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Show Future Farmers Experiment On Vocational Work J Considerable interest Is manlier;!- ; by the Future Karmer.j of Springville in th variou. proJcrts which they are carrying on bee this summer, Recording to a recent ! report given out by their instructor, V. C. Mendenhall. 1 Principles taught during the school year ere being cpplied in the projects, all of the work being carefully care-fully studied, planned and budgeted before beginning the home work. A careful record is being kept by the boys and a summary will be made when the project is completed. Most of the boys arc assuming j full management of their projects while others are cooperating with their parents. A total of 76 students are enrolled in vocational work in Springville, i is s&tcd. Poultry is the leading project with 28 boys enrolled. en-rolled. Other projects are: sugar beets, with 15 boys enrolled; peas, 8 boys;, sheep, 7 boys; beef, 5 boys; grain, 4 boys; swine, 3 boys; potatoes, pota-toes, 3 boys; onions, 2 boys. A number of the poultry raisers have already shipped their cockerels and those with peas have harvested harvest-ed practically all of the early crop, it is stated. A trip to Strawberry lake and another an-other to southern Utah are being planned by the students as part of the summer recreational program. |