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Show Wmw a- " r ,f DID YOU GET YOUR TAX NOTICE? WWW r B We Don't Pay City Taxes in Forest Dale. iHl rif ' Hi ' I'll . THE SALT LAKE RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY WWWW lit ' saaaaaaaaaasR s ET , J- has "complo'od It3 track to our addition. Tho UHll mRrr Spraguo Electric Company la under contract to j WK- have the electric motivo power wi!h which to HK j W&- operate tho line to Forest Dale ready for uso by BUB ' ' sB Sept. 14lh. Shortly after that data H 1 ELECTRIC. CARS sssssssHI I 1 Jr H j I .AS ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED AS ANY IK THE YES1 IHB will connect our Addition with tho heart or Salt Lako City. Our Property H j SPEAKS FOB ITSELF! H And wo prefer to sell to those only who, having B ' first selected a favored spot possessing unsur- HB passed natural surroundings, abundant water of H purest quality, and cheap, rapid communication B J A with our business -thoroughfares, wish in addl- Hpi I Uon to thoso advantages a community !of do- Hb elrablo neighbors. Wo are anxious thatyou should ' SEE mi IS ffll BH To sell, and Invito all wishing to buy homes to HH call at our office. Vo havo Conveyances that BBbI , will tako you to Forest Dalo at your convenience. Hj Prices to suit all. Payments Easy. Time CIvon B at low rate of Interest. BS j - - GEORGE M. CANNON & L; G.'-HARDY, HB 68 MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY. SPBsBc Hi i I BBRB I i GMn m. cam HH j Real Estate, Loan and Collection Agency. jHl I I ' I I l 1 I i l I I t- I I i i i I I I I I 1 YTTT ! REAL ESTATE For Sale! LhB TT" I I I I I I ' I I ITT I I I I I I H I I 1 I I BJK MONEY to lOAJSi H f ON riRST CL.VSS SECtJItlTY. m M i; Our Familiarity with Prices enables us to , Dake Safe Lioans IBBJBBBB- And we Mako a Specialty of Loaning only tWWmW, upon property having B PERFECT . TITLE. RH CAEEFUL 'ATTENTION PAID TO COLLECTION jSSfjB OF INTEREST AND RENTS jjBm IFYOD HAVE MONEY TO LOAN OR WISH TO BORROW mSSBk OAiL -A.T BHhBvK r UH ! " ":'S6 Main St., 'Salt take City. BmBBB's5 I i-'i.1' b" jl BB9B KISSES. M U IMraro cvl Jvllfl-) A prominent physician calls tbo kl "an decant di9cminfltorof disease Ho rays, -ictct is spread tor It. so aro lanx iIscasca, Out upon tho irnarlM ana mp-to mp-to Tasabondl ErtJiUr kfesa are not lor such as be. and tho olJ fox rars the ropes aro tour Id him devoos Mmstir to maktnc our sromen heolUiy nod bloon-Joc bloon-Joc test nam nur t !. 1W rurrtr bo aano by too uso of Dr I"f r Farortto lTcerfption. which If slmplr mairical In cnttmr olscasoa pccuUar to fr-jnolw. fr-jnolw. Afkr tstlnz It for a reasonable Jenjrth 6f time there win be no more Ir-rrculsrltr. Ir-rrculsrltr. backache, bearlnrown (ensa-liona, (ensa-liona, nervous rrcrtratlon, general dehillty anl kindred ailments. It is the onlr Biedlelne for womii. sou bv drnnrtsta. under n noalUro Btiar- antee from the manufacturers, teat " will irtve satisfaction la every case, or money refunded. mM - . axnoy. rrorrtctors. llugalo. h. . Dr.PERCE'S PELLETS Pnrelr VccetabTe and Perfectly IlarnilOM. Uceiiualed aja,I.l s?lll. maU. Cheapest. Easiest to Take One Tiny, fcuiroixoated Pellet Pel-let a Dome. Cures Melt Ileailnebe, Trllloua Headache, Contlpalton. IndlrKtlon, unions Atiaclw, and all tieraneements of the 5 tomach and Dowels. S cents a Tlal. by nicsfets. SHE WAS POISONED! Kot by anything she dranV or tooV, butl biliiIod. lsnanyvonuer she feoli "hlue?" In moat cases Uuat aro only another name for had