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Show GIVEN AWAY FREE WITH Every Cash Purchase . A Coupon with every Purchase at the Manti Co-Op. Store. I Furniture or House! j Furnishings Full Line Electrical Supplies, 1 j Paints, Oils and Glass.! ANDERSON - DYRENG CO.j I Manti, Utah. I MANTI , L. F. BECKER, S Proprietor. i ROLLER 4gP j I MILLS, MANTI, UTAH. j fFRED'KAMERMAN' j i Rajnter and I PAPER HANGER I Sign Writing Decorating, Wall Paper.: KalSOminig, Graining, etc. Shop over Nielsen's Shoe Store J Given Careful Attention. MANTI, UTAH. L. T. TUTTLE & CO.. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE MANTI, UTAH. "The way to gain a good reputation reputa-tion is to endeavor to he what you desire to appear." That is precisely the manner in which Chamberlain's Cough Pemedy has gained its reputation repu-tation as a cure for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Kvery bottle that has ever been put out by 1 lie manufacturers lias been fully up to the high standard of excellence claimed for it. People, have found that it can always be depended upon for the relief and cure of thene ailments ail-ments and that it. is pleasant and " safe to take. For sale by Crawford. CO N SU M PTTO N the most dreaded and deadly of all diseases, dis-eases, as well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles are relieved at once and cured ly Acker's English Remedy "the king of all Cough Cures." Cures coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents at Crawford's drug store. Your money back if dissatisfied. dissat-isfied. Write for free sample. V. II. 1 HOOKER & CO., Bulhilo, X. Y. LUTHER TUTTLE, DEALER IN HARNESS. SADDLES, PACKS, Etc REPAIRING DONE. Tuttle Block, MANTI, UTAH. |