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Show 1 ftS e True Test III 1 i For Baking Powders. i iiA severe analytical tests to which the various baking -smII Pow'acrs have from time to time been placed have demonstrated iifc nil ' C,carly to e Public the relative merits of the different brands . f " HjjEJj fn"nia sde?tific point of view. The official Government inves- H isS. -'Cations, fur instance, have shown that the Royal Baking Hi H loudcr Bv cs off the largest amount of leavening gas, and M9' "Hct n,lcrcforc is c most economical for general use. They also If if - IPs SlPW" th 0yaI to be absolutely pure and wholesome. Bill If P ' 'r;iluUrcrucial test of the kitchen is, after all, the hi "I -lnost satisftctory to the housekeeper. A baking II - I B30? Wwi owder that nevcr fails to makc neht swcct who,c- Wf 4 ,J kme and Palatable bread, biscuit, cake, etc., is the B 31 W?nc at -will be selected by the practical house- Th J lpCr and ved into her kitchen for continuous S i " , JrfjSe Th'S test the Ryal Bakin2 Powdcr "as A' ?l " jUrtoCKi for twenty-five years without failure, and Hi ' 1' 11100 its rePutation as the best baking powder H H ! JBr"0 haS sPread from house to house, until its use I In p1 Si5 become as universal as its merits are unrivaled. Baani.-, E5. '1 B- fcS Wmil HANKS. B til . - roo,ooo. anal 3r K PER J- CRAXT...., . t I Wp,"""1 m'erest thereS. 225SSv 1 r -- l i rll IllON'S B? MM BANK ; I- VS1 COMPANY, H F 'S i-"" EiST TTtK ST. H'' ' Sri"4 I InrrMitca B C 'f V hicctor: l.i; . ,H Woodictt. rml, 1 i fli-'-'.. -KCQ Cmos.Mccrrat, rt ie-'V-i -nr. Birn. i1 ?1-agJJrL. ?TJ.K. Cmn, u-"' .r.-1ni"lCuMei y P'IE1LJHKIIE BDSIIESS. i&i o Sr ijmjiiKjJzy to loan Hi ' "fctasl Bank, HCS-T fe flai MTF, UTAH. Wi 3 ' J250.000 H 331 i JOHim- S2S0.OOO I - W-'Huamir, i. J.o.ccnxr.w.jnnI; i'J 1 u.H.r" L. ?i S.te Deposits isg bLKS B.B.TOSL out EdU? H SALT X-OIT rJ rA- Quads' ?.m rissn T-rn H if- ictr.t2i,B H limine. L J jTt K T' irr orri'-E or TnE itah "fc" Coxrisr it l Zion-. H E'T,nKinCR8TATNF.R.ST. HBj It Uc Cliy. De-1. ! 1 -I HAT IIOR5'.S I -jD-Ird J on left tbc - -led Jjg n left PVAVAVAVAVAVJ , -. .-. q irn of " rt(KBl "ill be 4cd birilitm CHICAGO TRADE. r woUF jug, co. FINE - BATHROOM - OUTFITS. KanltaT P.,,,,,-lh Tab. M.k. I"1"J!?'; -A" " IWII dulfU no no" ""OO' dCTicti, Xzimr DrlII15,t:?' Drt)ora et rACTOii": a-IW But Like su SCHULTZ &HIRSCH, TCDUUU DEAUU IS FEATHERS 4 FUATHEE PILLOWS, XlKCriCTUHXRA C7 COMFORTEBS AND MATTRESSES, tazlnt HAlf. I". Wol. riffUl.r. 3 TTjgc. tic lad A saSJVfflBtHbonso es g liwi With High Prices. lBLTtisSEWIN6 MACHINE -sJBBoivrxj-sr $io irnw T(nmiv.taiuni-srtJt ULLl Bfiftltlztl.tU CI.M.M " aUOHT M4rmll7cTtb-il.U0 "rfll twit nmn-KXMll C3 nJU JMCttJuwStnrtVllf.UJC .vAliE&a TamudEsxarTooiu neo " MMKHfTARldeartUritOB. A' cncAa9iBuzc3,dinf EUJvESG? SPICES Flavoring Extracts, ENOWX TO THE TEAUE. fnprletcrt f the Tamoci Xtr&&d ct $0,32,34.36,38,40 So. Water St, " LEGAL NOTICE In t&e rrobile Court, ia and for ilt Late Comity, Territory ot L'Uh. t the mtter of the Etutc of John T. Thompson, deecuetl. VTOTXCE IS nEUEBT GIVEX, THAT JX Mut