UooJ. A man or voman feeU un-luppy. un-luppy. Life Kerns darL. Tlo heart fencary. Bad Wood u carrying its poison all over tho body, and -wo call it "blues." Read these experiences : Mm. C C Hutchinson, of Fittstcn, Pa,, says" "I oon&ulcr Dr. Acker's EnslxJi Blood Ehxxr tho 1 test mcdicino m tho world, not only for blood troubles, trou-bles, but also for dyspcjteia. -with whichlliavol-cenafihcted." "Botli my -wifo and mvEclx firmly believe tliat Dr JlcLcra English Blood Ehxir w the best of allblood medicines, and will rcmovo all impurities of tho blood." Geo. V. Scgver, Valley CHty, Dal. TliU grand Elixir is sold by drus-gista drus-gista in all parts of America. It is a pure honest methane ; not a cheap aranpanHa. Try it to-day. For lt3 by Z C. M. I. Dnig Dept LEGAL NOTICE, In the Probate Tonrt. la acd for Pa-t hte CoantT,Tr-ntory ot luh In tbo milter of tba Mlite of Jamct lwruwn dece led. NOTlCK 13 HUUCai GIFN, TIIVT n&tlow Ferpcwo, VdnunUtrator ol ittt Eut of Jac. Fermi on. drrcued hi ten'lercrf fr ctt event, and llJtd to ssid Court, hi flail account ot luta'lraia itTlion of slid citsto and iUtion for Una tlitnlmltoa of tbo residne of ix.d eaUtr anions; the perrons entitled thereto, aad ihatsVridaj t&e Tihdarof Noretnter V I) 150, at 10 o clock a. tu . at th oart lkoot of uid Court, la the CoantvCosn II Cfe salt i.atc utr and Countf. CUh Territory ba been duly arpmtcd by tba Jndis o lil (inrt fnr ihm kotllrmrnt of ,ail coo t and h-anCNud peililoofordlatri baUon, at irhich timo and ilace any per a-n In te ret ted in taid cttate wayappea and f how eante If any there be. why ali aceoo nt aboald not be aettled and approve i and final UUtrtbaUon made M prayed for Dated October 3rd. V&X a U LLJN, CI rt of the i'rooote ConrL Hy C. H. Stantoa deputy. d 3w LEGAL NOTICE. IntnerrobiteConrt.of tho Coantjof Salt Lake, Territory of lub. la the Matter of too KLat and Uoardian- toip of AlTihn U4 ft tnlfred .V. and Mary .4Wxdn1B,. minor. Order to ahotr Cante hy Order of Sale of Itcal Kstate 4hon.U not be iaade. A S A II F I II WOODnUFF, THE airdianot therersoo aad eatateof o.Uoodrcir ctat, Minora hancs filed hla petition herein, doty vtrified praytoa: ror an order f axle of a pan of the re-l etate of Mid Minora for the parpoe therein act forth, it i hereby cnlrred thai the next of km of the varda and all person interested in the estate of said Minora, ap pear before the a udrrobate Court on Sat nrdar, the Sthdayof November. I&v.all0 o clock la the forenoon of uld dy, at the Court Loom of eaid I'rotta Conrt, at I be Connlv Conrs IIodm. In tbe City an i Conn tyof bait Ltae, Utah Temtorr. to ahow cause n by an order should cot be ennt-1 to the said snardian. t fll bo mnrh of the real estate of the said Minors, at private sale as shall be necessary and that aopy of this order ba published at least t or sueces atve veeVs in the Dczbct L extxe N ETT&. a new parr rioted and published la said City and County Dated October 3d. It-ix. is VT BVBTCII. lrobato Jude. dl'T otici:. Utah andScCt Laic Canal Company, rrlnejpal rjici oTTaaineM.Salt I-ke ? at, LUh, "rOT1cc is HEucnr uifn,tiivt X at a TaeeUna; of the Trnitces. held on the 9th day or beptemter, A. 1 I90,aa assessment of Oae Dollar per hbare was levied oa tbo cptul ita-k of the Cor poratiott, payable to the ecrrtaiTiatt) encral Office of tbe Conpany. llooa 10 Hooper A. Kfdrd;re DlodcfeaJiIieCity Utah.oa the ISih day of November, l Any stock upo nhich this aeunicnt may remals unpaid on theinhdayot orcm ber, 103, will be delinquent an 1 adrcmsed for sale at public auction and unless pay xnrnt I nde before, will be sold on the roth diy of December. 