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Show I This was the third time this scene I was attempted by the William Fox 'company on location for scenes iiv j" Skid rroff." The action was to, Irak" Jones aej-oss a burning trestle I bridge, ilurim: his altenipt to win , ! rlie cup iiivon to the winner nf t lie TraiiMontinenfal Auto race. j Twice before, cameramen were ! stationed around the bridge, nil was! poured and the action started. Twice the flames ot beyond eon-1 it ml, obscured the action, swept tliG '. actors and ruined the film. The j director. Scott Dunlap. was bein-J niiiji to despair. The third attempt i was successful, however, but the I star's accumulation of burns from i the three efforts rendered him faint, j He was taken to n local hospital j where his burns were administered ( to. He left the hospital three days ; later and resumed work on the pic-1 tnre. I Milliliter Deal announces that this picture will open at the tStar thea- j ter Saturday. The story concerns an impulsive younc: man who runs a race, loses and runs into his ideal jrirl. She is a movie actress, but Jack has no objections. In fact, he expressed his approval by becoming la movie star. Lnra Anson is Xa-j Xa-j dine his ideal girl. I "SKIDI'KOFF." ! Iiurned. and with hair singed, and with clothes in shreds, Charles Jones finally emerged from a burning burn-ing trestle bridge pulling a battered and flame-scarred racing ear behind him. The flames still roared about him. yet he seemed unconcerned. |