Ann E. Thompson, Elecntrix of theUftwiItaodtcfUmentoflhe Eut of of John T. Thonpstn decruM, tuu terfwH ttement, and filed in jflnMir final account of fceradmiD- ICSllbLcftAte and petition for final iu-ns y -jhe residne of said estate dtftntutionQ, enuticd thereto, and Roar the j,elJthdayof JonirT.JLl. ' tfcitThirsfrt a. in at (he Coart ltoom H? the Coantr Conn Ilonre, of wid Lofand Countf. Cuh Temtory, Salt L I appointed hy the Jndre ol &at bjr the eettlcre-Bl of said ac- aaid Cociirtug Un petition for dutri cant avcJQ Re anj place any per notion. 4 tn aajd cnute may appear era iBtfgQfte, if any there be. why tail and tld not te lett-'ed and approrel aceocxiitnbntion made at pnyed for. and fijeember, 1S3X Daw a E. ALLE.N', ClTfc of the Prolate Court. j RUnton. deputy. dJin IS ' LEGAL NOTICE. SBQ robateConrtm and for Fait Late In 'County, Territory cf Utah. Tm JL le matter of the Ettite of Thomat ffa B- Knovlden, Ufceaed. TICE 13 1IFUEBT GI EX THAT lleoiT II- Knowlden, adminittrator ieut.cf Thomas D. Xnow.drn de jm ed. has rendered for tetUemrnt. and tin ttld CoBrt. hit final account f bit kinistration of said estate and petition ""-"asnal distribution of the res idne of said es e amoDjrthc persoa entitled tberctooi it Thartdar, the llh day of Jannsry. 4D. lxtl.atio o'clock a.nu at the Court .oomof saidConrt, in the Coantr 0urt Louse. 6lt LaLe City and County, Utah frerntory, has been dnly appointed by t e 3ndpe of said Court, for the settlement o( said account and hearing sad petition for 'distribution atvhirh time and p ace any peron Interested in said estate may appear and sbosrcaure,tf any there be. why sail acrrcnt should not be Fettled and approved and final distribution made as prajed for. Hated Iecember. 1KL C- E. AUXN". Clerk of the lTobate Court. Itr !. R. f tssT(i. Ieimtr. d JantS LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court. In and for Salt LaVe County, Territory of Utah. In the Matter of the Estate of Ellen II. J I sight, deceased. "VTOTIUE 1 IILUEBY GIEN,TIIAT; iA Fu ton llaibt. Administrator ot the tiutc or Lllen It. lUight. Jeccasl, has tendered for settlement, and filed In raid Court, bis final arconnt ot bit adtninisira lion of slid estate and petition for final d s tribution of the residne cf said estate amona; the persona entitled thereto, and that Mtnrdr. trSith dayof Jnnary, A. I. t 91, at 10 Aclok a.m . at ire Court Ibom if said Cimrt.tn the Courtr-ari Honre. alt Lake City and Coantr, Utah Temtorr.ha ben duty appointed brih dudceof said court, for the settlement of said aceontt and heirin taid petition for distribution, at which time anl place any person interested in taid estate may aj ier and show ciue, if any there be, why said account should not be settled and ap roTCd and flaal distribution made at prayed for Dated January Snd, IsSl. ,LLXv Clerk of the Pm'baU Court. '"J&h Faetory, T1b Silrer Brand of SnoiMe ou-. FEVE CvVICES, ractrd la 1 and 2 Tonnd Boxes for ric-nIcPartlf,Traiclcrs Families. Sold by All Dealers. siswisfcJBi 14l5fc.?W ai"1 ""'" ""ih saaas forsivj-zc- il Lbrucbitorri It th. CxpirlBaM or Halllta Im f intelligent people that a persevering per-severing use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite itemcdy,of Bondout,N. Y., will cure Fever and Ague, BlUfous-ness, BlUfous-ness, Rheumatism, Debility of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, nnd Bl-tdder, and all disorders arising from an impure statu of the Hood, when no oilier medicine or treatment treat-ment has been of any permanent cnfiL If yCa?""