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Show 'in PARLIAMENT. Ulitne'a 'f cli Agolrtil llo (lourn. mint. Homo Itule for Ireland. MANY IMPORTANT TOPICS CIS-CUSSlD CIS-CUSSlD Ililfoor Ikpllci.-M bt Hie Hon rnratnt ""ant "" Ktbrt Itnlgnlin. Bf -ritMrira letn.Mawl. TUB lOITIIT IlElllt. All.Velelr. llt.xll.li arllauitB ll.tullte lo Heme llule. CollXII, Aug U III lb" UollMIOt Couiinuii. touuy Hie fltit mutter taken "lu.ciiof 1'giu, lh Invlncl. bie. eentcuced to Imprisonment under the crlluta act. TLu home iBcretuiy nil bo would nut bold out Inn, ealoi U.ao'loline very aeon. ..owlher l'ntllaiueiilary aecrelary of Hi. ioiti.iii i li anuounced that the lliltl.h fait Afruaii company Hal In itruotcdilaoniiiralo liav. Uganda by Aufcuit.tUt. ULAIWTONb NuW I MAN Mi ecli ug-ilhet lit. government. JIcmHUihI ti. government IcnJtra hai derailed from nil reoiucutelu nut rnKiiinu whuu lliu verJIct of the eouutry WMUgjIiist them, lh" Houie bed now mot, b t what lorf riiu (lurin'aeriecii hid told Ibinniollilug. Wai the lloum of Coinoious lo IJ,lii the tMiilM uf Hie U1 alx year, over hilbt Nuver hid greet li.unaiiu-uitnd li.unaiiu-uitnd to the country been ally die cuMudaelhela.l.eUecidid at tin last general iltitlon. Continuing, Mladatono talil Hint (Joicluii'i remark tlmt homo role must la tairktlout ly lliolrlih trujutit) It curled out at nil, win no wlui, ai alio majority lu llm Houiu waa no mow Iri.ul.iin rtcttc. arWiuli. rlueli u auumcntatrueik al tlio rootot tlio oin- Million f tin- I luxiltiin. Tim Con. trivallTiaaaHtin their imhraiir!'' Llbarala that uaroo rule a not niwa) a a ironilunl vrttict ot lh lola, (bown lu tho nuiury ni nwiint l be i tumlueut niiJ turn loru an enil to the tonr-iiuent. 1I aal I Iho loarclon t.111 oJOlit not to U rrUlurJ on tlio latulo book loaKir thiin miulrel by HilUmsutiiry uj:. Ulaitatuiw trca. ItaJ tho iiiit uoviTuravuiwr.li an ATft.lon to a lltuioaal Uvbt. lid Bit! inovtlcuV' I'- "u,,t "u ,"rnu ""hl Uuu tho tutiiri', but ll waa not oowlblo lur Iho I.ILrol Kov.cium.nt to ) xtiatuiauuriii thoywoull aubmltlo rarllanioni alx montha huaio. lureartl tothoBiiKfilti-1 lolillnnol a aoasluii In .stmaiur, ho aiU any lomiiui-ut I.Idl- that uiiirau would iU)w:ilnaJiiunlo nmi'( tho ruig-lilljJoal.U ruig-lilljJoal.U Variety orauhltca It In la dual with. Irilnnt lor ra hria (mu In tho forefront of tho battle mil Hill hoi l that iHiUllotu Tlio .rind-Ilia .rind-Ilia of UlaOatouo lionm rulo I III aro well known. )ly II. (rovlilona thoro woulU he a lull mul lUcitu&l main talnuute of Imiierhl aupreuiacy, w hlto lrvlanU wouM bo Klvoil the couJilct of her own allalra. lrlili rtireuiitatlou IliitheComuioha la ulao ojntcini latmt uinler certain lonillUoiia Aa to tho form In which Iho rlnclplea woulj bo erutioJIeil Itvtiutliouuty of the lilb-rrala lilb-rrala to aelecl the Iwat, tut not until tliey InJ t een nhictd lu iowit. J or a.Ttnjiaiithe bill rocehol hla llrat aud absorblni; nttuntlon ami wouU Ki ooritlnue till tho end. The llouio would (Jiran bill nlvIng lrc.aula.lf. i,oTcrnuiiuttintlt would thin go the l.onU. lie would not arguo uon the l'cballllly of tLi lorda ri-Jrclim; tlio LIU. The dilution ot the Liberal cavernmest would utterly forbid hciuliaienie. lnnitariltoevlnctnl tenantr Olal. itonnezprei-od tho hooo that lu tho autumn UIUNTA1IV AlUIANULMtNTH Letween landlord and tenatit would obTla'etboueciaalty for audi liglila-Hon liglila-Hon aa would Uo.mu lueTltuble 1( uo arrangement! woroinaJo. lucoDdiialoo, UUd.lono referred to theconaervatlTe arituuivnt that the Jrl.ti majorlly wra trying to coerco l.tigland. lie held that auih waa tho nr.netli of Knnland In relation to olber klnicdonia that alio novtr oould La coircid by them. lilt. HU.FUUII fallowed Uladitoue. Ho declared that the Conimon. had rt right to know to-fureentruntloj to-fureentruntloj tho novernment to the I.ILerala what their duty waa. "lu regard lo the iroivaoil Tot of 'no contldibce," continued Italfour, 1 before the government reiltfnbd, they had a right to aak what were tho con illtbna under wlitcti the allljiico be. taeen the Liberal, and lrlali would bo tnalutaluetj, what coudltlona there Wire between tho ISatlonall.U who bad Lei n tijuarod and thotn who Lad not been .iiu-retf, and what Uo. uinila had betn madu upon the Jillxr all whin they catno tuto power If lliturbamtaaroiu lu Irehind,waa ilia crior to have free hand7" l.leutebant Colonel i.dward Jamoa KAuuU.rcou (UonaerTatlTe) ruado a lanltrliiK rooh lu which he charged hit lloruo would unllu Iho Irl.h lap. tiona, enjln-t tlmt tho chkl ranrubere U (llaOaioue'a oablnet would In reality l-elrlih, lilehop Walah ltidmont predicted that the Irl.h 1'arliament would bo aa "eofromliiterfiriuco on tho part of -touio u from Interfi reuco ou tho part ofthelirlii.h l'urllament. falk lu the lobby charged McCarty Willi an attempt to euiLarrilw (lUd tne, but aa Uladttonn ( roceeded with i'J'.'Pf'ih It tieoauio ovldiut that Ictjirty had arranged ullli Iho l.lli. ral leader to jropound naitliaofde luauilaaoundlin rather irUutlou,but rituilcKnounuauklilenouuieiueut ou ue i art of Die gteaWtt irllamoutary tactician living to dlapotoor, The llxnn,. ..ril.ul.,.. Muennr, Jnly U. Hixleen new caiea of cooler mm ten diatha from Iho uucuo ocourrid hero biday, A ulmil,,T Ai.lanmtMl (.I'lCAUo, Auir. . r. F. Matlirson audV. A. Cove, doing luilneea In Moiiihthlcoiioair. O. Maintain A anil W. A. Cavo A C, ifinerol toclteia, niado n voluuUry n alunrneui tcday for tho benellt ol their tViW)"' A",!l,, Ji,'("J0' "-bllllle., |