Show Henry Ford Raids Icebox at Night Crossword Cross Puzzles Intrigue Darrow Al AI Smith Has Dozen Brown Derbies Editors Editor's note nole This Is the second sec sec- second ond of a series of three articles concerned with the fads and fancies fancies fancies fan fan- cies of Americas America's famous men and women By II 11 ALLEN SMITH United Press Stiff Staff Correspondent NEW YORK June 9 Henry 9 Henry I-Henry Ford prowls in the icebox at night Florenz is very sighted near Clarence Clarence Clarence Clar Clar- ence Darrow Is a fiend for tor crossword puzzles and Alfred AUred E. E Smith has half haH halfa a dozen brown bro yn derbies always hanging hanging hang hang- ing In his office These facts were among the hundreds hundreds hun hun- dress obtained in a United Press survey survey survey sur sur- vey of the idiosyncrasies and hobbies of famous Americans Ford who will be 69 next month has suits almost all of oC them light In color All arc are loose fitting and though kept pressed appear baggy Ford likes to chop wood in the morning morning morning morn morn- ing and md is a fast filst walker is known to his showgirls as daddy He Is a somewhat gaudy dresser but likes to wear button shoes He reads rends the funny papers avidly and wears 40 hats He detests evening clothes and the sound of drums gets on his nerves He likes to pitch horseshoes Al Smith lives in a penthouse and smokes cigars constantly At his office ollice he sits in a chair he occupied as governor facing lacing a three foot bronze tiger In a slinky posture John Barrymore has all his clothes made In London He often looks unkempt unkempt unkempt un un- kempt and unshaven He calls his wife Shrimp and she calls him I Winkle Samuel Seabury invariably wears blue clothes He collects first edi edi- He has lost fifty pounds since since starting the Hofstadter inquiry and i his clothes are arc Inclined to sag He Heis Heis is an epicure Irving Berlin cant can't get a hat to fit him He plays plas stud poker and always chews gum Jum He is very restless He has a form fitting couch made to order Eddie Cantor likes like to spar with his friends His clothes are arc made by byMa Ma Mayor or Walkers Walker's tailor He Is fussy about calories and vitamins He plays ping pong ping pong and casino He owns dozens doz ens of ot hats Eugene ONeill O'Neill always wears dark clothes He is a good swimmer He would rather read a play than see sec it iton iton iton on the stage He likes prize fights rights and six day bicycle cle races John N. N Garner has no dress wor wore ries His wife lays out his clothes each morning He Hc wears what she chooses He favors a red tic tie with wilh a blue donkey head woven into it He prefers Texas steer to other meats Richard E. E Byrd Is proud of at his big Boston home where he keeps a huge collection of ot oriental antiques His brother Harry Byrd rarely wears formal clothes and was Inaugurated as governor of Virginia wearing a n derby Josephus Daniels has a phenomenal memory for faces and names He wears a largo large black hat with flat top and flat brim He often sits with a large pair of shears cutting culling fancy designs out of ol paper or cutting cuttin paper into strips |