chain costing tM bealdoe ' If the sum were In nlokels and lolnxl Oilgo lo edge, It would make a chain that. would reach front the earth l live moon, an I hack again, or 4M,om miles. "IM us suppose Itto be Hi flour rttly pounds lo the aacrc and coating 61 In a evk Thla would ball I wall six feat high and two r-wt thick, reaching fmoi lMidontHn rranclcoand back oter 11,(11)0 mile "Irihls flour were baked Into bread It woul I furnish jno one und loaves lo every r4mllr in the Uiiluii or enuugli to foed It-.' nation Tor nearly four months .Iboynsr "All this money la walled In 1I0,"9T ant mii II wo allow eight p ermine lo a aalnon, tli't nil ea u nearly It IJUO.IKKI r aona M ho earn tmtlilng, but feed nnd fatten on tho earnings' of their foolish customi rs. If thens saloons were placed side b ableallowing ten jarda to each, the would line a strn I on lieth si tea over "CO Utiles long, rapal le of reuebiug frutil Denver to Halt Uko city." |