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Show liiM rinigriiir. The groat pmgrvss that lias been made hi the methods by which rapid movements can be analyzed Is well seen In n certain series ol photographs. Tho luhjof t uf llic-.o pictures Is 11 dog Jumping Jump-ing over a small huslt. In tho act of maMug ono 'Jump the animal bat la-en photographed twenty four separata times, and each plcturo It not a silhouette, sil-houette, at tint Hie case with many former attemptt of this kind, but it little lit-tle plcturo showing half tone and detail. de-tail. Home of the uttltudos uppear very ludicrous, for they represent a phaso of movement which the eyo Is nut accustomed to ar.d cannot appro-cl.io. appro-cl.io. Notubly Is Hits tho fuse In tho commencement or Hie Jump, when tho dog'a hind legs only touch Hie ground, and again nt tho llnlsh of the Jump, when lilt legs tire gathered together In bunoU. Jv'ew York Telsuraui |