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Show mi. rurr. iiiaiii. mil. Iralne- lb oininlllee I a I'remi.l Arllon. Wamiinutov, FeUB-TheolJ dlfll-cultyn dlfll-cultyn to when thu hearing ahould caaaucameup lu thn Houhe culnuge committee today. Thu free coinage men wanted a day flxnt at out v. After much dlacuaalon, Williams moved u reaolutlon providing for hearing tomorrow to-morrow uml thu llrat four da of ntxt w ix k, aft. r which a voto ahall be taken. Aiiameudmeut llmitlug the meeting day tu threo a week, proponed by Walker, wu adopted, eveu to three, Wilcox voting with tho free coinage men and Wlikham (chairman) agaluat them. Twelvo o'clock having arrived, there w a no o ioitunlty to voto ou thu amtndeil proimalllon, and thu commit-itu commit-itu aJJournrit until tomorrow. A deletallou of olllcera of the Kioto Farnirra' Alliance, now lu tt-aatou lu thla city, headed by I'retldent Folk of the .National Alliance, awaited the opining of the hearing of tho Houao coinage committee thl morning I'realdent Folk atated hi purpoae to l to urge proui't aillou on the allver bill by Ihe committee, com-mittee, ao that aitlou might ha had by the Houae, John M, lorU-a, cf New York, engtged In tho China and India trado, ilealred to priaeut aomo fact a to what ho believed would riaultfroman Increaaed value of allver to fl.l'J, All our enhange lu the allver mining couulrlee, he aald, were goverued by the gold value of allver lu aa-a-fe-a-a-e-l In' ill I M I1 till Tft Ixindon. Wheal, cotU'n and nil were our chief export, and na our chief rom'iefltor In thiee article wetu India, In-dia, I .g) pi aud ltuaala. our trade w mild tver eerloiialy an.llbyan allver leglalatlou. Thu comiultlre adjourned until tomorrow. will. Nut nine) Till auv.niimitt Tlio free oilnage re'ubllcim aniator have ilecl led that they will not n-.i theamendinentoirernlyiaterdaytolhe peHalounpiropilatlon bill by Heiiator ritrwartluihohaof a frio coinage provl.lon. I he ruuoti for this decl.lon la a fear that aentlmental ronaldera-lion ronaldera-lion may lauae a loan of voleralii ca.-a wheru aeiiator and refftaenbt-thialinvn refftaenbt-thialinvn a atrong aolller conatltu-ency. conatltu-ency. It la irolaillo an ellort will be made to nttneh a frru coinage rider tn eomnothir gemral appropriation I 111 whe.u the aame factor would not enter-Into enter-Into the matter. .i.rrrrllniiarr Helrll In atralrn. Nkw Oiiiuxb, p'eb. 5. The Jlouyu'ie'a Hau Antonio, Tex , epeclal ayr: Under order fruui thefloern-ment, thefloern-ment, a detail of United HI ilea ollln r inaile an In. lection of tho Mexican railway line and oonat di feme Phey found them both much lrnro thorougli than they ixa-cled, and the coiut work lu rairtlcular are tirogn-aaln wlih noUbloratil llty. Onoof thu onlccr aald toJa. "For aomu time jrtat, aa 1 am credibly Informed, In-formed, I'rraldeut Dlax haa been calling call-ing the (laernor of the dlllVreiit Ktt-a tu thn capital anj cotif.rrlng Willi them Thla irocedurn haa betu unuaual and much comuieut wa ix clUd. The fact la, I'rrtideiit Dial linteeahortl) for France, whire he w III remain eome montha, Tho fact of hi liitemlcil depirtuto la only known li a very few a raoiii, and they of the hlgheat circle. "The ceuntry la uot ao qultt aalt ahould be. Tlio Kuniloval revolution of laatumnurilemomtrateil that tho Inaurreitlonary aplrlt allll exliu. The dri-arturoof tho I'rctldeut la alnioat auru to bu followed by troublu lu one filaco or anotlu r and for thla ri-aaon ho governors havu been lu conaulta-tlon conaulta-tlon with him. Dlax hulda tho niailt-lie niailt-lie with an Iron gratis but when lie It In r.uro(H) It will netiaaarlly be relaxed. re-laxed. It la certain, however, that auy attemited rebellion will beaptrdl. lycruthed. The admlnl.lratlcii haa loo large an army au I with the priwnt Iran. imitation foclllUi-, soldi) ra can be I moblllaed too rapidly to trinll aauc-l ceeaful revolution f Nltlke III IIiimIh, Ht. rrrriuiiumi, Feb. . Heieral ahlpbulldlng diKkyard, having be-ivimo be-ivimo griatly dbuati.lled, nwlng, at they complained, to n reduction of wages and liar.li treatment ly Admiral, Admir-al, itrucktlay. Theythen roceeded to thu headijiiartcra of tho Admiral and molbed him. He waa auljected to many luaiilia, aud Ibe mob ilnally became be-came to threatening that troo were aummoiied to rescue Ihe Admiral from ffl'LILHTiVaTiiyf "tf fTr. . irnriifaT Tne laarreleiaa AITale. Madhmi, Feb. 5 yawv endeavors to uilnliulxs tho Importance of thn affair af-fair lu Ilanclona tmlay. It uiya a few tiollcn dlaiered an uuauthorlted met t-lug t-lug of republicans, and thopubllalml aicounta are exaggerated. Dispatches rejion rioting lu a num-Ur num-Ur of town tonight. A Liberal-CarllttrlotiM-curred at Logrouo. At llarotho Carllat Club was wrecked. Theru wit aerlous rioting at Hanto Domingo and (lalaiada, where many iwraoua weru Itijuretl. Til Col.hl.r la Nal (In lleinnd Hla li: I.iAlivun., Colo, Feb. J. Adam Flrcher, a ahoemaker, w as arrested last evening while leaving a building which ha I been burglarised a few hour before. At hla room the onlcera fouul gooJa of uvery dearrltlon, amounting In value to about t'dod. A litli r found lu the room loads the officer of-ficer to believe that Flacher had a confederate In Han Francisco, to w horn ho has been shipping the stoleu good. Tealentaj'a laltnera. Wichita, Kat,. I'eb. Hie Flrat Arkauaat alley Hank hero suatieuded payment, owlug to the Inijioaalblllly of making colleetlona and Inability to aeeurofuuds. riieaaietaof the lank are said to be more than doul In tho amount aufllclent to nay Ihu liabilities, which am about ili'i" ). Ht. Iol'ik, Feb. 8 John Tjnon, who succumbed to thu rectnt ndvniiiu In tho price of grain, will jay hlterellt-or hlterellt-or In full It given time. Tea Iwrleaila of lilrla tlaw llie In-.1111 In-.1111 a. Cllioiuo, Feb S tleueral Mile mld a vl.lt to Fort Wu rldau today to see the In Han. lie broight from i'lno ItlJge. With him weut two carloala of joiing ladles, friends cf Colonel Corulu' daughter. The Indians had been apprised of thn onslaught, and were In full glory nf war paint aud fealhtrs. They were much pleased at recelvlug from thu Ivllcs an uutold iuautl of cigarettes. |