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Show 1 Ita ItrKI.U lllulaur lulertlenetl IMkee lleaaa. M U'AiiiiviTov, Feb. J. Aj) agent of B IheAawclatrd rre" called upon Blr M Julian I'aunnfole, llntUli Atlnlater, M tali aiirrnoon, and called hlaalteullon B to the fjrt that Daltell'a new agency baa (Miird a itatement reaateitlDK the luItiHillclly of the allrced lutirvlew with the minuter, rabhxf tu ths rim'i. Hlr Julian mwlu a atatement In writ Inj, alMlutely Uonylnc liavlnic uwd aoy of the laujiuiw ntlrlbutudUililni. A fear data ago. be ail J, a man nccoil el IiIiii hi a laihllciar, and Informed J hlmol tho utolalon of the Hubreinu ( uirt lu the luhilim Hen cure. They eichauged, aald rjir Julian, a f. w m nniitka aliout the aeltatlon which thn LH rwezilted, and which, thu lululatcr B iiU, he ai Kla-1 lolhlnk had eubeldeil. ThlavaaaLaoluttlyall. H l'KWIUMUr l-Oll TIIK BLNATr. H The reiubllcau aonaton held a liar-J liar-J tuonluua iaucua touliiht. TliBoutooiuo the felrftlou of the follow llil tutiiuree, to In conaldered na far aa . I'".11"1'!', lu tho order iianieth 7ha m J-Uht hour bill, oojiyrlght, Mtaragua ? .1 ' JJ iurefood, and Conger m JauI bill, which may U dlaciuaed In nioueitlou. ahhouzli prcfirvuie lu cMrr la aulined to tliu 1'ur. Food bill, tU UnJ Court bill, llunkruiitcy bill Ii?,r"A . Commerwi bill and l'ailllo VJ im,"1 Jtennluu bill. Appropriation iVa . , ,?uU tufreui.o report, hate tho I'T'eofcoualderatlouut anytime. VJ flnu,ln?W" H absut tho Lloctlona IIUrtUrerliKlaUtloii. H CVMAIIIAN HOAtal. The aulMJommltteo of tho Houio J v-omniliu-o on C'ommerco had under VJ S'"111"'' the bill Introduced by VJ i , V.( U,,H reiiulrliiK L'anadlau 5" JoInK builnn In the Unllwl VJ fiJ.i'i, ol,," . or lnult,and BVi Ii2."'"?t Ut " 'evocation of the VJl:.'"!l.uc,u0, Tlolallou of tho In. ;!n '".'Oannerceact. A number of VaVJ iSIfia illlu ",on' Pwwnt t luvlta. "a on'rirLi'ii1''11" '", Bv'' tl,,lr 1-rnTioy riwM ciiicaiio hank's. VM n ?''''"'. arwe aubmltted today to VI Srmri?,."!', I1"1"" 'roni a largo aVai InT, n ",' ChiB lli"j urglnic tlio H wit J MU.108" 0'U,U ",y 1'""k J iihoDiiuiniiosiiiot'riNsiuNs l!i,J!!lt,nl!,,'a "'" Hwntaryof the VB Hon. Ir n 0.nl.'tenient of lu opera. VluVoniiI"1?ibu.;M"'1"' "' . "y" VJ m ni. "'?""! 't the total llrat Vlli? uti'uni1" ' w lawdurliiK .' "J! "f ""I ahow a reduction ol VVjmLi, i.!"011 U"ll" 0I ll' "" ! VJ ffiu,,ro?l,,,,ri'J wlll ' year, aid VB"anoinJJ'.',U.1"n"0,,'lr0fll'V H WeaeiVf? " "". PP'l"lt"ll 'of the uE.ii, ,a '.'"t, "il year, will not tlmu.,1 ''IwUnaUiat theprao. u.t w'm".110'. vl "lu c' " Juuo'j;th aui, ! t0 ""torlally reduce the ,uuul volume of iiiklona. '!' iaiiviu i aiiii. (.wii-Axr. falTi'i!."i0"",,,''",,nl'tll on foreign af. ,M ii" u,"l"'hl'leratlon.Morrow'a r, "J'.todaj, wliicli la to eataUlah llliaM., I"!1 H,',M "'"wl"" to the to N.i y 'fla".'', """"". vlaBamon, ,?w aHiid and to Jnnun IL aa Stefl.,l,lra ' ""ttuct iho'aulio," u."'0,'"1!"0 ., blllou the Jl.lll iiWS1 '" ."'. I"""1 Ml. but audul.VU" H I" T"'ue waj. audkeepatbeprontted cable under tho control of Ibe United Htate. government. govern-ment. Till! POIDIATIOV OI rMUHUHN Al.AHIU. Thecenauabuieau will noon Imue a bulletin upon the aubject of tho iioi uU-tlon uU-tlon of roillhem Alaaka. Tho toUl Hilalloii la given aa lfi,'ijl), aa fat aa aacertalned. Full returna will, however, how-ever, probably Increaae tho number fur the whole Territory to about 21,000. The total number of malt who would I entitled to vote, aboull Aluka bu franled a re reentattve Rovernmeut, fil). Hill j -nine are among trill-aclcnta. trill-aclcnta. The llrllf rui.al ut III leilnatrln el Ihe renulrr. Wah'iimitov, Feb. fi. The council of the Farmera' Alliance and India. trial Union had under dlecuaalon thla arternoona ruralutlon looking hi the Uttennctit of the agricultural and com. merclal tnduatrleaof thorounlry, and atteruuilea lively iicbaugo of vlewa It waaadoited. The ruolutlon la aa followa: V. heme. Of the great In.ln.trloa of the Unlleil Htatca, egricultural, eoininerelal an 1 inannrjclurliig, the