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Show tub sriTEUjjiEXr.uefr, IQ&rSliiiutC sxiAt, oosniTiw. kBtfcW, the proiroin manafac-urins manafac-urins center of llncka county, Is au oil uaiJs' tocn. Wcll-inforniL-U dhzsa of tliat catcrprl-Iug borouli iKiini Ihat there arc mjrc untuarriwl but tnarriageabla women thcro In niKrtiou to tlio iwpulation than cau be fouuu iu any other place between be-tween the silvery Oeltwara an J the UbioSute line. Careful estimates niailo by tho ctuius enumerators place the number o( eligible hp$e . years range from 3J jear upward ! at 210. Old rexIdcuteiB, who have , nept aLeeu watcu upon the solitary ' malte about them raaUc the figures much larger than those of the enutneratnr. In a quiet Q raker home on arlsto-cratleltaacllllettreetisa arlsto-cratleltaacllllettreetisa brud of live malJ, llie oljcst of whom Is ueaiin? threescore and ten, and the youngest s Tpproachlng the meridian meridi-an ct life. 2otM far away dntlb the oldest old maiJ in the town. Sup 11 a leader ia thn Filends' Ciiunh, and three plarteis of a century rneaeures her year-1. She lias atteUr hois already firbcyoud the point at which the mijority of women marry. ItaJcIItlb Street la the ni3t fash I ionable portion of the to n, and stretches along the liver front. On it live 110 fewer than twenty-sis ie-male" ie-male" who belong to lint class commonly com-monly called "old maids." Troud as lUdcIIflo Street mty be of IU record in clinging to IU rUIs, Wjd and Cedar streets fcurrai it. The men with marriage In their minds seem to have avoided these two thoroughfares entirely Tiiere arc nineteen lady school t-aciiere in the borough, an J a gentleman gen-tleman connected with the board said isttrJay that villi bjtatnlliui few exceptions all had pKred the bonier line thai lunds girlhiod Among the numbe- who are enjoying enjoy-ing a single life is Miss Elizi Van Huru.a milden of some sisty years old, who loA upia marria;o ueltlier as a dead failure nor the consummation of Misi. Sho re-i mttfcrd: , "0 1, in, I don't IjjIIcvo marriage is a failure; bjt I do thlute tliat thero is a so .in i, p'acticil reason for ojr Bristol girls not marrying. I ku3-of a njmb;rof cases where peculiar circjmitaaces separated de-voteJ de-voteJ lovers, aud tlie girls are old in J urtnurried yet. There Is pleas-im pleas-im In single aj well as In mirricd Another mitdea Udy, pt the ailfentury mirk, said: "1 had no je for a li'JibanJ, and sopiid no itieu'ttoit to t ie men wlto camo with ,a"-riof mirrliie. A man iu the dulintyof casjs is only that much eitra luggage for the woa-an to C1"iii?i Jtunro? Brudcn, a memorable me-morable D.-ni-erat who cast hU 11 ..rMliiHiitial rote for General JacUson, Hid, ctticeraing the fair Thcro is an unmirrtel wamin over 3 years old in 'prclly near y all tho houses In towu. I can't tell ou why, but they nro there. fto"i fhls strange condition of things 1 not the fault of the tfrls, for BrisM ha, aj niiay pretty girls us any fowninlheblate. Only last week two young inenof ojr town married .iris from oukido the borough. S'ow, that wasn't right." The wife of a census enumerator was nutstioned about old mi ds, a ud StfltudieU a mlni-te and then re-Tlled- "Vcs, I know 8 few In our ward Icannameeisliteen whom I know irsonslly, and this is one of the , Btnallct wards in the town. My " W saj . there are more women In the town than men, but I don t iS. what U men d. .who ve here There ar few bachelors." "ta- |