Show BONDSON a Foreign Obligations Provide Sharp Fluctuations GerMan GerMan Ger- Ger Man issues Quiet By ALEXANDER HENDERSON Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK July 27 After 27 After openIng open open- Ing steady to firm on active trading I bond Prices declined Irregularly MonI Mon Mon- I day and trading slackened y Foreign obligations provided most I 1 the sharper fluctuations Trading j in hi German Issues was sas much quieter 1 than at times last week and both the i 5 1 23 and is of the national government govern govern- f ment scored good gains Brazilian 6 1 is 23 of 57 1926 French Is Norwegian Gs Cs and Sao Paulo of 1940 advanced also i CHILE ISSUES AFFECTED I The disturbances In Chile were reflected re- re In depressed prices In the us Gs of JanuarY 1961 and toe the of 1962 g some me banks with dealings with that wintry country reported that they had reed rel re- re which Santiago cables from l ed no the possibility of a censor censor- there Belgian Colombian and of October 1961 French 7 Ws lost ground also Uruguayan ij Corporate obligations declined but In Inthe inthe more apparent movement was the TailS rails and utilities than in n the Industrial in- in the loans Trading In the latter the groUp was less active than in former two Canadian Pacific debenture Chicago Northwestern 4 3 ta 3 of 1949 Central 4 3 of 1966 New York Central American and foreign Foreign Power Postal Telegraph Ss i North American American Telephone debenture 5 International al Match 55 Phillips petroleum 5 l 45 Tube and Youngstown Sheet and lost fractions SOME STRENGTH SHOWN United States Rubber Goodyear Detroit Edison 4 1 23 American Telephone of 1960 Delaware Hudson of 1943 and Erie of 1975 were some of the bonds to strengthen privilege loans divided their i rosy nat changes about evenly between gains and declines Loans of the United States government government gov gov- continued dull duil and showed I a declining tendency The government of Newfoundland Is reported to have obtained a 10 loan in Montreal |