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Show llljltllt IS tOMlULsS. lVlillAfs no mail lu tho United Htates within the tail half century haa attalusd notoriety so snllenly aa tbe Hon. Thomas fc, Walinn, aiucmtrof LongreMfrom (leorgla. He Ian stern Prohibitionist. A short time ago ho wrote n Look In which ho treated on the rrlatldua of Congrwa to the lliiuur Iraffir. rim first edition of that book, odiXI, Is now exhausltd, ai d tho jubllc iiipetllo for its contents tiasonlyjust been allmulated. In his detcrlrtlonof Congress ho says that "drunken mem bers reel about the alrlre a disgrace lo the rriubllc." Much a chargo as this could not go unchallenged ly tho House when made by one of Its own numbers. An Investlgatlou followed, aa readers of our dliatchc-s will icmtmoer, but It dll not entirely dlroiu ahat Mr. Watson salJ. It was not shown that dtunken members reeled about, hurrahing for the Fourth of July, but it was trcltly clearly shown that In aluiitco casta honorable numbers were very nnitibleon their feet, and had tu be proipcd to keep tbem upright In their seats while voting ou Ituturtaut measures. Mr. Watson contends that Congress could do tho woikot lheeole much more elltrtually without a bar for the salsol liquors tnau with one. Un Ibis question he soya "This Congress la sent here to rcpre-sent rcpre-sent tho lcopIe, atd It ought lo do what la right. We know that millions of the people are etroni, In Iho belief Hint liquor doea vast harm) that ll la the enemy ot mankinds that ll haa killed husbands and fathers ana ruined suna and ilaughtt rs, aud et wo authorial tr oeautbllshuienl nl a bar In tbo ublle I uildlng which la tho I ropctly of Ihoso pco) lo as much as cd there! of ourcltuuns. " hy should It bo slrango If Congress, having becuino a barkeeper, abould e J ronlae that bir an I feel the natural eirecl of that Ittlruuago, ohaeo nothing to do with the Urs all oier tbo eltyi that ticca uot make eta so rospouslblo as when we turn theso marble balia founded by theritluor of ills lounlry, and which abould lio the IlgUl er the nation, Into a mrro barroom "Mieuauih lliinga as thla are done I do not think that any lm lube r of tun gre-s ouglit to tie restrtilncd by any so istllutl ethics or by reuilini lite or l crsonl Irlcud.lilpfor his lulltw menibera from denouncing auch a monstrous ovll. I don't belleeo a barroom Is a necessary adjunct to Iho American i ublio halls of legislation. "I have treateil this eubject trorh lu my book and lu tho iMjiir which I ubllsh at AtUnu lu tbo manner In ethlch I am sure my duly deinauda, and I have Iriu t tu huso every atatcnioul on facts." To l'rovflliat matters ero no belter In theHenate, Mr. Wataiu quoted from a recent sioeh ty bco'.tor Vest, as followsi "J very senator here knows that ho can goliltullioScujlorostaiirant and get all the liquor ho wauta, If be has tl e money, ant he can buy ll from a clllscn from Muliio from tho headquarters of roiil bltlon. 'ou beis a tar, ubllshe.1 olucMlly from the henate restaurant, with all the itlnua ii)ion It, and eon can obtain Ilourbon whisky ten tUircoa aboeo trotf, under the rouiriue of cold tea,1 and Iheylmo eien Ihrovwi olf that dlgut- recently, an 1 -on can now drink It oj enly lu tho bwiiaio rostau III spite of tho trhl.cwax.ilug report ihatwesmade In this snntlur, the pto pie ol theelnllol Hutea aro keel sighted enough to ttrculva the evils that It was luteaded toioover. And a great minycltlteua who aro nut strict ro hlbitlonlsta conslJtr tho congressional traffic In alcuholla atlmuliula n die crater to the cat Itul aud to Iho nation. |