1S3, to pay delin queut assess rnfnt. together with the cost ot adTcrtialnz and expense of a e. LLIAH V.SU1T1I Fecy. Utah and lt Lake Canal Company. Location ot Uflce.bilt Lake City, tub LEGAL NOTICE. In the rrobate Court o! the County ot Salt Lake, Territory ot Utah, In the matter of the estate WiUxsia Swift, dees cd. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. JOHN WILMI VND SAIIAU SWIFT tho adralolstratora ot the eute o( William SwHt, deceased bavin ff Sled their petition herein duly vrri3d prayi-f for an orderafsaleofapartoftbe rail estate of said decedent, for the purpote then in set forth It Is therefore ordered by the Jod of said court, that ail prsona interested in the estate of said deceased, appear be fore the said Probate Court on Mon day. the 1'th day of November. 1O0 at ten oelocc In tl e forenoon of said day, at tho Court Iootn ot said lro bato Court, at the Count y Conrt House, in tbe city and county of ball Lake. L tah Ter ritnry, to sWjw cause why an or er should cotbefracteiltotheaaJdadmlnjirators to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased, de-ceased, at private sale aa shall be nec'ssar , and tfcai a copy of thj order be published at leastf inrsurreMlvo weeta in tho des lcet Evemkq News a nerspaper printed and published In a -Id city a&d county. Dated Octoltcr 11 1KO. GEO ir. ItAUtcU.lrobateJudze, LEGAL NOTICE. In the rrobate Court of tbe County of Sat Lake, Territory of Utah, In the Matter of tbe Estate of Andrew h. klacfarlane, deceased. Order u show cause why Order of Sale ol Real Lstate should not be made. ELIZABETH J MACFArLXE. TOE Ki'cu'rilr the last will ot ndrew N. Macfarlane, deceased, harlnff filed her petition herein, duly vrifled, praying for an order of aalo of all or a portion of the real estate or said decedeatv for the pur posea therein act forth, it Is therefore or dered by the Judce of taid Court, that all persona interested la the estate of said de ceased appear before the said rrobate Court on Monday, the Ztth day ot November, J0, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court room ot sad Irobato court, at the County Court House, in the City and County of Salt Lake, Ltaa Territory, to show cause why an wler should not be granted to the aald ezecc tnx t aell to mubof tho real eta.eot the aald deceased at frtvate sale aa shall be neceasarx.and that a copy ot thi order be published at least four successive weeks tn the lacfiEXXTETKxrsaNEwa, a news paper printed and published in aald city and ounty. Dated October 31st. 199X O TV-BAKTCn. d 4w rrobato Jodrn For oil kinds of fevers u'e Had-am'fl Had-am'fl Microbe Killer; it will not fall to give satisfaction. "c Mef View ADDITION, LOGAN OITY, UTAH. TiiE City of Logan, and Cache County, being joint owners in certain lands situated sit-uated on tho grand elevation eleva-tion that marks the sight of tho Agricultural College, and Government Experiment Experi-ment Station of Utah, will, on the 20th day of November, Novem-ber, at 3 o'clock p. m , on tho ground, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, bid-der, two hundred full, besides be-sides fourteen fractional lots, each full lot being C6x 165 feet in size, with a 16 foot alley running the length of the block in the rear of each lot. Each lot faces a 66 foot street. Already a number of the finest and most desirably situated residences in the county have been