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Show WHITES AND NEOKOES. Troop (Irilmil lo Carhon Hill, lla tiama, la (ncll a Itlol) f true hilled. KOCH QOCS TO CQYPT FOR ADOUT THHtC MONTHS K llnanrlil l'rolilfinl How In Obtain $.V,lin,0t0 More lor Hie Morhl'i Fair. Teltt rtrh to Uio Stwut AI.AIU-11 III rittdt . (urrenl lletiorl, nl an Attack llueu UlltlllNrillVU, Ala, Keb. 1. lie-ttl lie-ttl wcroiurreut here yesterday of an attack by whltu men at the Uallo-wny Uallo-wny niluioniiegro.a who had beeii Hit b) mirk during tho n-cent atrlke. 1 ITirU uiidu by telegrah to trcura conllnukilun of thu rt'ierti provi'J futile. Tho ouly aruwir oltalnabla wrw that a negro had been killed t y a while man Inaeir-dtfente, and that the reioru wbero Incorrect. It aeiinn fiortlble front Uler deiiloji-metita deiiloji-metita that the eorriepau lenta wtre liitlintdaud. rhla morning Colonel Clark, Second llegliuetit, received onlera front (Inventor Jonea to jnil fifty men of thu looil conipiulea under nrninln readlueMUitiroceeil tn(artiun Hill, n-ar the (lelloitny milieu. In Ihu ntnenci- of Clark, CajiUlu llaudolph Prlton, ol the Illrmlng-hani Illrmlng-hani Unit,, tunuuieil couiiiiiud, an I lwiulnvo men from (hu Itlllra and n llku number from Hie Volunteera tetruaueinbled. At four o'clock thla afternoon a telegram wa reeilveil from the goturnor, unlerlng them tu irourvU t Carbon Hill. Not a word in, heen In ar I ai to thu ttatu of nlUIr, at Carbon Hill, and luone kiiOHaoit whatauthorlty thetiivernor 1, ucting. Curl. mi Hill I, lu Walker Count), ou the Kama, ( Ity.Mcnii.Mn A. Illrmlng ham Itallrcad. The uiilltary, llflj-llvo itrong, una. jotetl of drtacbineuu of rltlea nbd volunteera, CapMn I'rltou rouiruiii ! Ing, left here for CrlKin Hill nl 0.1(1 Una evening Their order, mm to repotl Hero for ilntj , nud they lilt ul.houtkuowiug thu exact imturo of Ibedul' liny wero callcil ou toper-lonti. toper-lonti. (Jivernor Jiiih-h Ii getting anninln. formatlriu fro n Carbon Hill which It unknown here. Trainmen ou tho Kan.ai City, Memihla A. tlcinlitr-hum tlcinlitr-hum train, )uit arrlvttl, my llu ne-growerukltle.l ne-growerukltle.l up tulait night. All uaaijiikt iihiit they iwmi, but at HorMCrerk they beard that thu riot-llglltd riot-llglltd been ruuew.it alncu dark, MIVTIII TIUWI'S WrUKKKNl. MKMi'iiia, Jan. 1. A Illrmlnibain, .A4alTnaticlal a)rki-lirteteraiJiU-. aJrlccJuit re-clittl Irani Carbon Jllll wiy that Will Murray, a white nun, thol and IntUnlly killed Jaiiiua Cattery, n well hollared uegru, laat night at (lallottiiy. rtiu negro lay wherohefcll until thla itiornliur.whtti henaa burled by thu mi; or. Although It la not to tubs!. It npjieira tn bu a conllnuatlou of thulroiihlt.'anl I'rlda- night, when neitnHv were atlaikt-l lit their cablnt. It lathi, Ut' del ihpiiient v blclt oautei (loveruor June, to aeud troojia front Ihlatlly." ' llobvrtdllhnav. utiuitf theowneri of thu mhna at Carbon J 1)11. tald to nn Ataojlnlvd I'rvii reporter tonight, lu rgardtuthu ieirltil trouble! at the mintt: 'TIimo outragei are tbonork of nu element that knows mm w, that ha, IcrrotUed that art or Walter iiuutylirthu ,n,t tlirijitr.. Tmy hteo no regard for huniaii lire, rim inucra of thu county olllchtla Hem limited, but Ihu time nat roiiiu fir Hie rt ale or AlViiun tourutlt out thlielaw. Diut it Ituuto lu nhlch mgrota were tloe ping wat rl I lied with imlkt, I, a fuel, niidutioof them waa oumktl lu theitnu None weru kllleil. VetUr-day VetUr-day Jamca ( utttr-, a negro, a killed and one wounded, but thla la not thu lliet tlmo lii the htt fiw niontlii, that tucli thing have hapiiemil In thla count) und the guilty urtli i nra tui-lute tui-lute J to I a ell known. Thl hut ca-e nf lawhtiiuttji, while Ulijuttlllal lo lu vviry wu), brought ntuulbytho iiufcrtunntv ilreuuu nuiTa of 1 uenla), A ttiauge white man killed n lugm ninr l.ldrl lie. ilx mlhafrom Cirhon Hill, (lu WedmaJay a ntru i nit loy. eil tohulitllpaoiuulieglOi, wboforill. erly worked at Ihu mlutalekod up aomutrnn;u mgrooaaud toon them lo (lallowny. Oulhowny over(he)-ot udrlnkurlwoaud (he leader lalkerln nwaytn exilluthe eruwd.who took thu law In their own Iiauda with thu rctiilla ai itatiil. Tho homo wan ml . ed IhiyovldentlydlJ not Intend hi kill any m groin, m thorn wiro thirty ur forty othrra ijuarteretl within .too yarda of thla Ucu who weru not Uuched," |