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Show AUEXr KOTIR's REPORT. Hrhooltionse nurses! and a If am Ulllrtl by Hostile. Washington, Jan. 3. Commissioner Commis-sioner of thu Indian a (fairs, today, received from the Indian Agent Uoyer the following telegram, dated Pine Itidge Agency, 6. 1)., Jan. 2. "Number two and three day school buildings of tho Episcopal church, located at White Clay Creek some distance from the agrncy.have been burned by tho hostile Indians. Isaac Miller, a white man, was killed by the hostile Indians yesterday, yester-day, ten tulles north of the agency. About 3003 men, women and children chil-dren arecamped near the mouth of the Grass Creek, fifteen miles northeast of tlie agency. They are hostile and refuse t come into tbe agency as requested by" tbe military. They are committing all Xlnds of depredations and living off our agency beef herd. Little Wound, llig Itoad, lied Cloud and tlieir people are among them, and it is reported that they want to come into the agency, but Two Htrike, Short Hull, Kicking Ilearand their people object and siy that they will kill the first one that starts to tbe agency. Ileport has it, that lied Cloud is desirous ot coming to bis home. "FIHENDLIES ASO 1IOSTILC3." General Schofield this mornirur received the followiug Itlegram from General Miles, dated Pine itidge, January 2: "There Is a retort re-tort from the Indian camp that Red Cloud and Little Wound are deter-mintiltocomeinwllhthilrfollowrrs. deter-mintiltocomeinwllhthilrfollowrrs. Their lives have been threaiM'! hy thehostlles, who are dfly-''ne,, 1 go to war. ThereJ?!c a "Trt from thesam5fif.I'f nn "& me.i i i-oJi0 Indians and cav-"j-pWrrch quite a number of and some I ml Ian-. If thlsl-3 correct, cor-rect, it is proliably on the lino f the White Iliver. General Urooko now has command of tliat line and will give necessary directions." General Schofield Enid to a reporter re-porter after tills telegram ?ras given out, that nothing additional bad been received up to the present lime. "I still have hoie that we shall be able to get the Indians into camn without a fiVlit. The furrr now in the field under the command com-mand of General Miles are about eight thousind ofllcers and men." l'arnell nl Home. Dublin, Jan. .t FarneJi left Dublin today ror his country scat Avondale, where be Is expected to remain until Monday next Unless his plans be changed between now and Monday, Parnell leaves Avon-dale Avon-dale for Boulogne Sur-Jcr at an early hour, Monday, to take part In what Is likely to be the flual conference confer-ence between, the Irish leader", so far as thu leadership of tho Irish party Is concerned. -.Isslffmiiriit. New Yomr, Jan. ft Hawthorne fc Finn, manufacturers of machinery machin-ery and steam fitting, assigned today to-day without preferences. Out trinncer. PiTTSnoito, Jan. 3. All danger of Hood in this vicinity has passed and the rivers are notr falling. |