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Show FltlllAV AT TIIK FA IK. Tim l'rriulumi t'ninlnf In Monly. The lUllvon Central. The balloon exhibition yeatenlay, o far aa the conteat waa concerned, waa n failure. The talloona were ready at &) o'clock. When thu word waa xlren the Woalall Ulloon went up like a alio!, bul I'rofrawr Jlutler'arcoJutt enough to lighten the pirauhuleoorda when the latter broke looar, auJ rehute and aeronaut came down In a heap. Tho Ulloon In the meantime, roae a llltlo way and camodown. The .Woodall aerouaut rote at leaat, SUM feel Wore lie cut louae. Inlliebaby conteat the prlxe win-nertweio win-nertweio Nellie, Omontha old daui(li. ter of Mra. Kuuloe Hmllh, of rlalt Lake, drat prlie of W; Charlea, 8 tiioiitha oldtaby of Mra. Kale Kryer ofH.ill Lake, aecoud prlae nf $11; the 10 nioutha old ton of Mra. I'. J. Coif nelly nf Handy, third prize of$lll; the 10 uiontha old boyof ilia. II. H. Marietta won the fourth prlae of W.IXI. The ludgea were Mea.ra. p'red Minion, J, 0. Cunkllug, and W. V. llruce. (ii-orge Jameaon, of riatl Lake, waa llie4ircha.ertit ticket number 50,0ij, with which waa nwarded, bealdea the till ulleied by l'rol Hlmoii, a rhllled plow valued at $15, which waa given by l)eer.V Co., through tliu Coiivra live Machine Company, . ThograudplauuKlvenbyHpencerrV lornch, waa drawn by Mr. W, l, Keller, a boarder at the (Irand Hotel. The tlli given by Hincer fc Lynch to Ibeoiie guculng ncareat to tire winning number waa taken by Mr. Wllllu Htevenaoll. of Sugar Home Hit guena waa 7071; tho winning numUur being ;ill0, vinrniiuv'a awahui hoihe. William I'naloii, illy. Ial aUlllon, 4 yeara aud upward., gaU medal ami "rlinlth I'arker, (Ireenwlch, beat Hal. Hon, 4 yeara aud upwarda, gold medal unit i:i. J. 1', Kotahee, Coyote, beat ftalllon, n yeara auJ under 4, gold uiAl.l aud 11. J. l'rndleton, city, beat mare, It yiara and upward, diploma and ilu. L. II. Ilardy,rliy,bifctmare,.1wira and upward and colt, gold medal and 11. J. Pendleton, city, lot filly, I jvir and tinder, gold medal. J. P. Knraliee, Coyote, beat double Item to harneu, gold medal and J15. Huilth Parker, Ureenwlch, biat atal. lion with three or hla get, gold luedal ami yj&. It. Nlelien, H,lllt!i Pork, received prcmluma aa followii Heat talllon. I yeara and upward, gold modal ami Z'i'i) beet mare, it yeara and upward and colt, gold medal and l.'S; bnt mttchod team of ponlie, fill. lieu It, tildrcdge, Provoi licet Ally, Syearaaud under .1, diploma ami In; beat atalllon, a yeara mid under a, diploma and tlo; lat mare, .'I yeara and upward, diploma aud J10; l.i.t Malllon. 1 jear and under S, gold medal; beat illly, 1 )er and under 2, Kold model, l.ll.aiillt. lI.Hmltli, Logan.' llaat Halllou I yeara and iiiwanla, gold medal and li!,'; beat tlalllon, i yeara and under 'i, dlnloum and ilu; bent mire, .lyearaaiid upward, diploma and (I lieat mate, !l yeara ami upuard, mid coll, gold mnlnl ami A5; beat atal. lion, with three of hit got, gold medal and Jin; beet aulllou, 4 year and up. ward, golJ ineilul und tit. Ilyrum Auderaou, I'arinliigtnn, beat filly 1'ycaitand under 3, dlpluniuaud HeUr Ilennlou. Tayloravllle. but Ally 1 year und uiiJcr.', gold