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Show TIIK TKIIUITOltlAli TAIItS. Are Thrlr Ugltlraalr OliJ-cli lltlardrd by Mde-Nhonal JaIUut tUttnt iVVu-i: I wlah to prevent through your coluninaafew Ihoufhta In reference to the Territorial Fair, which cloaed yo-terday. yo-terday. In fldilugaroiiu! for expre. alouaof oplnlouaa to the comparative quality of the exhibition, It aeema to be the general view that, taken aa a whole, Itwaatoajmo extent behlul that of 1800. Theetock mid fine arte were lcrhpan ixcepthn In thla regard, being rarllcuUrty flue. Much la, I bo-lleve, bo-lleve, the iiular eatliaate of the cxa altlon. It la my opinion that, In time of equal proaperlly, no Utah Territorial Kalr ahould be behind any of Ita predu-ceaeor. predu-ceaeor. More than that, each aucce-alve aucce-alve exhibition ahould,on the contrary, I ahead of all thoi of the pat, IfthlabenottlleBaie there la eone thing wrong. There muat either be a diminution of interef t on th oit ot thoeewhooughttobe exhibitor or a ataguatlon of material development. The latter la ceitalnly nut the reaaou, becauie the Territory la making raj Id material t rogreaa. Thlaanomaloua iioaltlon Induce me to aak a quettlon aa to the reaaon for the meagre progfiaa luujo by our Territorial Ter-ritorial l'ulra, ao far aallielrquatlly la concerned. I It Lccaua the leading ol Ject of the Deauret Agricultural aud Matiuracturltig Hoclety are blooming subordinate to mere eatch-penuy aide ahowa? Thla la a aul Jectof lmortaiice to the whole Territory, and therefore ought not to be haatlly dlainiaaed. I 'Ihe aoclety Haa chartered aud formed "Willi a view to promoting Iho arte of domeetlo ludualry, aud to en courugu theiirodui.tion of article from the native elementa of thla Territory." All appropriation and grant ma le to the aaoclatlnn were liealowed with a view to the promotion of thoae moat worthy puriioeee. TheFalgruuudan which the expoaltlou building uow itauda, were conveyed In truattothe organization on condition that the oljecta dellm-d In the law ahould be curried out. In theeveutof (allure to comply. It la provided that the graut ahould bo void and the landa revert to Ihe grantor. Anything whl-h haa a deteriorating or atultlfyliiK rtlYcl uon thu oljecta deacrlUid la at leaal of Jioavd to the geulua of the law. Are theeitraneoua fiaturte refcrreil to becoming a hindrance to the eu couraxeiiieut of agrltultural, manufacturing manufac-turing aud artUUo airault? An)thliig that la mixed with our Territorial r alia which dletracta tj ular attention from tho legitimate exhlblla muat have that ellect. That the maaaea of the put Ho do have their at tentlon diverted, almoat to abaorptlou, by thla aide allow builueaa, la a fact loo latent to beltlaiuted. It may bo urged on tho other baud that theae aieclaUle nro neceaaary In order to make the exhibition my their way, I contend, however. that If clap-trap la a detriment to tho attainment ol the oljecta of tho Deaelet Agricultural aud .Manufacturing Boil-ety, Boil-ety, It w ere lietur to obtain meane In a nor rtputablo way to makeup any deficit In meeting the cxienaee that might occur, even If It ahould have to In, out by proprlallon. I hold that eouie exhibition glvin In councctlou with nur l rrltcrla) 1'alra have a amaahlug eltect Uion the dig illy of the society, which aurely ahoulil not degenerate Into nit orgaulta. Ilou for providing "clrcua bu.l neaa" for Iho delectation of ihe more thoughtlewa of the people The moral cllect of auch ajieclaclc-a laatao, lu iny opinion, ou to aerloua lue.llou, 'I he giving of iremiumito couple who atop forwarJ an I go through the ceremony of marriage lu the mldat and under the g of a multitude mul-titude of ic-uple I not only foreign to tho development of agriculture, art or manufacture, but of doubtful pro rlety. It laaitaluitiound public (ollcy mil morality to roh marriage of the enc red-nee red-nee In which It ahould lie he I, Buch object leaaoliaaa theao apeetaelea nll'orj are not runduclvo to .the grottth of round ainlliiiiuta lu tho nilnda of ollher jounif, iuldJhi.ao I or old. 1 vi n H101.H wlni cither to nit mnaaurh alghta aru not xumtiliir. I. with tlm go id li.t" of tho 1 1 al and couuquently of luu prijii t r lVrhapa tut hunt reimlalve feature ot all li the Illy and i rnicl u rtitlre of voting fur the Kill ,r,l pretllerl girl 1 1 regard It aan mlihutune loony girl who U In anili a manner Ihruat helore theiubllc. Ifaheb tenalblo alio will hanlly feel flatleml hy the dlnlucllou It lake away that modeat rellrement which properly belon to young ladlea. II fa not healthful to eulect glrla from the mfcaa and Ihruat thrm unoouthly before the public gate. Ifthoau who are thua treated have n tendency towarda vanity, Ihe ellii't mut be parllcularly ngtelful, a It la aleay wrong to feed a human weak-ntaa. weak-ntaa. It laatao lUlla to cauae heart tiiilntmr amomr Ihcae who are not ae io ed. Thla feature of our Kalra at ouid be mado ojniplcuoua by lla atiarn-e. Theln'loin end parachute bialnea doea not Ulong, In my nplulou, to the ajiheroof audi an augitat organliatloti aa tho Ueaeret Agricultural and Manu-fa"turlng Manu-fa"turlng Hoclety. Nothing more need be eat I tiioti that feint. I i o . that betweeu now and a year hence audi conalderatl ina aa Ihoie cm-iKalled cm-iKalled lu thl communication will be duly weighed, with a view lo ellml. iiatlng from our annual Kalti everything every-thing having a tendency to hinder Ihe attainment of their legitimate objccla. KAtllVAV. |