erected on this superb eleation, from which almost the whole of the beautiful, fertile and richly watered valley of Cache can bo seen as from no other spot anywhere so eligibly situated. The Territory Ter-ritory of Utah, and the Gov-emmentoftheUnitedStates, Gov-emmentoftheUnitedStates, aro separately spending many thousands of dollars annually upon this delightful delight-ful spot, and tohiake of the College the greatest institution institu-tion of learning in the entire en-tire Rocky Mountain Region; Re-gion; while tho large tract of land on w hich the College Col-lege buildings are erected is rapidly being converted into a fairer park and more delightful site than any to be found within hundreds of miles. Xot only because these lots aro unexceptional for situation, but the surroundings sur-roundings and the associations associa-tions being of an eleated and ennobling character, are calculated to make the purchase of a home in this addition greatly to be coveted. To secure the purchase of these lots by those desirous of making homes on them, it has been decided that but one-half the purchase price shall be paid down, while the balance w ill be carried for ono year from date of purchase with interest at tho rate of ten per cent per annum, secured by mortgage. mort-gage. fl'cn per cent of the purchase pur-chase money must be paid immediately on tho sale, the remaining forty per cent upon tender of deed. For further particulars write to Clerk County Court, Cache County. The U. P. Ry. will issue round trip tickets at single fare rates from all Utah points. Tickets on sale on 19th, 20th and 21st. Good returning till the 24thf inclusive. in-clusive. f isi.tis' EVERY DBPARlirFOLlFsTOCKED WITH EuHraclng 0 Host Tailed Stoc Jy Bwr FiMnttu. LADIES' PLUSH COATS, Cloth Ulsters and Walking Jackets. BlSS&B0lHesEStaiil8S. Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! EVERY CLASS TO SUIT THE PUBLIC. HATS &CAPSTWS& GAPS! IN ALL THt, Ntwiai oiia-". Dry Goods - DRV GOODS - Dry Goods, KWBST ARRIVALS, BEW STOCK, LATEST STYLES. Boots & Shoes! Boots & Shoes! JIca'iandBoT lUIe,' and Clilldrtn's, IN EVERY STYLE. ALL BHICHT. NEW. FRESH GOODS. DURABILITY ATO WEAK GUARANTEED at S. P. TEASDEL'S, COST NOTHING-. Tbe-bi3Ky"n:etbodofaIttBiBS eosi Botha. Day after ly pnoter-$ lak products pro-ducts assenioas which we dip and read much to ear ammement. AHer a catefel stodT we nod that ercry dealer caniei the -laiEe". & d cheapest slock ia the atj. Vhi such foul "ads areissuedia morethoa we eaneflun. WhSe we are net eooton supremacy m the raalu of the Ixrjest Ootaij EwabBshmtsHa f-oo J.ew ork to S Francisco, yet we claim the tn!e of "Fin1 Class CJmMeii" of rte csntiaeot. aad beyow question the largest in the Vonhwcst. We represent the leadinj manufacturers of any pnxlnctisw cosmtty eo the face of the globe enjoy their direct agencies; and as to ocrovm raaaofaclare. Goldsmith a Co High Art aothini Manutscuren. Dalnrao-e. Md., stands second to nose m Aoencs at present. GHAS. IACIHTW&CO.hS., For whom we represent tbe celebrated Macintosh Walerproof Coat In the Te-r to of Utah, shipping to us directly the ereoe of his productions and we display an exten-jireline exten-jireline at any staje of the season. CARTWRIGHT& WAMER, lS5Sf Sole Agents for their celebrated and worU renowned Underwear aad llosterr. Vom better obtained for lore nor meney anywhere. 