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Show icuc ulxi: t'Oll IItLt.VU. (Ilaillur' r.illiinff Invllrd la IU-r;nlr It 9 llt-rnncl. London, J 1:1. 2. T!.e Dai'g Tel-gniJi Tel-gniJi HU.nl union) today iuites the foIljwtTs of Gbd-toiie to recognize recog-nize inatltilly thu ihsta'tcful fact that hsmo rule fur In-liud isdi-funct. isdi-funct. The prtunt -oiiey of the Liberal party, the TiUgrupIt think?, is certain to give way to adillrrent programme, while the party itself will, at the same time,haTe to make uev combinations. After the next election, says thu Telegraph, home rule will be barely represented in t'arliatncut, aud will sink tn !!.. level of radical fads like racialism and total abstinence. The ame paper further urges Gladstone to discard Tain imaginings imagin-ings and return to the ancient waj of I.iberalL-m, aud advocates the re-arrangcaient re-arrangcaient of the I'arliamcutarT forces lit i a great mtloual party on the one bide of thu IIoumj of Ccm-mons, Ccm-mons, and on the othir a minority of ratio-, nerless Irish separatists separat-ists and Euglish socialists. |