-"""' "" sUr.atcdiiuy?r.,"l"c: "': drowy, no apiSlS-! I,'a'1 hIaai Liver li otS'JS ,?f- H y these rats yat ,:; YfftKEiSr way and nnkB a w hetng-of TtriT Prico 25 cen. Zion Co-op Mecr Itrd. Drug De-,t,, Agent dit Dnrktrn-kAsnlra nlr'. The Best Sal vs In the world for CuU, Bruies, Sow, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever, Sores, Tetter, Cliapped Hands, CUblalns, Corns, and all Skin Krupthos, and tiosI-Urely tiosI-Urely cures Piles, or mpay retjuired. It Is guaranteed to Ive perfect satisfaction, or monrj refunded Price 25 cents per box. For tale by A. C. Smith A Co. njill.t'l. Ilorrhonnd Sjrnp fa, ltoo.lnr .naL. Thi-re Is no remedy In the world which will give such jrotnjt relltl in Wlioopirg Ccugli as JWanfi llurUicviM .tj7. it Ktnptxnrau rtireil. If jou will try RyonrchlV Innwill not keep iiu awsie all I light c-migiiir-c. llallard's Hore-I I him.d Syrup is the most cooling I and Miotliin:; remedy for consnmp-1 consnmp-1 ti. ii. Coughs, Colds, I'.ronc-bitisacd Asihn, In the wiild. It fa freal friniirluni. It nuilde up new lia ble. Hit nclbri e the Lungs, and u it inro m-crahlc rvmrdy, mada ol he U-st und i urtst uaUrials. II rii:r l.ungtnrr weak and you Uava lir-lin; in vtur throat, you tie-cd t ;:. v. v- i.Acn s Xrnr.lKln ranara mncb IiumoIltS The higlie.t medical anthontles of Europcaud America have recently decided that a large crccntage of case of insanity is caused by the ex-cmtiatlug ex-cmtiatlug wins of Neuralgia of tha biadsuJ face. If any member of your family suffers this tormentor, induce them to try Ballard's Snow I.ItiimciitOncBppHcationwIllaflbrd immediate relief and you will soon bend of a dangerous and tormenting torment-ing di-a--. Ballard's Snow Lining Lin-ing nt l the most penetrating Liniment Lini-ment kmiwu. It jwithly cures niu unntism, I June Back, Contracted Contract-ed Mu-cle-c Old Soles, Ccrns, Bun-n.n, Bun-n.n, etii It pcnetratis and opens ij the t-oro-, drnwlng all jioisonous maUertothffiirfaic, re-storing and intm-tiiga ntuial circulation of iiebli-od tlirotigli thedise-ased parts I'rottoancrd 1IpIa, Yet Ha.ed. From a letter written by Mrs-Ada Iluidof Groton, 8. I)., wequot "Was taken with a bad cold, which Mill on my lung", cough set in and finally terminated In consump-lior. consump-lior. Fcur doctors gave me up saying say-ing I could live but a short time. I gaemjself uptomy Sivior, determined deter-mined if I coul I not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my atcnl ones ale. My huibaod wssadvife-d to get Dr. King's New I)icovery for Consuni tUin,OruRlis jnii (V.I.in. I nn It atrial. Uok Iu ill elcht ttl-; It has cairtd me and ll.ank U d I am rw w a well and bearly wnraan."TrIal