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Show WE SIMI'I.V I)l.ri'.MI AS!) UMIII CJklK. O.IK of tbo falrivat, moit'coualitent and conaervatlvo statement of tho local situation we have eccii for soma time api-iartil In tho intra, In tho shape of a corrcopondcnce, on Halur day evening, January 31 aU On account ac-count of It quality we glvo It space! "The fact that the city council, rhniii. ler of commerce an 1 real eatato excliango isTaMiltiluoto U10 puUlo dntent to make on oK-n and euiphatlo protest against the nnnarranti.l and outrageous Icsnsrd i f the Jtluitml! Amrritan, is ample evldinta that Journalism lis a very vlul relation tuthogelierel welfare. A to Iho ttsiriloo of tho tiarrffiN. tbsr 1 vu Ism ground Uian many Kenlllei real lent In halt Uao Clly might Imagine for Buppoatng that tho Mormons are contemplating mlstami, prrjwing fir war, or thst they hat e a single thought In thrl direction, A.I1I0 frnm lu fl ally and llbelousnew, It l singularly absurd and prrjustsrou. Wo can travel to the utnioit -orncrs of Utah, put in at plaee Iho luot remote an 1 obaeiire, 1st and sleep unproteetHl, and hatotio n-aiu for fueling leas secure In iwrsoil and property Ihau around our own fire-aides. fire-aides. Thoe(Tect of .such libels again.! a hole eomuiunlty u- Territory Is to re-tsnl re-tsnl settlement and letenl the infliti of capital. II does a taat Injury, besides lelng a l-ernlclous dl famatlou of an lull lu-ll neopl, MNow that aiuplo mea.un-s bavelteen takin to refute aud denounce theao Imim reiMirls, II U hnori-a us to My that tliele Is a great deal of UUh Journalism, Mormon and antl-Minuon, ibat Ish -j.hltn Injury In-jury totho business lnu real of our clly and Territory. It does not occur to us Ibst Ibis conitaal ringing of thu changes by soiue of our I.lbilal ournals on the qui-.tl,u of dlsn-an t htscment of th Mormons Is either prso llcablo or prudent. There Isnotih remotest re-motest shadow of a llkellho,.! of disfranchisement disfran-chisement at Ihe prcenltluie, ur lilt Iho preaont outlook. We lake the manifest,, lo lio measurably tlmvro, and tt hethi r it was or not 011 the part t,f ell tin ea,ler luskc no dltferenco as to the gcuerftl rv suit. II will be aiitcd as slnt-cre bj the government until tho contrary Is full) alio n. Hut It dlBioscs of iho que. tlonof (lUrVanchlsemeut at present, nnd mot prnb-ibly fonver llenco tbenn-slant tbenn-slant Haunting of Hits obnoxious dis-qusllllcatiou dis-qusllllcatiou Uforo the oyes of Mormon residents Is 110 lees pernl -lous and list less than It Is futile. This was fr.slj deulHiistrsle,! at tbo last elelou Tlia subject matter, and auliiius of Ihe cant ass falle.1 to enlist the at mpallil,4 of at liranl rxmie llions mds ot vetrnontho llblral si le of Ihe quoe tlon, These men aro anxious for llio llgbti but lho cauH i Iho right atonic 111, h lines of Jmirusllsm. Tbrt all tttl that thcro ought to be a better and quicker quick-er si ay out. They all denouneo prl, etti dictation In politics, and tbo Mormons disclaim and assevsrste against s,i, h practices. prac-tices. At all Tt lit business bisoclallous of(lentlli.asislMoriuoiisare,letiloplnc a tendency lo unite on Issue ollit r than those which are advocated by tboultra-Monuon tboultra-Monuon 1 rlcstbood or (lentil faustU-a. This tendency of business Interest an I association to elllnliisto bltlir anUtgon Isms and rejet Ihe counsels of crank and uilachlef-mnkers Is bound to t Into aatrongcurnnt tliat wfll aoou free the alt) and territory from a etrlfo tt hlch Is as hurtful as It Is useloa.'' Whoever the writer of tho fortgolng Is, ha evidently wsseN- a tliur head, ahllo Ills heart la roa rly situated. Ho allude lo a point In tho pnsent saltation In rtfi retire to Iho slanders ri-itratil ngtlnst tint (s'oploof Utah that seems to liave bet u overlooked b) those who simply colulder the eflects brought to liear Uhju their nckits. Uoallul.i to the Injustice douo by thu "pernicious ilefanmloiinf an ell tiro 1 tuple. ' Wo will rliaps, at .iliotlur time glto sonm reasom for si Tow btilng willing lo r.c gulio Iho elemiut of Injustlco to au "intlro Iswple" luvolveil III Hi" question that Isnowawakcnluga ownful inltrest In builnes circles. ItlsadmllUilthaltlierals much In localjouruallsmof a uaturo to work Injury to Unities IntertsU. A lliorougli nnd lmrllal Investlgalton will dlscloto the fact, however, that the cure of this wrong musl, t be ellectlve, be applletl to lu source. It Is liolorloj, lh.it a "pernicious definition of an ei-fire pvople" Is a matter of dally rpotralloti. If what tho cortespon-1I1 cortespon-1I1 nt tails "Moimon'Journallini" w ero to be silent In relation tothoselnfanioua lllndets publiihed iqsin theiopll, the falsehoods would tie taken fur granted abroad as living true, an I the Injury to Isi.lnes would 1 stlil morw pro nou need thin It Is. I fit were not for the villainous and deceptive untruths lold notably by Iho morning "Liberal" organ of this city, "Mormon" Journalism would not of iiiccsslly eugage In a defensive con lllct. An rxamlnatleii of our columns will prove that tho policy of thoNl.MS Is not one of tusauliHlng In IU genius essentially defensive and vludlcalory. Thocalumnhn lint aiotrielntl ngslust an eullr w le tnuslllute but a means to an end, Iho oljett Islng lltl,nl. Thecullisioiidenthaslruck the Intent of the hour w lieu lit alluJe.1 to tho adtocatnl disfranchisement of tho "entire icole" ho are ao basely subjeittsl to "defamation.1' Ho long as the attainment of that puriose Is acruglit the proas of defamation will lw piled, JuitlOiil and sustaliied by the anemlea of Utah. It Is not to lie presumed that Iho "entire people" euljectcd lo llio feiilt-st vllllflrntlou and theJournalUU who volcu their sentlmenU projioso lo sit Idly and allow audi villainous wrongs to bo pciietratl without a struggle. (Iodfoibldlhatweliould,liy slatl.li Inactivity, indicate: that wa Uu not love freedom and esteem truth sufficiently to defend both and expose the perfidy ofthtlrcnemle to the ex teutofour iower. |