Aral two are tn a meet dp i lorahle aute, Willi a view to tlio bctlermtiil of Ihclr eon titlnn, Itiwilvett, That thelrgl.laUvooomniH-te thelrgl.laUvooomniH-te oflho National J Vinera' Alllanra and Imlualrlal Unloua lio rniueanxt io ,,re. pireabllt fir nreaentallon to thepreint or following ('ungrr', mntalnlnga pro-vl.lonthaall pro-vl.lonthaall vi-.l. I.nlll, ownnl n I maniinlbyclllienaor Ihe 1'nlle.l Malea, that carry full outgoing cargoea, to bo tie-termlnwl tie-termlnwl bv the lotiuageof the eaaxla, two third of which at lln.t ehall enn.l.t of homo egrkullnral t nHlucta, ehall bo allowed to enter and .tUcbargo returning eargon., pro hteil aahl rurgnea ahall ci n alat of niannfartiirnt i nMliiLU, at any liort nr the Unllnl Slato., free nf all eua tonia .tiillea. U e are rut le.1 that am h a luenaure, trvierly eerrlftl nut In delall, will not mil) build up the alilpplng In. lereita of the country, but rwmli In en it-Ing it-Ing a fort Ign market for tho auriluaof agrlciilturnt i roliiru of the uulled huHH. A reeolutlen WH adoptel Urglllg Coiigreaatoeuact a law lu accordance with Ihe Ocala mimorlal, In oi ioaltlou bf tho jAulalaun Htate lottery. The reurt of Ihe vommPtec on plana wae nubmlttcd. In addition tn tho vatloui Alliance organUatlona already In eitatLiuv, II recommend, among other thlnga, the formation of congree-alonaldl.trlctalllancoa congree-alonaldl.trlctalllancoa In mcli ritato and 'I errlt ,ry, each illatrlct to have a lecturer. Arunlutlon waa paated In'tructlng tho prealdent of the'councll to a point aintlonal Icglilatlveautrcommlttev of Ihrre mi mbera, to formulate bill, to lie pn-acutcd to Congreea In acconlatuv with ihndimaiidtof IhoOcnlameelliiir. Thean ilinianda Include aub-lriaaury, laml loan, freeooltuigoandaiitl lottery bill.. TlieN.u.M.ll.a luVeMriln. Ai iiliiUHiijUi, N. M , Feb. n. The I'Aiilfreo xliool law bill, nhloliliaa lieeti aiaaed by the houae, laumd tho aeuate toilay New Mexico haa now n freeaeboollawdhe.nntytlrualu lier( itatory. Thetfclllaa Heeell. 1'Alila, Feb.t A illepatcli to dautult from ltueiiM Ajrea aaja the Chilian rlaliiiwaadue to violence on the patt of Ihe Chilian regutara. Tharlalnr;oc-curred Tharlalnr;oc-curred at Caatro. A battle between the regulara and Inaurgenta laated three lioura. Heventeen of the formtr and 110 of the latter vera killed. Fronting by thn revolt, tho hoatlle aectlona of tho Chllhn regular attacked one another an-other with kulreA to eettle an old ijuar rcl and Ihe Inaurginta around tho tlty Joined lu the lighting, which laateil two day. The number of ienona killed la not known exactly, but la large. J'he harbor la patrolled by vohintmra, who are tiartfsana of tile pnaldent, aaalated by WOOt-allora. The rovolt appear! to In reduced to the prlncljial harliora. Ilcaten ou all aide. thbluaurgeuU Intent toratreat tothemouutalua, aaauiuethodefenalve and march low aril Hautlago, whlula la now denuded of troo. Frleuda ad. viae thu l'ruablent to convoke Con-griaa, Con-griaa, which woul I eettle the imarrel. Invnalon of Ihe Clierekee a,lrlt. Caiiimkli. Kau, Feb. A. It haa been aacertalned that a eecret Invasion of tho Cherokee atrip la to In made tomorrow to-morrow ly the O'Couiior.DIII "Loom-tra "Loom-tra ,' Tlio plau la to move Into tho atrip In email bauda, each uompoatd of two or three famlllca, and thuaeludo tho Chcrokeo Indian iiolhe, who hao beeuonleredlodrheall unauthorized raon from tho domalu, Tbe rererwealbee Will. Nov Yokk, 1'eh. a. In Ihe Fayer-weather Fayer-weather will caae today l.luabeth It. Jojce, a wltneaa to tho aoveral rodlclla of the will, which trao rallllona to iharlty, aald. "Faerweatherwaanot able to convene, lie auawered formal iUiatloua by nodding bla hiad, and coulj hardl uae hla liaud to algn." Hhe did not oonalder him of aound mind. I nlftel.ile er Uluaom. Ki W Yoiiic, Feb, 5. Tliu' Chamber of Commerce today a lopted aultablo reeolullonaon the death of Hecretary of tho rreaaury WluJom, and addreaaee euloglallo of hla life, work and char-acttr char-acttr were made by many of the uiem-liera. |