lo'.tlt-s free tt A. C. Smith i Co.' Drug Store. lU-guinr siz, 50c and $1.W. i En peppy. This Is w hat you ought to have, In fact, j ou must have U, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching tor it daily, anil mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spunt annually an-nually by onr people in tho hope that they mav attain thUboojn. And yet it may Im had by aH. We-Joiarantee We-Joiarantee that Electrio Bittew, U used according toeiirM-lona and the use t rusted In, will Wring yon Good Digestion and ausl the uunon Dyspepsia and Install JnaW Eupersy. We recommend Htnc Biters for Dysiifcla ami all : dls-nf.e dls-nf.e -' Llvtr, Stomach and Kld-teftle Kld-teftle bv"" " "I !. P? WBfs A rorluiinlr Vmnif--i-. Mis Jennie Martin, 1T0 Nttrtt, PU i'nul St., Kocliester. X. Y., kjs-I kjs-I suffered long from Kidn.y com pliinLi home phvieian failed to alfiird relief. A friend Induced me t try Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemidy, made at Jtondout. X. Y. ITIierffrct was wonderful. When I hid taken t"vo bottles I w.i cure! I and have had no trouble since. J v rlt.- for tho benefit of others. ; USl'iWCJEIt. ItrWATKit ACo. opjosite City Hall, for Tm It;oflt,gl Guttering, Spouting, Blove ar.d I Tinware, eta. I II-iw Mer.rv tolds arc llrukru mid In Mtinlnni. rrom the Virginia fit j, jrmt. iladmin i When we find a raediciLewe know to poser genuine merit, we consider it a duty, and we take pleasure in telling the public what It I. Such a medicine ne found Chamlierlaln's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. prevail-ing. We are satisfied that we wanted want-ed off several attacks that were threatening by the use of thissyrus aud we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, and iu the coureof two or three days, entirely broken tlicm up by its ue. as have several of our friends to whom we have recommended it. It Is all that It is represented to lie by the manufacturers. manu-facturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it ChamberLiin's Cough Remedy will do the work. For sale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dopt. To A En I. All ch subscription for tin JA"-feiMuffiar JA"-feiMuffiar should lie forwarded to Jaucs Jack at the President's Office, Of-fice, Salt I-ake City. -'As SALTLAKETHEATKK. CUAS.S. 1JCBTO. JUeos- roar Days. Wetfoesday, Dec. 31 .SpMlal w Yrnr- IT ' ' Site ot Seats TmJar. Vte. M--VewArtUI. MoU n"""'" ' vsltk.,. GrandEnehsh Opera TurAbbultrollrl. la Llistenee. Arpearancecr th raiaous KM ABBOTT CRSKD ENGLISH OPERA COBPAHY Larertl. Slrrnceit n. Onlr Saeeeisfal l.n;nh OpnCaniDr n Amenc- Abloll. AnnaOale, Jlirel'a. snelMJena, urhe. Kml.ilphi. Ha I -on, ITnclle. Kcsilr, Ilnxlrn-k. KmtI. ernon, Bsirov .SIi llrwlenek, FJIerlogtou. Grand Chorus and Orchestra! niic luairr ksacse. - - DiaxcroB. In the roTIowl nr nrtlllant Eepertoirs: Wednesday, TsSS SWS&iu' 3B Ii T A. 3f I ! trama Albott anil fcntire Coiapinj-. TunrSiaJ, Venli's Granil Trasio oera, II Trovatoro! Kmiaa Abbott and Entire Companj-. yrMlv VerdTa Brilliant Opera (IrstUnie IfiUaJ, m sait LufceCllj). 