Show J Backs Report iJ i I e q 7 I 7 v 4 Lr I 1 WARDEN ARDEN DAVIS Knew w It Six Sk Years Ago WARDEN DAVIS DAS SAYS EVilS lONG KNOWN Been Trying Six Years to Tell Same Thing Official Avers Urges Action I am thoroughly in accord with the opinion of or the Wickersham commission com corn mission regarding the Utah state prison declared Warden R. R E. E Davis Monday I have been trying for lor 51 six years to tell the people of 01 Utah how far behind the times the Utah prison Is atod ald how great the theil evil il of ot unemployment m ment nt is Now maybe they will believe that I am right Tho purpose of ot reformation is defeated de de- when prisoners arc forced to remain Idle all day Ion long Idleness Is productive of discontent prison riots and a host of evils evUs BOSTON Ju July 27 R Criticism of I the M Massachusetts state pr prison b by 1 Continued on Pare Puo To o WARDEN D DAVIS VIS SAYS EVilS lONG KNOWN Continued from Pare Page One the Wickersham commission today drew no contradictory statement from Dr A. A Warren Vanen Stearns state commissioner of at corrections The Wickersham report classified the Massachusetts institution as as' as among those which were obsolete I offer no defense of obsolete and antiquated methods Dr Stearns said Recommendations similar to those made by the Wickersham commission com corn mission have been made from year to year ear I hope the public will be bestirred bestirred bestirred stirred up to such a point that it will willbe willbe be willing to accept a modern and adequate system FOLSOM Cal CRl July 27 P W Warden of ot Folsom prison today said there was no answer answer an an- to the contention of the Wickersham Wick law enforcement commissions commission's commis sion's annual report that prisons are overcrowded The situation has been recognized as acute for some time declared The state Is 15 mo in moving to relieve congested conditions at Folsom Folsom Folsom Fol Fol- som and San Quentin penitentiaries by building new cell blocks Replying t. t to the commissions commission's report report report re re- re- re port that Folsom prison lacked adequate adequate ade ade- quate plumbing facilities Warden said that only in the inal cell block built in 1880 is there no plumbing The parole system which the WIckersham Wickersham Wickersham Wick Wick- commission declared undermined undermined under under- mined overworked and productive of small results was defended by The v report I particularly attacked the practice of making parole reports by mail mall said this had proved pro satisfactory satisfactory sat sat- in California where paroled paroled pa pa- men sign reports in the presence presence presence pres pres- ence of ot peace officers or notaries I |