medal, Mamn'Tliaene, Weal J .rui ! ttallli i with three of hla ce' iu,i mc lal aluial i W o Creer, H,.nlali l-r. Ia' roare w Ith three of her colta,snl I im-dal and Mi. ' It. Palfrryman, Hprlngvllle, heat atalllon Willi Ihree ol hit get, gold rmvlal and $J5: lt mare three yenrt up and mil, lit; bottmirs with three if her colta, gold medal and li; beat alalllnu with three of hla get, gold medal and tit. William I', tlowrn, Hpanlah Pork, Uat etalllon llireu yira and iimlir four, gold medal aud 416; beat gnomed abttlkili, So. Henry Aiijui, Hpanleli Pork, beat atalllon one jear and under two, fold medal, H. T. Itlgby, Parmera Ward, Lett ttallU'ii, four yeara and up, gold medal and KM, CO. A. I.llebki, HaiJy, be.1 atal. lion Iwnyeara aud under turec,dl.loroa and $10. I, II. and It. II. Hmllh, Logan, lieat atalllon with three of hla get.gold medal and OSS. Ueurge Andcriou, Iticlimond, ht atalllon foury.ara and upwxrdr, gold medal and J2V J. L. Iliy, Draper, Uvl aUlllon .1 yeara and under 4, gold medal and f to: beat atalllon .1 yeara and under 4, gold medal and$l5. William Marker, Tayloravllle, Utt atalllon : yeara and under 3, diploma and ID; beat gel Hog it yeara and up, diploma and tlS; leat alngle liorae to bartieta, gold ineilal. I. J. Hltrliuck. illy, beat aUlllon 3 yen ra and up, tin, J. M. (,'re-r, Mlllali Turk, liettalal. Hun 1 year and iimlir ;, S3; beat atalllon ': yeara ani ur. li). riiomaaMathewa, cliy, U.l tnare.l yeara aud Uiiand colt, guld medal and U; lal Ally ;y ear (in I under!!, dip' Ionia ami li,; w.l atalllon I yearaud uiuier S, c il i medal. -ajaVtl Frank Hanke, BaIi ui, lieitcolt under, one year, elm l.y I), v., Ill; beatIco! alrnd tiy any I'lrberuu, eerthjator Daroua:, , '. A. Ii. Thnmia, illy, lcAt mlcliyfl lr of nrtitabm, i:v beat nWu to tie, gold iiiudil and j:0. 'dF Thomia Mct'lelUud, rarmet'akVard, Ntt cill, aired lir Wa.hakee. l:. A. W. l'lllllll, MlllCreeb, la-atone, hair blood C. II. volt, itc, tie. John It. Winder, city, lie-t mare with three of her colia, gild medal ami $a; treat Utah bred farnilng team, one allalecl, telf-blnder, value t!7'i; beat matethrcvyeitaand up, diploma aud I0. Andrew I.lliajii, Ixijan, beat tlalllon four yeara nnd up, gold medal andlij. L. and II, Price, city, beat atalllon llirt-n year and up, S1&. M.lrln Mealier, city, beat mirulhree yeara and up, $10. Kraiik Crocker, 'city, beat mare .1 ytaraand cull, $13, Janice Ilwarda, city, Uat filly ! yeara and timierS, $4; Put filly, 1 year and under II, $6. J. II. Cllve. city, biat matched team of puulea, lo7 Pred Davldaou, city, beat atalllon with three of lit get, gold lne.nl nnd Slo. J. II. (Irinin. city, beat aaJJIo mare, gold niclalaiid $10, Harvey 11. Culmer, city, Uat aaddle donLey, dliilomaand M. Arthur llrown, city, beat Hullolk Punch' tlalllon, 4 yean, cold medal aud $M. W. I., llitiman, agent, Wot Jor. dan, HutTidk Punch atalllon, 3 yeara and under 4, gold medal and $1.1. David P. An.ler.oii, riugnr, beat lllly 1 year and under !, gold medal. W, II, lllcharda, riugar, arcoud beat carriage horae, 4 yeara and up. $10. Aaiuin Paiiii, Jli., Hauuki, Paul, . a , 1 Cai.nks, 1 KmiKt.i., V U Aonitu, H. H. HCIIIIASIH, Awarding Committee, |