3Xal:etl 33 sill! Cam Akbolt and Entire Conpanr- Thursday, -scw Y-A"Mt EnsmaAMiOUanOl tntiro Compnnr- Salnrdiy, 8 p. ra , !n,o""i cipi'r.. (Br.t con on ny lUge In tnl"- Vimc - Bolevii! tatIA ABBOTT as Qwcnol twl" dtntiieCoiraI. , , erjecu. Co.nm f""?1' llrtllunt Mb S-nsttn.l NOTICEToCREDlTOrtS. In the E.um of Jlartln BrUeo. ieccacd. ln "la ,cceiti-1-hr. Kllnm in JSu. "e"I, J'mllfitsan of lw manlbs after tto '" 5,raw at X. XS&SffiSA SSfrSTi-. c..r. LK.-ed I wyj, A. i:oSIT AlnUlmtor of lb. u " Imxen. ileMe(X. NOTICE TO CnEDITOSS. EtUW of James W ! on. Ueecafe-L -VTOTICE I IIEUS.tir GIVEN BT THE uto or James- .uor. -v-wl". l.U creditors of. and til persons taxing claims asainit the said deceaae-l. to exhibit them null the nteeary louehen. Kltr-lo ten oonlhl after tho lint pnUieal'oa f thb nnlire. to the Saul adrointdretor. at too cOceif WalKTa Ilrtis and .1 West. South Temple Mrret, in Ui Coanlj ol Sail Laic. Huh Tcmtorj-IJjted Tcmtorj-IJjted December i-ili. I'. KIHIhUr ItOWJIVN. Administrator of tkeesutect Jan:e Watson, Wat-son, deceased. d o notice to crxoiToas. Estate of Kllliam Bo man. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES BY TUE andcrslpied. AdnlnHlratrlx ot the cmtc ot Ilium lioTrmao.deceased.ta the crouton of, and all pivn caring claims against the said deceaed. lo exhibit them wtth the necessarr eoneters. within ten months after the fiit pnbticalinn of this notice, no-tice, to the and admlnUlr-tlnx. at tho of-llreof of-llreof Isaac SI. Vfaddcll. Atlornej.IJand 51 Eattoolh Temple SlrecL-atl Laic Cllj, In the Uoontr of salt Lale. Ulah Tcmtoiy. baled NoTcmurr nh, boo. MAUli VUhT ItOWM V. Ad-nisUfratrlT ot Itc estate of nilllaa rHiman. deceased. d oaw NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Eiute of samnel arney. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES BT THE ncdersignsd. AJnunlstratnr ot the teute ot Sanast Varucr, deceased, t the creditors of, and all persons haTtng claims arunst the said diseased, la exhibit them relit the necessary vonchers, within ten months after lh 0nt publication ot this no. tlce. to the said gi-mnUtretor, at hoom I. llnoiier and L'dreilge BIwA. t) outh, ran Tempts street. In the Cllr and Conlj ul bait ijtc. L'Uh. Dated NSTcmber 15th. 1-O0 WALUESIAU VAX COTT. Administrator ot the Estate of eaicne arney. d-cact. d oi aw SKAI.KD inns. BT OUDEB OK THE COUNTY CO CRT ot Salt I-ate Conniy. Ttrr.mry of I club, sealed bids will be recclteil by the roanly clerk up to and Including January nth, U3I. for suppl cs to bo furnished talt Lite County from I ebruary 1, Isll.to Jaa uarrl. ISM. The following wit form the basis tor bids for record., etc v to be f urniihcd ihe re corderS r21cc Slortcage records, soo pages, with marginal mar-ginal ruiiog. Heed records witbont znarzloa! ruling. SI nlng recort!, tamo as the deed ree orris. laen an t lease , same aa deed records. Abstract record, same as now used. Direct and rever-o indexes to all except the abstract recrds. l'lltt bonk I feet Inches by I foot 9 In-chc. In-chc. of plain dralting paper for mazing plats an tin lex tosams. Grantor and gr.ntee Indexes. Entry book. Kecripts for documents, aro as now ued In ihe oface, wiih Hub in books of loo earn Siloing abstract records and direct indsx to same. tome of these records hare printed rormi, an1 the amount can b cdetcrmlnrJ only as ihe records are oMered ,m??'J'ttSn0!?',"l'",' "" ltaiaeir culf tub bands- with Too.. Icanras eoycrs anl l.uim crneis. tit opening back! Wper to I Brown-, u poV",a leogjcpsptr."