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Show tin: r.iTKxroii'ruit, feii!lrMer l'rul.lu,i f,.r Ibe in mlie? -I ulitltle lt..l.ill.in. Wamii.nuTun, Jjii. 'II. Tho Trial, ibuit loetay conferred llll Attormy tleurral MlPernud AMhtunthccritaiy uflhu Titaitiry Nelllttou nifirdlni; hla mwi r under the alatulu In tuakli A U uiiririiy provlilona firtltu viaitcy. The com uulon wai rraeliuj Hut In rnwof thu death cflhu head of a de. parluient the next In rank or initial pualtloii iculd nit for a period often data from thu llmu of death nnd no longer. A meelluit of Mluncoht enttnri, ripreeenlntlvm anl eltlzina rcaldlnic In WathliiKton woe hell today, nt uliteli api ruprlate attlou reie tlnu Iheileithuf Hieiitary William Win. doni woa taken. A lulonlitlo mulu. lion Km adoj tent pruvl lln that the d, ligation 111 coii.tiui anl cltUvnaof MlnmiijU, ruildriit or acjournlinr In WaihliiKton, will lu a ludy attend the funeral. lly dltectloii of llio roatmuli r Oe'it eralalliiualmleraarentittiorizeil TOnj8i:TIII.IK IVKTOIr'ICM ita fir ai prarlleable, on Monday nut Ulurutlthuliouranf 11 u. lit iiudli. m,duiliiK tliu funeral arrvlteauf thu late Hecrelary Wltidoiti. Thu liouMof tho lata Horn lary Win dom wai eloaeil to ehltora toilny. A few lutlmiito Irlenda wire a.linltlul, however, mid H'rmltled to ijiu ou the fura of thu dead 11 luut ler. Acllnx Hecrelary Nuttleton lued lhefolloliirdir thlaafttniooiin bi all olllcera of the Trtaiury Depatl. mini: "Notice li hereby (clvuta thai tho fiineralofllou. Willi nil WlnJotn, lulu Heeretaryof tliu Trennury, will take place ou the afternoon of Muiidn, Februarys, IbUI, In tho clly ol Wa.n. lniitou. All bull.llii.l mid olllcia under my control will lu cloavd throuiiliout that day, w far aa la ion ilatutit with lhu traiiMii tlon of mm eary nubile Imeluin. On all ullo litiflellnica llirounlioiit the UnlleiltiUIen nnd all veiaolii mid aleaiiiem iinderrori. trAlof tlila derartmenl, thu national IU(; will bu dlijilayed at half in t." |