Show Senate Acts to Hung Jury Law Change in Territorial Statutes Without Dissenting Dissenting Dissenting Dis Dis- Vote PARDON URGED IN HOUSE Crisp Sponsors Bill to Free Four Ameri Americans ans Ry 8 r Associated Press WASHINGTON May lay 2 A 2 A bill to prevent hung juries jurics from frum freeing the four men charged with attacking Mrs Thalia Massie wife of a nava naval officer in Honolulu was passed today by the senate The measure was approved without a dissenting voice a short while after Representative Crisp Dem Geor Geor- gia had introduced a measure in the house to pardon the four Americans American convicted of manslaughter in the slaying of a Hawaiian Senate passage came only a few fc minutes after the territories committee commit commit- tee had favorably reported the bill b bits by its chairman Bingham of Connecticut He explained to the senate that im irn immediate im mediate enactment was necessary lo to avoid the possibility that the men accused ac ac- ac of attacking Mrs 1 Massie might be freed by a hung jury in their second cond trial which Is about to be held d In t tI first trial Hawaiian Hawaii n law pr provides vid S that thal two l successive suc sue sue- disagreements shall operate as asan asan asan an acquittal U UNFAMILIAR UNFAMILIAR- LAW Referring to lo the Hawaiian statute Bingham said it jt is a law we were not nol familiar with and never consciously approved ed 0 of The bill carries canies out recommendations lions of Seth W. W Richardson a. a assistant attorney general sent to inv investigate conditions in m the island after Joseph Kahahawai one of the defendants had been killed In connection with vilh the killing I I four Americans including Lieutenant Lieuten ant Thomas Massic and his mother mother- law in-law Mrs Granville Fortescue have just been convicted of manslaughter in a spectacular trial What will wm happen happen happen hap hap- pen to the Crisp move for a congressional pardon remains to be seen seenA A short over the outcome o of the recent trial in Hawaii today interrupted house proceedings while it was approving the Houston bill to let women born in the Hawaiian islands before annexation and who now I live ve in the United States Slates be considered considered con con- citizens Representative Blanton Blanton Blan Blan- ton Dem Texas remarked that something else ought to be done for American women in the islands 1 CRITICIZES JUDGE He criticized Circuit Judge A. A AM A.M. 1 M Cristy for having refused to let a grand jury fail to find a true bill against Lieutenant Massie 1 and the others who were convicted for the Kahahawai killing No judge ought to be allowed to coerce a grand jur jury Blanton said Representative Delaney Delancy D. D N. N Y also introduced a resolution to request the president to pardon the three navy men men- and restore them to duty It also would ask the president to pardon pardon pardon par par- don Mrs Fortescue and restore her to full fulI citizenship Admiral William V Pratt said to today today to- to day it was solely within the discretion of Governor Judd Juda of Hawaii wh the four our defendants in the slaying Continued on Pace Pase Two Senate Acts to Tighten Hawaii Law New Riots Are Feared in Honolulu Police Reserves Mobilize as Tension Increases in Island Capital Continued From Pace e One voted lor for a manslaughter conviction as a R compromise e. e The three mixed blood HawaIIans and two Chinese contrary to general expectations held hole out for acquittal until near the end o otheir of their 49 hours of deliberation It was understood a general sent sentiment sentiment senti- senti ment existed among business interests interests inter inter- ests in favor of ot a n verdict which would maintain law and order This same sentiment reacted quickly throughout Honolulu The Honolulu Advertiser published an editorial bitterly bitterly bit- bit terly attacking Prosecutor John C C. for his to hell with admirals admirals' statement to the jury and added I Is Itis It is s high time officials learned the navy was not on trial in this case DELUGED WITH CALLS The newspaper was deluged with telephone calls coils to learn if the list o of jurors would be bc republished First Firs apprehension for the panel was felt fell when several unidentified persons canvassed residence districts asking housewives not to buy potato chips manufactured by Willie Beyer Ger Ger- man American juror Another report was vas that a chain grocery employing Walter Napoleon Hawaiian-American Hawaiian juror uror had suffered a drop in sales Should Darrows Darrow's plea pica for a retrial be c denied the defense plans to appeal to o the Hawaiian supreme court and if required require to the Ninth circuit court of appeals in San Sari Francisco Curtis D. D Wilbur former secretary of the navy presides over the latter court New Slew New Hawaiian Law Hawaiian Law Invoked in Attack Case HONOLULU T. T H H. May 2 UP UP- UP The new territorial law fixing death deaths as s the maximum penalty for tor criminal assault was invoked today as Joseph Blackie Young an islander went on trial rial on charges of mistreating Bernice Bernice Ber- Ber nice ice Lum Luni 17 year old old ear Chinese high school chool girl eirl Charles Cassidy deputy public prosecutor prosecutor said he hc would demand the death cath penalty under provisions of the new ew law which was enacted as an out outgrowth of oC an attack upon Mrs Thalia Massie Massic wife wile of or a young naval officer last September Youngs Young's case came before Circuit Judge Albert M M. Cristy He orl originally original original- inal ly y was scheduled to hear the trial of Mrs Massies Massie's husband and three others others oth- oth ers rs on charges of killing Joe wai vai but was disqualified Young beat Miss Lums Lum's escort scort Richard Halm then forced the theirl girl irl into a clump of or bushes and attacked at at- tacked her Halm Haim subsequently was dismissed from high school because of oC f his alleged failure to protect her heror heror herr or r summon help Considerable interest is attached to the ic case because of the widespread publicity and bitterness ss aroused by bythe bythe the ic Massie Massic case It is preliminary to the ic retrial of four islanders who with i allegedly ravaged Mrs Massie lassie |