Show I YOUTH INVOLVED IN AUTO DEATH FACES CAR BAN Frank Fox 15 of ot Third aye ave flue nue driver of ot the auto Involved cd In Inthe inthe inthe the death of Miss Donna Gait Galt 16 In a n. crash July 8 on the Saltair highway highway high high- wa way was adjudged a delinquent Monday In juvenile jU court and or ordered ordered or- or dered to report periodically to the court attaches In od addition Judge George A. A Goates ordered young oung Fox to refrain retrain from driving an automobile for ten months The latter action is based on a a. strict Interpretation of the law which prohibits juveniles from driving driving driving ing autos until they are 16 10 years jears of age Young Fox Pox will not be 16 until next Ma May It was stated Mss Gait Galt daughter of Mr and Mrs Hamilton G. G Gait Galt Third avenue rolled from the car as it skidded and overturned upon L a freshly graveled grav section of Pt the road according to deputy sherIffs I |