Show Balmy Airs of Spring Hard on U. U Scholarship Springs Spring's intoxicating atmosphere atmosphere atmos atmos- phere has caused a record number num aura ber bel of University of Utah students stu stu- students dents to fall by the wayside scholastically speaking Officials announced Monday that approximately students had been reported by deans of ot otI I various schools as foiling failing in m their work at the midterm of the spring quarter It is the largest number this year The school of arts and sciences sciences reported the greatest number of or failures with the education school came next with and the schools of bu business iness and engineering followed followed fol fol- fol lowed with and 75 lively Approximately 70 students students stu stu- dents were reported from the enrollment of the two professional professional professional schools medicine and law University officials explained that all students reported as doing doing do do- ing failing falling work will not necessarily necessarily fail at the end of the quarter as all are arc given an opportunity opportunity opportunity op op- op- op to recoup their losses |