!-.." II Ices to beglTci on records ruled and prtnt.d, and on ruled .. for 'n recorder's ofSc. letter hea.ts J?. V- I'Ti '7 thou.and. Enecbipc! rtitt TUC COLLCCIOK-S OrriCC. I WUl notices. I 11 Ui receipt bo-iks. ' lcoj letter beads and envelopes, same as AbOTC. roa the clerk ornec neeord books same as above, except that they shall be of 5-o pages each, and without with-out canvat crcrs. troliale blanks, printed on 1 pound upernae a tt cap paper, or of t,ual grade, laoof earhloboturnlfheilun ordel. Dtxin and I ab;rs octagon eucils per Tens per grws Ink pcrd-'temjnarls. loiter ho ids an J envelopes, ter IftX as Ail supplies to l rurnuhed a called fir A bond fur faitLful performance of eon tract. In such mm an tho County Court may determine.wlll b rrinired of ihe success ful bidder. C n. ALLEX. Courlv Clerk. Silt Iuke cirr, lice. IT. 1-jv It was Just in Time. G.e. Bartholomew. Kalkaila,SIieh.,iay. I located in this jdaeo live years ago, having formerly resided In Troy, N. . I have been a great sufferer from what the physi ciant ot Troy called Bnght's Disea.e. I used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Heme dy, of Bondont, N Y. All tho terrible symptoms of the ditcafo ate gone. I have no traces or any Disorder of tho Kidneys, liver or bladder. Who would begru-'ge the cost of this medicine (one itriUr a lolUe for such a blwlnx or rrfes-i this simple though sincere token of gratitude for being perfectly cured' I owa everything to Dr. Kennedy's ravorlle Remedy, and hope this will lndcea others wba toiler from anv kidney, liver or ttuod disorder, to ne this medicine. Dr.Kennedy'sFavoriteRcmedy Slada ar itOMMilT, ST. T.. II. for 11 1 Tor (tie by Z. C. SI. L Dreg Dept, '"CREAM Baking Puwder M -g-ostPerTectMade-a . PH '&Sr(fam0fTartarrowder imH .r j tn MiEr every olher know". "- PaJaTarj''y2'5" Griddle Cket I iHIIIIH Ko 0tiile M Wholesome. V" " M "" taking powder does uch work. H MOtASKA " I - COFFEE. i HI afilsii WHAT ToafItlrco:-i370itMw f H W--mn!lJ" "II I wbatitmeanst Yooarensa.. j H " YiV V - "J" Vhyl Tonconghiasha fUU rfifrj . KHIU cl?pi Person to your K H..H rlJ'J i-jouknowwhati. f , issH mlvT?3 "PadualithaawKapJd I .' .HHH kin1lllLic V All .? notice? I ' sallllH KNOW JrS7f YOU ?cio,i I KH W. H. n F.r-thv. Wm Broadway, N.w York. feS M "DepartrQ-n,. ' K -'!aalH MAIJY THANKS j TO THE PUBLIC fTW For generous patronage, which has j M almost cleared our shelves of H .-the-immense stock of M HOLIDAY GOODSI I What tee have left of M ELEGANT BOOKS, I BEAUTIFUL PLUSH CASES, TOYS, DOLLS, ETC., ETC., flfl j IU JCoie be Sold tit it K 'H mm f H JB ' 'liegular Zincs of jgBBB ''m BOOKS;STATINBR M rehttects, Mkwkm IP te Sola, a, ' (U XOIFESTttf" ,,31 Stock of Jbw Year' x A |