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Show edict the imperial will had to be reckoned reck-oned with, and the Imperial William prefers the spelling "Coeln." The Col-ognese Col-ognese defended their favorite "K" and formed a court of Inquiry composed ot historians and philologists, who reported report-ed in favor of it. They admitted that the name originated In that of the Colonla Claudia Agrlppinensis Ublo-rum, Ublo-rum, founded by Claudius A. D. 50, but thsy contended that the Introduction o the e, or umlaut, would modify the pronunciation pro-nunciation so that If the name were spelled Coeln It ought to be pronounoed Zoeln instead of Koeln, as everybody does pronounce it. (In German, e before be-fore e, 1 and oe is pronounced like s.) THE PRONUNCIATION OF COLOGNE Singular Contention Itefardlny tbe Name of a German City. The German city which we know by Its French name, Cologne, is in a state of great excitement over the orthography orthogra-phy of Its German name. Should It be spelled with a K or a C "Koeln" or "Coeln"? The municipal authorities recently concluded that it was high time to settle set-tle the matter. In their opinion Koeln Is the proper form, historically correct and In accordance with the "genius of the language." They determined, however, how-ever, to refer the matter to the general government, and this agreed with them So far all was harmony and peace. But when it came to confirming the unanimous decision y aa Imperial |