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Show Mrs. Leuurd Neilson nt Springville. The "Swastika" of the LVe hive swarm entertained the mothers nnd the officers at the home of the bee keeper, Mrs. P.ert Whiting. (.James and music formed the evenings enter en-ter tn in men f. Frizes were won by Mrs. Lovell Mendonhall and Miss Helen Diamond, llefreshtnents were served to the following Mrs. Chris Jensen, Mrs. Fielden Jordan, Mrs. Joseph Jensen. Mrs. Kuby Jensen. Mrs. Lovell Mendenhall, Mrs. C. Curricle, Mrs. Arnold Lee. Misses (iladys Jensen, Marie Jenen. Florence Flor-ence Carrit-k. Lucy Leroy, Mildred .Ionian. Helen Diamond, Louise Mendenhall, Emma Lee and Evelyn Warren. Mrs. Kert Whiting had a.-- her dinner din-ner guests Sunday Miss Lorna ! Whiting and her mother. Mrs. liar-1 riet Whiting, Mrs. Myra Murray and Mnrcellus Nielson. Mrs. Mack Whitney entertained for her husband who is here on a short visit from Sunnyside where he is working. Card games were played play-ed and supper was served to the following, fol-lowing, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Whiting. Mr .and Mrs. Spencer Mackley. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Harmer. Mr. and Mis. Lovell liird. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mer-rill Bird, Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Whiting Whit-ing and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marsh-banks Marsh-banks of Provo. I MAI'LETON NEWS I ' Mr. mill Mrs. Dallis Ilolley were rite guests Sunday of Mr. ami Mrs. Arnold Lee. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Leo spent Sunday Sun-day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee of Springville. Mrs. Harriet Whiting, Miss Lorna Lor-na Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holler. Hol-ler. Mr. and Mrs. John I-Iolley, Mr. aiid Mrs. J. M. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Dallis Ilolley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. L. Mendenhall, Menden-hall, Mr. and Mrs. lib-hard Bird were anions those who attended the play '"Blossom Time" at Provo Wednesday Wed-nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Welch spent Sunday and Monday in, Salt Lake City. L. M. Gililan was down from Salt Lake City last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Xielson were the Sunday dinner guests nf Mr. and |