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Show A I'leasiuf 1'arii. Lo.t night the parlors of tl.c-Armstrong tl.c-Armstrong house in the Eleventh War! were crowded with ladies and grutkmen who had gathered to congratulate JIk. Armstrong, wife of thecxOIaior, on theanulver'arv of her birthday. In the phraseology of lb-times', 'it ua-i a complete urprl c." Sirs'. Anu-tnng has cn-leurvd cn-leurvd herself to a host of friends bv her gtrtiume kiudnvis and hearty li sp'tnlity, and they were deLghted to do her honor and manifest their j ,1'eculiiiti of her many virtues. i cl gint repast was served, wit ind huiuor wcre ni!u.;'e-d with the good wishes eij rested, and a ve-y pi asant evening was scnt !! all who were presenr. President teore,e . t aucon m3 Apcstle Jo'in Henry Smith tach mailu very fee'iug aud attro riatc- remark, S steis Zina D. Voangand Presindi i KI nb-ill also contributed to the spiritual fc-asf. 5Irs. Maggie Hull and Jlrs. L'zzte Felt and Professor Evan Stephens made me!od for th coiipauy, aud evervtody there di 1 their Lest to make the occasion pleasant aud memorable. e join it the general cou-.ratula.ions and vIsh 5!rs. Armstrom and tho renial ex Mayor "many happy returns re-turns of the diy." |