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Show MQl'EL TO TlIK lAI.I.OPPAUNEM. Tin: following li from the January ntimhcror IheA'ericw nf Un-iewt, emo of the al lest and best tnasarlne of the Kugllsli language: "Hi aeque I lo lb atory of the fall of Mr. l'niuell as t .,d II In th IWoonWr nuniber It now a metier of bVbiry. The Irl-M'.irllsiinntsry patty, distracted by the varying elalma of panmnal fealty lo Mr. I'aniell and loyally lo their countrr, after long dehatea In the tummltleo room N'n, II of Ihe lions of Common-, during which Mr. Parhell, as chairman, displayed dis-played Infinite rcsourco, both go.tl slid lied, 111 defenso of Ills cause, hi last decided, de-cided, by a nnjntlly i, U lo SO, In chouse 'a new leader. Tliay M-lecte-l Mr. Justin McCarthy. Mr. farm II at unco repudiated repudi-ated tho authority o( tho majority, and aa North Kilkenny hsppnnod lobo eaeant, ho appealed hi lb electors to aitpisirt bis phUnsIousngaluM the authority of tho msjiirlly of tho representatives of tho Irish )vopW Hurrying over lo Dublin, h selr-st Hi nmco fd tfu'tcd Trtlan'l, destrojed the edition edi-tion of tho pupir tint wo already printed, aotl aubstltutod a new and Par-titlllU Par-titlllU tsllllun. Hsfore that could l-lssue.1 l-lssue.1 IhaetMrHledlUir, Mr. llmlkln, le-turned, le-turned, hi Ihe darkness of the night, and mado pye of the It ) of the now s 1 rslun. Ntl day Mr. Parnsll returmsl, crow bar lu ban I, and stormed the orltce. This Urn there was no att, mpt at res, ue, end I'HifrdJrWeiadnintlaucd to advocate Mr, Paruell'a ism-w eg dost the onlers of te editor, Mr. W. O'llrlcn. Tlinluittlo wai Ibcn transferrol from th atrccta nf J)iblln-wbere Mr. Par-hell's Par-hell's aupportera tbeen-d or 'Parnell, llilfour and Kilty O'SlnV-to North Kilkenny, Mr. Parnell Inul nominated Mr J. Pope Itcnnemy aa hi candidal f ir Ute vaeanl sont, HIr John, however, ile-elarpil ile-elarpil that be could not opjiiwo th hierarchy. hier-archy. Thereupon Mr. Parnell aum-marUy aum-marUy raaLblov-cssshiMnl, etui Jiouil-natnl Jiouil-natnl Mr. Vlia-i-nt Scully as Ids own ran 11 late, and itiverwhslmed the man wkomholial first kubrted for the post with denutti Ijtton, av-atllug Mm not inertly for hlsoppueltlon hi blmself.w hit h woull bate been lar, but for htsante-eeileiils, htsante-eeileiils, which w roof uourso tho aame astlioH which h hal tehen ho was Mr. Parnell' man. Por a .brhf moment It aeemed as If Mr. Parntll, who halen-Ihuilnstlo halen-Ihuilnstlo rocip'lous lu tho towns through which ho iistodwllh tho exception ex-ception of Mallow was likely to carry all before him. Hut It was ouly for a moment, Mr. Mlckoel Duvltt hastened lo Kilkenny ami organised th patriots for resistant, Th priests biiktdhlm nobly. Nearly a aoor of Irish voter undertook a bouso-to-hous tans of th constituency, Mr larnsll, 011 tho either hand, mustered ull Id supisirtere. 11 bad many M.P.'s, thro disfrocked prlcsts,and a largo contingent ot the publicans pub-licans and elnnors. Tho lime hod come, ItwMN-tM cynically, for all adulterera to stand ahuublsr to ahoulder nit North Kilkenny. Mr. Hitltt declares thoy showed that Ibore la a l'rcemaaoury In view whU h can oil occasion t-a used against those who emleavor t.i maintain anystandsrdof tlrtile higher than that of sheor promlwulty. Mr. luvltl and lir. Tsnncr followed Mr. Parnsll from slllsg to tillage, 0011-fruntlng 0011-fruntlng him everywhere and apjH'allng to their couutryimn toahow by tholr sotmthat they wero determined not to distroy the alllanco Utwectt ibo Irish Hngtlslt dsniocraeles b auportIng a leader whom no Ktigllsbinan could oter Irnst again, Mr. Parnell, on Ibo other hand, watlng wild ami furious with op-position, op-position, appealed In tho aplrlt of hatrtsl, aud Invoked tho uiomory of revtdutlonary dayelo assist him In bis electioneering. It was alllnvalu. Tlio priests sen 1 the patriots oombluod triumphed orer Mr. l'nrnell, and blr John Pojo Hcnnessy was returned M.P, for Kilkenny by 2,t27 to 1,311. It was 11 great lilirey, and waa lulled by lb Kugllsli Liberal as sn Immonsii relief. Mr. Iiavltt, with whom 11101M Hum any man reals th honor of ihe s letory, la ooulMcnt Hist Mr, Parnoll will now li lsseteu ot rrywhiro, lu tow n or In country. Wo shall aeo. It I, never ear hi prophesy, hast of all In Ireland, but on thing Is qullu obvious, and that Is that lio Liberal joirly lu Knglaud la more Ihan ever plnlge.1 to fullll Ita ubllga Ions 10 IU Irish allies." |