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Show OGDEN POLITICS, The Drill o Feellii0 and Oplnlos In lbs Jnsclloa City. tiikiuvi iiui.r.csrtniMi irsixii. Mli.1t ll III the I ropte't I'.irl; tin In lli (..iile.l! iieeULl iba .taiiT.vi Tlio elevllon luro. whluh nccura a Herkfroii) Ichy, la Win lul.eil fjr ward to wltli luml lirablo lntereat at homo und abr mJ, not niLroly le rauio It It ail ulettlml and liennuae. na tho KonuJ rll) lu thn reirlltty. nt liilina'annint taVt; Mil mainly for I he raiWll Ihltt III will U the AM luiurtantmunlctpnUlKtluii lunplaic wreatJ fmm tha control of tha i'eoplo alncutho rooejuuilaode. Nalurall), tho "I.IIrmV an eti trinl, or rAlhrr thiy bate Uii tried, nnd tho vcnllct will bu niordeAl ou Monday next, lttbcroaluill aijitar a majority niraliiil tho thket of Ihat (airty, ll trill li an cipruwlon of uun-demnv.lon uun-demnv.lon morn or lea pruuoitmiil Km.nl I hs to tlieiUeof the mij'itllj; If limy win, they will l tiulomil lu an i xleut curr-li.llni; with Ilia do-gnu do-gnu of their rcundcraui.. Thla la tltn eaao In a hutthill. Ill order tlul the Nlwn mljlithave aoniellilii2ni9iouhilanllal thau mere predilection, preforoucei and turmlara to haau an oiilnloii uihiii, I took tho troubtn to Inliule myielf lulo eviry Krvup or knot of ieoplo who witu dli-cuaalnie dli-cuaalnie tho uulvertal thtmo, whero BVtraucli action waa at all projier, aud learu from tha llju of each and crcry oun their prcfereniea aud opluloiia when eipreafuej; from ludlflduala of exwrleuceatid long realdonco lu tho ill), Hum "InterTlewa" lwlm con lllieil tOwopla of no pirtlcular cla, lluuor uliauoofatntlmiut.Uit lelng aa nearly aa twealblo cnuipletely dlitrllai lite. Tha ttrlctly Aiuoilcau ayalcin of argument In aucli CBHa Ulllugor ollerlug to liel ot t-ourae rlgurm ei tenalTvly aa a factor lu the proK,altlou, and riulllnit thla ami that loicelher, tho opinion lairrealatlbjo that tha "Liberal" "Liber-al" an fighting uphill. Tho organised o poaltlon in the iarty In pnwer up to tin, rue nl time tiniit almott eiilualvely from Uiom who weru and are of themaolree Ihat la, lilberalt " Theao naturally coin rl.o tho mora onnatrvatlve nnd conalitent element In the rauka. and aru largely men of aflaln, Inlelllgtnce, .rorly and exi;rlanc In tho community. Looking upon the niT.nl made hy their organltatlon aa Die govef nlug wer In munlclinl alTalra, they find mauy more tuluga to roademn thau commend, com-mend, and are lioaeat, Inde-Iwndent Inde-Iwndent and ouu.ioken enough lo tar ki aud aot accordingly. We ran all uuderatand how It la that chbma In p olltloal pattlva agnwtluie arlMand threaten If tlieydonotaccoui- filleh tha dlampllou of tho organlia-ion: organlia-ion: but when tho trty la urcly local aud ulnervallona umiu Ita coudiu t aro thereby baiul on cloaer contact than la the caau with the great atrtlea InHlateaor the nation uodtrahnllar clreumataiicee, tho grievance lu auett caaea inuat he actual aud conalJereMo. elgbbaraare ruoru likely to ovirluorf wrongnlotng among nelgbbura thau wbeu the wrongful acta ociur In a pace or placee mure or lem remote; and thualtla, from what actually It aud what 1 have heard, tho cou-clualon cou-clualon above ait out la the correct one at prreenU Ho far the I'eople'a itirly liaa not dawned on tho wllllcat iiorliuu, but It will aud atourt, tho iilmarlea occur lug lu tho vanoua warda thla evening. Mnt their action will bo no mau knoweth, or If any man dooa lie liaa menaced to keep hiaown couiihI with aingular Ktlualveuean. (July two couraee are huggiaitiil the nonilnallou nf a ticket of their own, und the in-dotarmiut in-dotarmiut of that of tho Clllieua' taiity aathe orgaulied opwaltluu to the "Mlierala" hi Air nuruit la iiiuui. It la een Htw tue ecirly to predict tho milcome ol the rlmarhw to-nlrftit to-nlrftit i njifclillyJu view ol Hie ilrcum-atauciaauled; ilrcum-atauciaauled; Out tho nivalllug bolltf la that tho ricple'a and Cltlttua' lirtlea ulll fight aliouMir lo ahculder njllii't the common opponent. 1Mb ned not, however, lai ricohed aa u fongono loiiclmlon by any inatna. The two UckeUrn far lu tho llclJ, It munt In adoiltli"), aro Juimouu lui-prutrmeub. lui-prutrmeub. over that 1 ut forth hy the "l.llictula" two j cirt ago and the nun who havu bet n controllliu: tho municipal munici-pal government alncu that time. It ihuaaaara that the chargea of Imf-llcleuc) Imf-llcleuc) (If notlilng mote aulouO ngnluatthe fDwera thrit In aroatihUlnud aa uelllo adinlaalou na acctuatlon,only ulltf of Hie I neent reglmn haa lieeu re-nouilu&tod, re-nouilu&tod, and he, no doul t, lncuuau id tho tuitom Vthlch acema to hme oblalui-1 to git e n new leglalatlvo taaly a nutJimllo liaveiilngof old material, Uniiurttlcuably tho regular 1,11 rala hav o ubandonocl Iht Ir former out iwaia nml no longer aeen or i irvit telioid ou toiaiwtrtiy dlreit bmiuII, their chief ri llance la lo'ietd nlp'theoiipoiltlou by rituitluglnadtaucotoalmllartaclha the nfiuiluatlon of new and comjmr-atlvily comjmr-atlvily uunljertlnnable men for Hie ptacin i f trttat, huiior nud iroflt. Un-leM Un-leM all nppeiiranu nru utterly dtcp. Iho, however, liny aru dettluul (a lln 1 when the voice are nil ivuutid thai the I'h-lotm1' movinient tame too late, more tirtlcularly when, with wonJeeavorlng atrongly nf arlf-ilulll-flcatlon, the) plant lhcuM.l.ia upon their loourd. lu the cirnahe If not eUgaul lauk'uage of Kir I.ndut (J1 Trigger It'a a tury prilty iiuanel aa It aUn I.." Time la, howi v er, Ihli dlflVr-tuce dlflVr-tuce li malulng I hat out of tho Og len nuarixl good la Ukuly to couiu, If the Oltlraua' or l'oolc'a Ik let, or both united, aliall win, wo all know (luro will In an lniroeineut, which the opiicalllou roiulao but ouly prnmhu, with two yiara of mlagoverument l-foruuaaatheaeourllyiUcred. l-foruuaaatheaeourllyiUcred. A fct daja more will tell (hu tale. |