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Show ! I JEGKEES ARK GIVEN I i (iKADl ATES OF Ti. Y. V. ' Seventy-throe j;r)iduates received j ' , : 'ither mnster's or bnchplor's de-j ', . ' reon from the IiriKhnm Young uni-! c-rsity at the commencement ex-! : ,! ;; i rcises which were held Friday, 1 ! . ij j1 Of that number the following stu-j ! V Ji cnts were from rrovo, ftnh, or;. ! " ;:j ,icini!y: I I 'I 'I ... Bachelor or Arts Lyle Nelson, J j 'J, i 'telcn CiltnllnnU, fia'.lie '.'errin, I ' ; j lbft-ttt iliilsh, Charles N. Jlc-'!" Jlc-'!" tian, Veda Scorup. I ' i' . Bachelor of Si'icnce Reed Gard- : , V, Krilcst Greer, Roland Olson, l' larence Boyle, Georuc A. Fox. Paul j i ' .. Hurtling. Wayne Stout, John II. ' . : icCimkie, Delamar B. Hair, Anna j ' I. Kirircrtsen, Maud Uixon, A. Rex , ' olmion, Roydcn J. Diitigerfield, I p |