3 . DR. WAMER'S Health Underwear. Miclc cxdudvcly for the defecate, out of Quads Hitr oalr. Wc are the call inlhorUcd agects for this creat dttcorery, which is rap.dlv jaining fcun rd fo arcn!six. "HIGH ART CLOTHIM"TdS& Comprises not alone the choice of Souiogs aai mitera! froa both the Hesitspherrt bat the styles and fuhkms. e can interest you in a dUplar of haadforae pottenu, such is your eyes nercr beio-e beheld. ' HERE IS WHAT'S NEW. FROM ABROAD. FROM AMERICA. Clay (FnytM) Worsttdt, Amrrtcnn Ojunurts, l.oglitJx CurLicrcirs, Amanain itoniagxaa, JnsA Frieze American Ktnrjft bcotth fhcviolt, American Mtittm-i. -fVfM.c..T'',?)!: . Jnenrens IlroatUioO, -Holland TAibeis. Amrritaa JUncy Hfrrsietfa. "THE STYLES." Knglhk Sox Cut Coat, I Wctluurelal, I UUueatcr rnnee Albert, I JStuee CAarles I One-lmUtm J'hxJt SUrm King Orcrtoatt, MiiUer-lmcd crercoals, 1 Cape Otereeats ' L7srcra. JJounianieers. Alaskus. ' Single an J DouUe-Dreastal lxcls, Single and DaMc-Bmxslcd SucU. Goltlsmitli & fh EVaser & Clialiiiers9 MINING MACHINERY, L.C.TIIEXX.GEM. WESTEttS MAJ.AOEIt.So T YT. SECOND SOrjTU STREsTT SALT LAKE CITT. Bullflors &; DcnlcrH In nil ICInaH oraiacliincr.y EliECTKIO IiIGIIT PiANTS, ENGINES, z BOILERS, 1 SAW MILLS, Quarry DrIIb, Well Borin; Machine, Diamona CorcBrllU, WATER WHEELS, LOCOMOTIVES, STEAM MOTORS Bole Western Agents for Tyere Iron Works Double Crimped 5IInlnKClot). miens onoe.-Ko.5m IS Mrirkasu' VaUonsl Bank Balldlnr. No. I XI Main St . If clena f ?- v"V Vr jr Art BuJJmf a toft, Altitun I, V X A. f tXnr Stort.enlcfttrtkit mUurrj F.VS ZJNR tf "0 pUHisiiTUHB-y j FROM THE BEST FACTORIES. flJ iVE GUARANTEE SATISFACTlONy. J, S. GIVE VS ."1 GALL. J r X'S NIYI1 'SyT vV a , III TireiS'ERsSi.SgSBBa B Plumbers, Gas ami Steam litters 1 int...blnz Materia!, Pumpo, Pipe and Fittings. stas 88 PUHtln?Supp!e3. Tin and Iron Roofing, eg? 1 vanlzd Iron Cornice, Guttorins, Etc BS nASPBW HOSE nsd SIyiCLCItt, I No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. 1 DnsacroES ' Geo e n B. ,1.0. Tailor. y iSSael Oeo. II T r .. H p Jnnstrony, t j.wmmj, ceo. a. i T ' bbbbk 'JI" V.V. Annatrone. It -,., LumterYard&SteamPIaiiiiipii I TAYLOR, ROJVlNEV.s I ARJVlSTROrie CO.. I i.OBC Block Ent ol VT. P. R. 1. Bip,,,.. B: rTOhomI 26,-28, -SO, -32 1 EAST, FIRST SOUTH STREET, 1 3C2IJa3CDl.ET,L.3TB3? 1 Special AHonlioa is called to my inporlaL.a o! B WINTERCLOAKS! 1 TnE VEP.V l.ATtJr C t I S ITi PLUSH JACKETS, Aa well as tbe usual Staj l Miapes. BIO DRIVES IN LADIES' NEWMARKETS, About one half bu4 Seaaou'a 1 mta A. LARQK AS&OI'TMJJxN r OF BPO"EIIXiXT8.I3aXS CLOAKS At I'ojiubr Pritta to s-uit all io.kt.ts. A SPECIAL. L.TOK NOBBY STYLES of MISSES' XLtt 3IARKET8 A NEW FEATURE THIS SL- -, Children's Colored Plush Cloaks In all Shades, about Ssjl huull ca ter Also, a largo line CMIfeen's Piusli Ho:l5 Ez's aad Baa. nets, all Shades. All now bsifig opened In t-.e 2 - r, wteri we ara using tea Electric Lighls. Great Earga LiLej' CLOW JACKETS and S!i:r I'MPS, FOR EARLY FALL WEAR. se- IN5PZ- . SOLICITED. R. K. THOMAS, LUMlFlil 9 - tr Wm ttrtiXR. ITest. Jomc Sidixwat.Vic Press. f All Kinds of Lmnl'er, AS cT Frames, Doors, Sasa and A Houldings en Hind. r' :E l! Bnnders' Hardware. ' ' o ' Eni-s Erei Telephone No. SOjX ' q Contr3" T ..- Sea CV V HI", - a E-.daHf A ' Sahs'r " -a' jit- & " s J$ s-Jl.llr- - A S 'O Olrtttaritr.R rou. T rC i M J-1 K r - GOOD LUCK -" 11 " K S Z L " J?-r ' i J k' -- ySiHw f, & 52 V t ter3 -3 8? ? S B ri - U r J- I i-M V x ti CJ "T7 m " I , t - i nsy oqoooo a r J h- V i, S ol ooooo p c-J tT H?- S m c , r, :; 1 nmm & s v, t " - :E I . r 3 I - m S-v i. 1 1 t " sssaai I "- - O & 6" SHbbsiSHS MHsssC S tuail-w |