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Show nni.au Ml IIIMIIIIM. Ilrtutullout tsaln.l llie lenaer latil till. WAaniNiiivjN, FeUfl. -In tho Hen-ate, Hen-ate, I'attduik preeentid the resolutions of the Nebrnika hoti-w repn-at nlatlvea ugalntt Ihe avtage of Ihe l onger I Jird hill fur tho rert'Oll Ibat It, would lllllllt went I Met ou the ralllu luilualry of Ntbrtakit, and lu favor of tl e latNige of tlm I'addnck I'lire Fooil bill. The ronfinnce rtnrt on the bill which provldrs fur an iddltlonal aM elate Juittct lii the tiiprtuie court of ArU'iin wat agreed to. fin, naval appropriation bill w ai re-Ported re-Ported with sundry amendmenti and J lale give uollee that he Would aak the filiate lo take It up tomorrow or Monday. Mon-day. TIM lltttlll.NIIIV AH tilt. UawlvyollVrt 1 u resolution, which watagrrej lo, calling on Ihe I'rral lint fir thecorreti'oiideiKe In rtftiiiitatto the coniluctuf the aoiilur natal ollUtr ou the occasion of thearnntniid killing ofUencral Jlirrundta aul tlio action ol Ihe Navy llcpartim ut Morgan addretaed tho rlmtte lu tii-irtof tii-irtof Ihe bill reitirteit from thoram-mllteuon thoram-mllteuon foreign relation! In regard to aid InlhoiinitltiKtlou of the Mcnra-Kuainarltinioiiina). Mcnra-Kuainarltinioiiina). in "nu; itutii: M( Klnley asked tiiiniilniout conaent for the present eonai lenlbui of the bill prutlllng lint nothing lu IhoUrlrr aeltliall In bell tn rilinl or Impair llie reciprocity treaty with Ihe liana, llau ltluuda. Illaud thought thu I 111 thould In conalilired In thu committee of Ihu wholoandMiKlnley iiuved Hint the Ilouaegolutocommltttefur that ttir-iae, ttir-iae, but he w Itlidrew lilt nctlou when lie fuiiuJ that II wat lniotlblo lo limit thu time for debate. At a uieellog ol Ihtillouae commit-teooll commit-teooll Itiatofllceainnd 'Ht rraids today, the l'ilal Telegraph bill waa laid on Ihu table. AMrjtUIMI TMK I.AN1I KUIlrl HUIIK An. The Hpraker Itld lafurolho llouto the Heiiitu till), amending tho land forftlturoaitof rtvi tciuU'r l"i, IhfHl, au that the rjarilotl within whltli tilthr., laircliasert aud others under the provl slout of add act may mako aj plkatlou toHirthae tan It, forfeited ilnrebt, when audi iieilod lagliMtuiiiiifrom Ihupuaaroultheact, shall Ifglu to run irom Ibo date of tho prouiulgatlon by tbo lommlaalonir ul thu gtntrat laud ofllce of liitlructlout totheoni-ctrtof totheoni-ctrtof Iho local land ctllets for llulr direction lu Ihe dlimaltlou ut laid lands. The bill ki,.cd with verlml amend menu. The Henate 1,111 TfasTwe, refertlnsT In court claims, abd tliu claluiof the admlnlslratrlx of Ucorgo W. Law. rriiee, growing out ut the couttruttlou of tlieeM-tla Ayuictin oud Jufifuiao In Ibo:. Tho commlttte un iotlolllcta and poat roadt rejairletl theo!tolllceappto-prlallou theo!tolllceappto-prlallou bill aud It wat placed ou the calendar. The IIoiimi then wt ut Into committee of tho whole (I'aytou, of Illinois, lu the i hair) on the auudry civil apro prlattoiiblll, ul lilt Throsl lu Jealous;. 1'IIII.AM ll'lllt, Ftb. 0. Jealous William Athlon, la-t night, albicktd nit who wiiu a iiaicnii anu a mure. Mho escaped and wat not fatally hurt. Ho thru fatally rut hit own throat, |