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Show 'Soruj of the Flame' ! Is Coming To Rivoli Sunday By all odds, the most magnificent magnifi-cent und colorful play with music thua far made, is now to seen at the Rivoli theater, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, where "Song of the Flame," a First Nutional-Vitaphone production opened last night. In the matters of story act inland inl-and background, "Song of tho Flame," based on a popular operetta, oper-etta, easily stands out as a notable not-able pieco of work, utilizing the latest devices and screen expression. expres-sion. It is gratifying to note that the handling or Technicolor has been so far perfected, that the blurring, cut-of-focua scenes which have marred a number of previous pictures, are no longer in evidence. In "Song of the Flame" the color3 register at their true value and do much to add to the versisimilitudc of the picture. Four players in the large cast deserve de-serve particular mention because of their fine characterizations and substantial contributions to the vocal sequences in the picture. They are Bernice Claire, the prima donna, Alexander Gray, who plays opposite her, Noah Beery in an intensely in-tensely dramatic portrayal of a leader of the evolution depicted in the production. Betty Compson, whose tremendous tremend-ous success in talking pictures i3 one of the sensations of the industry, in-dustry, sings three songs in hev newest picture, "Woman to Woman," Wo-man," in which she will be starred Wednesday and Thursday at the Rivoli theater, with George Ber-raud Ber-raud and Juliette Compton. Each of the five songs featured in "Honey," the musical romance starring Nancy Carroll, whiuh comes to the Rivoli theater Fridav and Saturday next, was written by W. Frank Harling and Sam Cos-low, Cos-low, members of Paramount studio musical staff. Harling is the composer of two American operas in jazz rhythm which caused a furore in musical circles in New York "Deep River" and "The Light From St. Agnes." Sam Coslow is a member of tn. music publishing firm of Spier and Cosber of successful popular songs. |