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Show Tho lUIuMaliln Itlalou. Th recent expvrlmetiU by Urneral Pyrvuiurtti tt produce ralu by artltl ilil mean fallid i-ntlrvlyto deinuti Irate tht corrfctnna of tbu l'titttra theory. The mult la In accord with thu iulnta AdvnucH prior tothuex(rrU nmiiUllou by tbu tUtiluwl farm, Hiu very hit of atntoipherlu coucumIou, aurtiaawA produrfd bythe urdlniry dK'lurgw cf tlymtmltu or bydrogvu ga, It at conflict with acfoiiilllo re MMtrcti, lotJi( alnce druumtiatrd. The UlU-f tlut hiuvy nlna have Invariably fullowod tho dtcalbAUlt'a of htatory aa Afuaultof tt ecatitioimJlui:, Uthul-au uiHit which tbu i'owcra notldu ha iHMiibiavd. Not only dot Dyrauf.irth afceptthu Puweri theory, but tollerc ttiatralm wero proJucl eveu Wfiiru thu Invtn tlou of u til-) wiit r by the tumult of urmlca lu hamMohtml contltot. In up)Mirto( thUhendrrtUcm thu follow lu auaurd i roiwaltlout 'rttteuthouaanHlrerk march Into Inttln (.hantlu tholr j loin' nJ thuullnc thilr 'alUlhn, Iwtitlnic lluio m?anwhllu ou their ahIfU( whll a hundred thousand rrtttiatti aru ndvatio. Inc analtiat them, rontluunlly ahoutlu,; their tenlido bntlle crlt; thru Kt the Ktial annlr ruth toicellicr with their tumult of tlaahlntr av.or.la no 1 ahlnl la, the llirru ttioutlnnuf the multltuJoa, tin hcarau death ctl and thouls of victory, and aunly the roind waves rUlug from urh u dlu will lit. rally thnVu thubvavfiit, mil ure cnpatlu of produrlmc no Inalitnlflcntit t-lktt amontc the volatile currtuui of thuupr nlr." NotnatUllvd with thl exlravaKant chimera, hu adJ: ''.Morfivcr, tl.v heat i;envratei from thu fttuRnllnfj intAHPHanl thu molituru o.aporattd by thidrpfraplratl'.n would ext-rclie a dr cldod Inllueuco In dUturlilmt theitul lUirlumofthuatmoiplicrloconJltlofia." The a Ivanccmetit of tucli a rl llculuu, chlldlah Idea ai the litter, by a mm clAlmlng a itntthle of rvtrntlfleltunwl edjjw, I corulaly ailuunJInrf. Why, Ifeurha liAtthi forceUU.OX) torn should aweat like ttt-nm cmtluiw fur twetity.fjur hour, they could not pnrtlbly throw otr mom than alx lln'ii-aiiid lln'ii-aiiid cubln feet of nnla'.urr, anJ If thla amount f aweit waul I urodueo rainfall rain-fall or uvimi Ulttiitb Ihu'rfpithbrlum of tho AtmoipMerlo oundltloiiF," tlm 1 ulall.inaofNew Voir, rtilUdetpliia und Chlcnito, with tii theroiomater 10dicrifItithu ahAlt would keep tiieatorni tlouJ niibdlltiK wnter all thMURli thrftummrr. o, the truth la Dyrenfunh and I'utvrr, with many ilhcna who Jump nt c itichirlont, nto vitlonary theurlaU who hivu ttudie-i tbeturfaco of one alJJ of n uiw Uun only ntij f')l'uj thtjry rather than cleiicv, J'r, |